theological paper – Assignment Help Services

This paper is an outline of the final service-learning essay. The theological question formulated in this case regards the theme of inner-city gun violence. In this case, the theological question is “Why do we study theology?” This question is asked in relation to the inner-city gun violence and focuses how theology impacts such occurring events in our daily lives.

In this case, the main reason for studying theology is that the study of this field is of high spiritual, ethical and moral gain not only for oneself but also for others. It is also an understanding from God to study it providing a set of guidelines that aid us in our daily lives. In regard to our theme, spirituality encourages love for one another and establishes a certain level of moral duties to our society. Therefore, when this love for one another prevails, the inner-city gun violence can be stopped.

Write a 500-1000 word Service Learning Essay. For this essay you will need to formulate and answer your own theological question regarding the theme of inner-city gun violence. You formulated this in the draft, though you may alter your question and answer for the final version of this essay. Use the resources you identified in your draft from among our readings and discussions in class, as well as your own service-learning experience, to answer your theological question.

For this final version of the essay you should include:

1. A strong thesis, posing and answering a theological question with regard to inner-city violence
2. Discussion of something you took away from your service learning experience in relation to your thesis 
3. Supporting arguments or explanatory discussion drawing on at least four textual sources from the course

the sources that need to be used are “Don’t Shoot” by David M. kENNEDY and the Bible for quotes and points to prove



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