Super Market Online Sale System

Introductory Programming – Assessment 1 LAST UPDATED: January 2021, Version No. 2.0

T. +61 2 9283 4388 | F. +61 2 9283 0748 | E.
Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501

Assessment 1 – Project

Trainer may decide whether this will be an individual or group assessment.
You will be developing different object oriented designs/diagrams for a “Super Market Online Sale System
described below and you will be writing, debugging and testing the codes to complete the application for the
Super Market Online Sale System described before. Source code with screen shots and other required documents specified in the “Tasks” section below need to be submitted to the Trainer. The coding in this assessment needs to be developed by using windows application in C#.Net.

Other requirements for the application:
Software Requirements:

Operating System: Windows 7/XP/Vista
Front End Software: Microsoft Visual studio 2010
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2010
Hardware Requirements:
Processor: Pentium 4.0(1.6 GHz) and Higher
Memory: 512 MB
Hard Disk: 10 GB
You must successfully complete all the tasks. If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please
ask your Trainer for further clarification.

Trainer will set the duration of the assessment.

Introductory Programming – Assessment 1 LAST UPDATED: January 2021, Version No. 2.0
T. +61 2 9283 4388 | F. +61 2 9283 0748 | E.
Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501

Your tasks:
Project Description: Super Market Online Sale System
The Super Market Online Sale System will be developed to maintain the detail of product sold and tracking
customer buying behaviour. Using this system, customer may see all details which are provided by Super Market Online Sale System including: buying history, product promotion and product availability.

Other related user may also use the system for different purpose:

Customer services: Check order record, check product availability, update order, receive order.
Store staff: Help customer for check out, update actual product availability, order packing for delivery
Accountant: Approved credit purchase, generate reports

Super Market Online Sale System provides following features:

1. Login detail of customer
2. Customer order details
3. Product availability check
4. Check out detail
5. Back order for out of stock product

You may use visual-paradigm or or simply MS Word for this assessment. Free version (community
edition) of visual-paradigm is available at is available at –

Task 1:
Identify the participants (actors) and their corresponding actions (Use cases) for the system
Task 2:
With the information you have provided in the above task create a Use case diagram for the Super Market
Online Sale System.
Task 3:
Create a class diagram for one of the Use cases of any actor (e.g. order product)
Task 4:
Create a sequence diagram for “search product” in the Super Market Online Sale System.
Task 5:
Draw a simple activity diagram for the Super Market Online Sale System including back order request.
Task 6:
Discuss Collaboration diagram with an example.
Introductory Programming – Assessment 1 LAST UPDATED: January 2021, Version No. 2.0
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T. +61 2 9283 4388 | F. +61 2 9283 0748 | E.
Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501

Task 7:
What are the different between aggregation and composition in class diagram, explain?
Task 8:
You will be writing, debugging and testing the codes to complete the application for the Super Market Online
Sale System.

You need to create a main form that will have the following button:
 Customer register
 Product search
 Delivery detail
 Exit

Each button should open a new form for specific function. Your forms should look like the below:
Task 9:
Create Customer register screen that show a customer basic information such as Name, Contact detail etc.
Task 10:
Create Product search screen display product information and current stock available.
Introductory Programming – Assessment 1 LAST UPDATED: January 2021, Version No. 2.0

T. +61 2 9283 4388 | F. +61 2 9283 0748 | E.
Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501

Task 11:
Create Delivery detail screen display a confirmation of the order.
Task 12:
Test and debug your application and when a new window form is added and take the screen shot like the one
below (look for the highlighted window)
Task 13:
Finally, document all your tasks with respective source codes and screen shots and submit to your Trainer
along with an executable file of the application.

Introductory Programming – Assessment Task 2 LAST UPDATED: January 2021, Version No. 2.0

T. +61 2 9283 4388 | F. +61 2 9283 0748 | E.
Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501

Assessment 2 – Research & Questioning
This is an individual assessment.
In this assessment you will be answering 20 multiple choice questions by highlighting the most suitable /
correct answer
Resources can be used for this assessment:
The online resource & research link from your online study plan to be used in answer the given MCQ questions
Trainer will set the duration of the assessment.

