[SOLVED 2023] Week 2 Discussion Question 1 Applying Leadership Sk

Week 2 Discussion Question 1 Applying Leadership Skills

Week 2 Discussion Question 1 Applying Leadership Skills in Exploring the Roles for APRN
Source: American Nurses Association

Week 2 Discussion Question 1 Applying Leadership Skills in Exploring the Roles for APRN

The ongoing changes in the health-care landscape are influenced most by globalization, economic and technological factors, and the aging of the population. The complexity of the healthcare environment requires us to examine the leadership needs for the APN roles that are applicable for today and the future (Joel, 2018). In chapter 21 (Leadership for APNs: If Not Now, Then When?) the author outlines serval leadership theories or styles including:

  • Situational or Contingency Leadership;
  • Servant Leadership;
  • Transformational or Transactional Leardershp;
  • Relational Leadership;
  • Clinical Leadership and Congruent Leadership.

Select one of the above leadership theories or style.

  1. Using your own words define the theory.
  2. Considering the various APN roles (Clinician, Educator, Researcher, Administrator, Entrepreneur, Consultant, and Leader) describe how you might use the leadership theory in your future APN role.
  3. From your experience as a professional nurse, give one example of the selected leadership theory or style as seen in action or provide an exemplary example. 

Week 2: Discussion Question 2 – The Impact of Healthcare Trends on the APN Roles

Arnautova (2018) in the article ‘Top Healthcare Industry Trends to Watch in 2018 and Beyond’ outlined five (5) trends that will revolutionize how we provide and consume healthcare services over the next decade. These healthcare trends include:

  1. Telemedicine
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Robotics
  4. IoT and wearables
  5. Blockchain

Select 1 of the 5 trends and discuss the potent positive and negative impacts the trend will have on the APN role(s) (Clinician, Educator, Researcher, Administrator, Entrepreneur, Consultant, and Leader).

Reference: Arnautova, Y. (2018). Top healthcare industry trends to watch in 2018 and beyond. Retrieved August 20, 2018 from https://www.globallogic.com/blogs/top-healthcare-industry-trends-to-watch-in-2018-and-beyond/

Week 2: Discussion Question 1 – Expert Answer and Explanation

Leadership Skills in Nursing

Transformational Leadership Style

The healthcare sector is changing and the new measures require a transformed leadership that will help set the required pace and milestones. One of the most critical leadership styles that can be used with the changes in APRN roles is transformational leadership (Poghosyan & Bernhardt, 2018).

The style is important as it focuses on inspiration, encouragement, and motivation of the staff and employees to create change, innovate and grow the unit for future success. New roles require that a nurse be prepared for new challenges and obstacles that have to be solved innovatively for the betterment of the patient.

Leadership Style and APRN Roles

As a leader, the healthcare sector is focused on improving the health of the patient, conducting research, and administration purposes, transformational leadership can help an APRN come up with means to improve the various roles. For instance, an APRN can come up with ways to ensure that there is better service delivery and innovative interactions between the nurse and the patient (Popejoy et al., 2017).

These innovations should be transformative and in line with current trends such as the incorporation of evidence in care delivery. The APRN can also focus on understanding current technology in order to improve the administration of care through transformations. The transformations can focus on the reduced discharge time, proper handling of patient data among others.

Leadership Style in Action

One practical example of transformational leadership is conducting nurse education on how to make use of new technologies such as evidence-based care. The strategy is transformational in the sense that it will enable the nurses to meet their desired goals and improve on the growth of the organization (Poghosyan & Bernhardt, 2018). Nurses should also embrace the changes and accept to learn and improve on their skills.


Poghosyan, L., & Bernhardt, J. (2018). Transformational leadership to promote nurse practitioner practice in primary care. Journal of nursing management26(8), 1066-1073.

Popejoy, L., Vogelsmeier, A., Galambos, C., Flesner, M., Alexander, G., Lueckenotte, A., … & Rantz, M. (2017). The APRN role in changing nursing home quality: the Missouri quality improvement initiative. Journal of nursing care quality32(3), 196-201.

