Sports Organization Bylaws Comparison | Free Essay Examples


Comparing and analyzing the bylaws of FIFA & NBA is what this essay intends to accomplish. An organization’s operations are bound by the guidelines set out in its bylaws which detail its governance structure. Understanding the bylaws of sports organizations is essential for understanding how they operate by their goals and values (Aghey, 2020). This essay will examine how FIFA & NBA utilize key mechanics, including Governance Structure, Membership Criteria, and Decision-Making Procedures, to streamline system functionality while retaining steadfast commitment towards their inherent values.

Governance Structure

FIFA’s and the NBA’s operations are controlled using specific guidelines detailed in their governing documents. FIFA has established a hierarchical structure where its supreme power vests in the FIFA Congress as per its bylaws. Every member association within the Congress is given a vote proportionate to its number of members. FIFA’s Executive Committee is accountable for executing Congress’s verdicts and monitoring special committees devoted to specific territories of football advancement. By using a top-down approach, there is the assurance of both centralized decision-making and global representation.

Compared to other leagues, the NBA has a more dispersed governance model, with the critical decisions made by the NBA’s main decision-making group – The Board of Governors – representing each team. Voting rights rest with each team’s proprietor, with large verdicts requiring approval from at least three-quarters of them (Halevy, 2012), while both organizations have governing bodies accountable for making decisions; the difference between FIFA and NBA lies in their organizational structures. While FIFA has a more centralized approach reflecting its worldwide authority over football governance, the NBA has embraced decentralization by incorporating the preferences of individual teams into maintaining their collective competitions.

Membership Criteria

FIFA and NBA’s respective bylaws specify guidelines that must be met to become an affiliated organization, and national associations are required to meet certain membership criteria laid out in FIFA’s bylaws. These criteria include holding independent football activities and following FIFA’s statutes. At the same time, the network of affiliated bodies is extended via delineated membership categories set out specifically for continental and regional confederations as discussed within these bylaws.

The NBA requires adherence to specific conditions specified within its bylaws which define how a team may join its ranks, and the most commonly observed criteria while considering a team’s eligibility include their financial status and ability to comply with ownership stipulations while also upholding guidelines put forth by respective leagues. Membership to NBA franchises is granted only after scrutiny ensuring conformity to the league’s guidelines and ability to elevate professional basketball.

Decision-Making Processes

If one refers to the bylaws of each organization – FIFA and the NBA, respectively – there is a full explanation of how they reach decisions. Important decisions are made during the FIFA Congress meeting through a voting system where member associations vote. Certain matters, such as amendments to the statutes or electing the FIFA President, require Congressional approval with a two-thirds majority instead of just a simple one (Follert, 2020); while it differs from this case, NBA’s decision-making process involves the members of its board. Three-quarters of all team owners must agree when making crucial decisions like changing rules or establishing contracts. In contrast, the person entrusted with proposing and executing important league-related decisions is the NBA Commissioner, chosen by the Board of Governors. FIFA and the NBA’s decision-making processes are influenced by both their organizational structures as well as the nature of their respective sports

Reflection on Mission Alignment

FIFA and the NBA share similar guiding principles that drive their actions; these principles are reflected in each organization’s governing documents. FIFA is committed to promoting soccer globally, fostering honesty and an equitable playing field for all players via specific clauses included in its bylaws. The objectives conveyed through NBA’s bylaws are consistent with the association’s efforts to grow basketball while endorsing values such as teamwork and inclusivity along with entertaining audiences (Follert, 2020), and the NBA’s governance structure lays great emphasis on ensuring the overall success of the sport along with promoting fair competition amongst teams while upholding its integrity.


By analyzing FIFA’s and NBA’s bylaws comparatively, it is clear that there are some shared elements related to the governance structure and mission alignment and some distinctive ones concerning membership criteria. FIFA’s governing structure is focused on representing football worldwide, whereas the more decentralized management approach by NBA seeks to balance diverse individual team interests under one umbrella organization. By enforcing specific requirements aligned with each sport’s nature, FIFA & NBA ensure that affiliated bodies & teams comply with established standards in terms of both excellence & morality. Their organizational structure has influenced how they make decisions, using collective or league-wide approaches.FIFA’s bylaws focus on promoting fair play in football while simultaneously growing the sport worldwide – a mission also reflected in the NBA’s aim of supporting basketball growth. These regulations have a critical role in preserving an institution’s objectives and ethics by directing its running procedures and molding the essence of each sport.


Aghey, C. (2020). Integration of eSports in the Structure of Ifs: Disruption or Continuity? The International Sports Law Journal20(3-4), pp. 120–125.

Follert, F., Richau, L., Emrich, E., & Pierdzioch, C. (2020). Collective decision-making: FIFA from the perspective of public choice. The Economists’ Voice17(1).

Halevy, N., Chou, E. Y., Galinsky, A. D., & Murnighan, J. K. (2012). When hierarchy wins: Evidence from the national basketball association. Social Psychological and Personality Science3(4), 398–406.

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