Introductory Programming – Assessment Task 2 LAST UPDATED: January 2021, Version No. 2.0

T. +61 2 9283 4388 | F. +61 2 9283 0748 | E.
Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501

Task 1-Multiple choice Questions:
1) Any COBOL program has total
a) One division
b) Three division
c) Two division
d) Four division
2) Which of the translator program converts assembly language program into equivalent machine language
a) Compiler
b) Linker
c) Assembler
d) Interpreter
3) A default catch block catches
a) all thrown objects
b) no thrown objects
c) any thrown object that has not been caught by an earlier catch block
d) all thrown objects that have been caught by an earlier catch block
4) The use of the break statement in a switch statement is
a) optional
b) compulsory
c) not allowed. It gives an error message
d) to check an error
e) None of the above
5) To expose a data member to the program, you must declare the data member in the _____ section of the
a) common
b) exposed
c) public
d) unrestricted
e) user
6) A C# program contains a function with the prototype int function(double d, char c). Which of the following
function prototypes could be used within the same program?
a) char function(double d, char c)
b) int function(int d, char c)
c) both (a) and (b)
d) neither (a) nor (b)
7) When the compiler cannot differentiate between two overloaded constructors, they are called
a) overloaded
b) destructed
c) ambiguous
d) dubious

Introductory Programming – Assessment Task 2 LAST UPDATED: January 2021, Version No. 2.0

T. +61 2 9283 4388 | F. +61 2 9283 0748 | E.
Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501

8) The newline character is always included between
a) pair of parentheses
b) pair of curly braces
c) control string
d) &
e) None of the above
9) How many times below for loop will be executed?
int func()
int i=0;
return 0;
a) 10 times
b) Infinite times
c) 1 times
d) 0 times
10) Find output of the following program?
int func()
char str[] = “Smaller”;
int a = 100;
printf(a > 10?”Greater”:”%s”, str);
return 0;
a) Compile Error
b) Greater
c) 100
d) Smaller
11) Assess the value of x after the following statement has been execute
int i = 4;
int x = ++i + ++i + ++i;
a) 12
b) 15
c) 18
d) 21
12) A function that is called automatically each time an object is destroyed is a
a) constructor
b) destructor
c) destroyer
d) terminator

Introductory Programming – Assessment Task 2 LAST UPDATED: January 2021, Version No. 2.0

T. +61 2 9283 4388 | F. +61 2 9283 0748 | E.
Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501

13) When a child class function is called, the compiler looks first for a matching function name in the _____
a) class of the object using the function name
b) immediate ancestor class
c) base class
d) descendant class
14) What is the only language that a computer understands directly?
a) English, as spoken in Boston, Mass
b) BASIC, the Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
c) machine language, different for every type of CPU
d) None of the above
15) What are the three main types of computer programming languages?
a) machine language, assembly language, high level language
b) imperative language, functional language, declarative language
c) COBOL, Fortran-77, C++
d) All of above
16) Mnemonic a memory trick is used in which of the following language?
a) Machine language
b) Assembly language
c) High level language
d) None of above
17) The translator program used in assembly language is called
a) Compiler
b) Interpreter
c) Assembler
d) Translator
18) Which of the following is called low level languages?
a) Machine language
b) Assembly language
c) Both of the above
d) None of above
19) which of the following is problem oriented language?
a) High level language
b) Machine language
c) Assembly language
d) Low level language
20) A compiler is a translating program which
a) Translates instruction of a high level language into machine language
b) Translates entire source program into machine language program
c) It is not involved in program’s execution
d) All of above

Introductory Programming – Assessment Task 2 LAST UPDATED: January 2021, Version No. 2.0

T. +61 2 9283 4388 | F. +61 2 9283 0748 | E.
Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 9050

21) Which of the following is machine independence program?1

a) High level language
b) Low level language
c) Assembly language
d) Machine language
22) Which statement is valid about interpreter?
a) It translates one instruction at a time
b) Object code is saved for future use
c) Repeated interpretation is not necessary
d) All of above
23) Which is the limitation of high level language?
a) Lower efficiency
b) Machine dependence
c) machine level coding
d) None of above
24) High level language is also called
a) Problem oriented language
b) Business oriented language
c) Mathematically oriented language
d) All of the above
25) UML depicts information systems as a collection of:
a) objects
b) information
c) entities
d) processes
e) data

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