Week 2: Discussion Question 2 – The Impact of Healthcare Trends on the APN Roles – Expert Answer and Explanation

The Impact of Healthcare Trends on the APN Roles


Telemedicine is one of the most recent healthcare trends that is being embraced globally. The healthcare sector is transforming to be able to reach a wider audience and meet the increasing demands in the healthcare field (Vitacca et al., 2018). Telemedicine per se includes the use of technology and other accessories to facilitate remote care delivery and monitoring of patient progress. The incorporation of telemedicine in the healthcare sector has brought about both positive and negative issues affecting the delivery of care.

The major positive impact that telemedicine has had is the increase in accessibility to medical care to people from a wider geographical region. A person from Florida can be able to bet services from a specialist in Texas without having to incur travel expenses (Vitacca et al., 2018).

The technology has also reduced the cost of medication which would have been used in admission of the patients and paying for the stay at the facility. Telemedicine also incorporates ease of interdisciplinary collaboration as there is the ease of access to patient data and different professionals can collaborate to help improve the patient conditions.

There are also negative aspects associated with telemedicine and might affect the outcome of the patient. One of these issues is that telemedicine does not give the doctor ability to physically assess the patient and get to have a professional perspective on the issues around the physical concerns. The diagnosis is purely dependent on the patient observation which might be biased or flawed (Armaignac et al., 2018).

On the other hand, the use of technology to collect data cannot be guaranteed as they might fail or be triggered at different timings. The other issue can be the insecurity of patient data which is susceptible to hackers or unauthorized breaches.


Armaignac, D. L., Saxena, A., Rubens, M., Valle, C. A., Williams, L. M. S., Veledar, E., & Gidel, L. T. (2018). Impact of Telemedicine On Mortality, Length Of Stay, And Cost Among Patients In Progressive Care Units: Experience From A Large Healthcare System. Critical Care Medicine46(5), 728.

Vitacca, M., Montini, A., & Comini, L. (2018). How Will Telemedicine Change Clinical Practice In Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease12, 1753465818754778.

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What is the meaning of telemedicine?

Telemedicine is the use of telecommunications technology, such as video calls, phone calls, and secure messaging, to provide medical care and consultation remotely. It allows patients to connect with healthcare professionals without the need for in-person visits, enabling the delivery of medical services, advice, and information over a distance.The key components of telemedicine include:

  1. Virtual Consultations: Patients can interact with healthcare providers through video calls, phone calls, or secure messaging to discuss medical concerns, receive advice, and, in some cases, get prescriptions.
  2. Remote Monitoring: Some telemedicine systems allow for the monitoring of patients’ health remotely, often with the use of wearable devices or other monitoring tools. This is particularly valuable for managing chronic conditions.
  3. Electronic Prescriptions: Healthcare providers using telemedicine platforms may electronically send prescriptions to a local pharmacy, eliminating the need for a physical prescription.
  4. Access to Specialist Care: Telemedicine can facilitate access to specialized medical expertise, especially for individuals in remote areas or those facing challenges in reaching healthcare facilities.
  5. Health Information Exchange: Telemedicine platforms may integrate with electronic health records (EHRs) and other health information systems, allowing seamless sharing of patient information between healthcare providers.

What is an example of a telemedicine system?

An example of a telemedicine system is Teladoc. Teladoc is a telehealth platform that allows patients to consult with healthcare providers remotely through video calls, phone calls, or secure messaging.

The platform connects patients with licensed physicians, therapists, and other healthcare professionals for a wide range of non-emergency medical issues.

Here’s how Teladoc and similar telemedicine systems typically work:

  1. Registration:
    • Patients register on the telemedicine platform, providing their medical history, preferences, and other relevant information.
  2. Appointment Scheduling:
    • Patients can schedule virtual appointments with available healthcare providers based on their needs and the provider’s expertise.
  3. Virtual Consultation:
    • During the virtual consultation, patients and healthcare providers interact through secure video calls, phone calls, or messaging. Patients can discuss their symptoms, receive medical advice, and, in some cases, even get prescriptions.
  4. Electronic Prescriptions:
    • If needed, healthcare providers on telemedicine platforms can electronically send prescriptions to a local pharmacy for the patient to pick up.
  5. Follow-Up and Continued Care:
    • Telemedicine systems often support follow-up appointments and ongoing care, allowing patients to maintain a connection with their healthcare providers remotely.

