State Public Health Plan For Western Australia

This document was prepared by:
Public and Aboriginal Health Division
Department of Health of Western Australia
PO Box 8172 State Public Health Plan For Western Australia

Perth Business Centre WA 6849

All information and content in this material is provided in good faith by the WA Department of Health
and is based on sources believed to be reliable and accurate at the time of development. The State of
Western Australia, the WA Department of Health and their respective officers, employees and agents
do not accept legal liability or responsibility for the material, or any consequences arising from its use.

The Department of Health would like to thank the people and organisations who contributed time and
expertise to the development of the State Public Health Plan.

Any feedback related to this document should be emailed to

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Acknowledgment of Country and People

WA Health acknowledges the Aboriginal people of the many traditional lands and language groups of
Western Australia. It acknowledges the wisdom of Aboriginal Elders both past and present and pays
respect to Aboriginal communities of today

Table of Contents
Message from the Minister for Health and Mental Health v
Message from the Chief Health Officer of Western Australia vi
Executive summary vii
Introduction 1
Scope of this plan 2
What is public health? 2
Public health planning requirements 3
Priority populations 4
Supporting strategies and legislation 4
Who should use this document? 5
Determinants of health 5
Partnerships 6
Part 1: A health status report for Western Australians 7
Snapshot of the health of Western Australians 8
Population of Western Australia 11
Empowering and enabling people to live healthy lives 14
Providing health protection for the community 24
Improving Aboriginal health and wellbeing 31
Part 2: Objectives and policy priorities 34
Public health strategic framework 2019 – 2024 summary 35
Public health objectives for Western Australians 2019–2024 37
Objective 1 – Empowering and enabling people to live healthy lives 45
Objective 2 – Providing health protection for the community 46
Objective 3 – Improving Aboriginal health and wellbeing 48
Action Plan 45
Monitoring and reporting 49
Glossary 51
Appendix 1 – Supporting legislation and strategies 52
Appendix 2 – Public health responsibilities, partnerships and local government support 54
Appendix 3 – Public health initiatives

Message from the Minister for Health and Mental Health

State Public Health Plan For Western Australia

I am proud to present the first State Public Health Plan (the Plan) for Western Australia. The Plan represents
an important step towards a coordinated approach to improving the health and wellbeing of Western Australians,
be it at the State-wide or local community level.

Our vision is for Western Australians to live well and experience the best possible health, wellbeing and quality of life. Strengthening partnerships, particularly with local governments across WA, is the key to fulfilling this
vision, and to the success of the Plan. The Plan identifies three public health objectives that will help prevent
disease, injury and premature deaths in WA. These objectives are to:

1. Empower and enable people to live healthy lives
2. Provide health protection for the community and
3. Improve Aboriginal health and wellbeing.

These objectives are supported by policy priorities that focus attention on the areas of public health
where there is potential to make improvements across government. While we enjoy a high standard of living in WA, it’s a sobering thought that, between 2011 and 2015, over half of all deaths of Western Australians aged under 75 years could potentially have been avoided.

Moreover, life expectancy is significantly lower for Aboriginal men and women compared with non Aboriginal Western Australians. To address this health gap, the Plan recognises that Aboriginal health and
wellbeing must be considered the core business of everyone.

Western Australian local governments are vital in protecting and promoting the health and wellbeing of
their residents, and can play a huge role in reducing disease, illness and injuries. Local governments will
soon be required to have local public health plans. The development of these local plans will ensure local
governments can continue to contribute and plan for the health and wellbeing of their communities.
Local governments are not in this alone. Support is available and there are many avenues to partner to
complement local government programs and activities.

I encourage all Western Australians to consider what role they can play to facilitate a culture of wellness
for the people of our wonderful State.

Roger Cook MLA
Deputy Premier; Minister for Health;
Mental Health

Message from the Chief Health Officer of Western Australia
I am pleased to release this State Public Health Plan (the Plan) to guide the direction of public health planning
across WA. The Plan establishes high level strategic directions that focus on prevention, health promotion
and health protection that aim to prevent disease, injury, disability and premature death in WA.

The Plan has been updated to reflect the extensive feedback received from local government, state government, public health experts and community members during a six month consultation process across
WA. From the many ideas raised we have addressed a number of the key public health concerns within this final version.

An important achievement has been the collaboration and partnership with the Mental Health Commission to incorporate mental health and other drug related priorities for the State. There was overwhelming support from stakeholders, particularly local governments, about the importance of recognising and strengthening the role local governments can play in helping to influence the mental health and wellbeing of communities.

I strongly encourage local governments to use this plan to guide the continuation, or commencement, of
their local public health plans. I am pleased to see that many local governments have already taken the
initiative and produced high quality public health plans that contribute towards supporting the health and
wellbeing of their local communities.

I am excited about strengthening our collective effort to create liveable, vibrant places where all Western
Australians experience the best possible health, wellbeing and quality of life.

Dr Andrew Robertson
Chief Health Officer
Public and Aboriginal Health Division
Department of Health Western Australia

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