How to Write a Problem Statement: Your Guide

How to Write a Good Problem Statement?

Once you start working on some project, the next important step will be to identify and define the problem statement for your future work. The problem statement is an essential part of any research. It doesn’t matter if you’re studying at college or already working for some transnational company, because in any case during your study you will have to describe many problems and provide solutions to them. That’s why the ability to correctly and logically present the problem statement is essential. And in our article, we’ll provide steps to help you in this matter.

What Is a Problem Statement?

The problem statement is a brief description of the problem that requires a solution or an improvement for some process or product. A problem statement is a great way to come up with a solution that will help achieve the final result. Nevertheless, the problem statement mustn’t be a solution to the described problem but a description of the difference between the product’s current condition and the desired result. So only once you define your problem statement can you propose the possible solutions to the mentioned question. Your problem statement may be part of your paper, or you may present it separately.

How to Start a Problem Statement?

To start a problem statement correctly, you must adhere to specific rules. Sometimes it is challenging to describe everything you have in mind and formulate the problem in the text. We understand that the problem statement may cause some difficulties that you will not face in other types of academic papers. That’s why in this section, we’d like to provide you with some easy steps that will help you to avoid common mistakes and create a masterpiece from your problem statement.

Define the Importance Of the Problem

Before you start writing the problem statement, you need to understand the importance of the described problem, which will help you to explain it to your readers and make a smooth transition from the definition of the problem to the desired solution. But of course, you need to remember that the problem statement is a piece of writing where you first need to describe the discussed problem, and only after that can you propose the possible solutions.

Explain How the Things Should Work

Another critical step while starting your problem statement is creating a context that will help understand how the process should have run without the mentioned problem. It’s necessary to create a hypothetical situation where you will show the process or the product as if no problem needs to be solved. But it would help if you also kept in mind that it’s also essential to explain the reasons for the problem and why the program should be solved.

Write Concisely and Logically

Another essential point you must understand while writing your problem statement is that it’s a relatively short document. Hence there will be no place for unnecessary comparison. Therefore, you must make your problem statement as concise and informative as possible. Just ensure that you will write strictly to the point, and we assure you that this will significantly improve the look of your problem statement and the entire form perception of your whole paper.

How to Structure a Problem Statement?

Like any piece of writing, a problem statement will have its structure. With the proper structure, you can write a reliable academic paper reflecting the essence of your problem and providing a possible solution. However, it’s also worth mentioning that despite some similarities with other writing pieces, the problem statement will have its unique structure that you must follow. Since the problem statement is relatively short, it will not have such structural parts as an introduction, body, or conclusion. That’s why in this section, we’d like to take a closer look at this matter and provide as many details as possible for your better understanding of the problem statement structure.

Current State of the Problem

Your problem statement should include current information about the problem. This part is an introduction in which you will be able to explain the purpose of writing briefly. Also, with the help of the current state description, you can tell your readers about the current state of things and prepare the ground for the following structural parts of your problem statement.

Gap Between States

Another crucial structural part of your problem statement is a gap between the product’s current condition and the possible state after the implementation of the solution. This part is essential for writing a problem statement because you will explain the importance of the proposed solution. Only with this part will your readers genuinely understand your vision of the problem solution, and as a result, the proposed solution will look logical.

State After the Proposed Solution

And last but not least, the problem’s state after the proposed solution. In this section, you will have to describe the state of affairs after implementing the proposed solution. You can imagine this part of your problem statement as a conclusion where you will have to summarize the mentioned information and provide it in a short form of a solution and the consequences that will lead from this solution. That’s one of the essential parts of your problem statement, so you must be responsible for writing this part.

Introduction for a College Application Essay

At least once in your life, you will have to write an application paper for your future college. But of course, unfortunately, only some applicants know how to write a college application essay correctly. Wondering how to write a college application essay? Luckily, a college application essay has a similar cause of writing to the problem statement. Nevertheless, it has its particularities, and we’ve collected them in this section to make your application essay easier.

  • Think about your experience. To write a successful application essay, you need to write something honest. There is no way that you will write some fictional story that will cause the right emotions. Just think about something, and you will find some appropriate memories.
  • Explain your motivation. A significant part of a successful application essay is good motivation. That’s why you must explain your courage to study at your chosen university. Write from the bottom of your heart why you want to receive such an opportunity, and be sure that the result will surprise you significantly.
  • Do not worry about emotions. Since your application essay is a personal piece of paper, you’re free to add some feelings. You’re free to give freedom to yourself. Of course, it doesn’t mean you should overdo it, but we assure you that this will only add authenticity to your application essay.

Conclusion For a College Application Essay

The conclusion of your application essay is an essential part of your paper. However, since you have already provided your readers with some facts from your experience and added all the necessary information to the body of your paper, you can approach the writing of your college application essay conclusion. And this section will significantly help you in this matter.

  • Write a short conclusion. The first thing you need to remember is that your decision should be brief. It must be a quick and logical part of your paper, where you will summarize all information provided.
  • Do not repeat yourself. The conclusion is not a repetition of your previous thoughts. Because repetition or vice versa adding new facts will only confuse your readers. Instead, it would help if you focused on the logical conclusion of your story.
  • Add food for thought. To make your paper memorable, you must include intriguing ideas to make your readers think. After that, you can count you will be on the list of enrolled students.

Good Problem Statement Example

Of course, we understand that if you have never written a problem statement before, it may be a challenging task. Writing a good problem statement is difficult, even for experienced writers. That’s why despite all of the tips and pieces of advice that you have received today, it will be much easier for you to see the example of a good problem statement with your own eyes. Since it’s always better to see once than read twice, we can help you. So reach out to us and catch the best problem statement examples in the market.

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