Teladoc and similar telemedicine platforms have become increasingly popular, providing convenient access to healthcare services, especially for non-emergency situations. They play a valuable role in expanding healthcare access, particularly for individuals in remote areas or those with mobility constraints.

What is the role of telemedicine?

The role of telemedicine is multifaceted, encompassing various aspects of healthcare delivery and accessibility. Some key roles and benefits of telemedicine include:

  1. Increased Access to Healthcare:
    • Telemedicine extends healthcare services to individuals in remote or underserved areas, where access to in-person medical care may be limited.
  2. Convenience and Flexibility:
    • Patients can receive medical consultations and advice from the comfort of their homes, reducing the need for travel and time spent in waiting rooms.
  3. Timely Consultations:
    • Telemedicine facilitates timely access to healthcare, allowing patients to consult with healthcare professionals without delays, especially in non-emergency situations.
  4. Management of Chronic Conditions:
  5. Specialist Consultations:
    • Patients can easily access specialized medical expertise through telemedicine, bridging geographical barriers and facilitating consultations with specialists.
  6. Preventive and Routine Care:
    • Telemedicine supports the delivery of preventive and routine care, including follow-up appointments, prescription renewals, and lifestyle counseling.
  7. Reduced Healthcare Costs:
  8. Emergency Consultations:
    • In emergency situations, telemedicine can provide initial assessments, triage, and guidance before a patient reaches an emergency room.
  9. Health Education:
    • Telemedicine platforms can be used to disseminate health information, education, and preventive care measures to a broader audience.
  10. Pandemic Response:
    • During public health crises, such as pandemics, telemedicine plays a crucial role in maintaining continuity of care while minimizing the risk of viral transmission.

Situational Leadership Theory: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Leadership

Leadership is a critical aspect of any organization, and different situations require different leadership approaches. One theory that has gained prominence in recent decades is the Situational Leadership Theory. In this article, we will explore the key concepts, leadership styles, matching development levels, benefits, applications, criticisms, and real-world examples of Situational Leadership Theory.


Effective leadership is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Situational Leadership Theory, developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard in the late 1960s, emphasizes the importance of adapting leadership styles based on the readiness or development level of the followers. It recognizes that leadership effectiveness is contingent upon the situation at hand.

Definition of Situational Leadership Theory

Situational Leadership Theory is a leadership model that suggests leaders should adjust their leadership style according to the readiness and competence of their followers. It acknowledges that followers are at different stages of development and require different levels of guidance and support from their leaders.

Key Concepts of Situational Leadership Theory

Leadership Styles

Situational Leadership Theory identifies four primary leadership styles:

a) Directing: In this style, leaders provide specific instructions and closely supervise their followers. It is most suitable when followers have low competence and high commitment.

b) Coaching: This style involves both directive and supportive behavior. Leaders provide guidance, offer feedback, and encourage two-way communication. It is effective when followers have some competence but low commitment.

c) Supporting: Leaders using this style provide less direction and focus more on supporting and facilitating the decision-making process. It is appropriate when followers have moderate to high competence but variable commitment.

d) Delegating: This style empowers followers to take responsibility for their work. Leaders offer minimal supervision and involvement. It works best when followers have high competence and high commitment.

Development Levels

Development levels represent the readiness of followers and their ability to perform tasks independently. Situational Leadership Theory identifies four development levels:

a) Low Competence, High Commitment: Followers at this level have limited skills or knowledge but are enthusiastic and motivated.

b) Some Competence, Low Commitment: Followers at this level possess some skills but lack confidence or motivation.

c) Moderate to High Competence, Variable Commitment: Followers at this level have a moderate to high level of competence but may exhibit inconsistent commitment.

d) High Competence, High Commitment: Followers at this level are highly skilled, knowledgeable, and motivated.

The Four Leadership Styles

Situational Leadership Theory advocates for the use of different leadership styles depending on the development level of the followers. Let’s delve deeper into each leadership style:


Directing is a high-directive, low-supportive leadership style. Leaders using this style provide clear instructions, closely supervise tasks, and make decisions on behalf of their followers. It is suitable for followers at D1 development level who need specific guidance and close monitoring.


Coaching combines high-directive behavior with high-supportive behavior. Leaders using this style provide guidance, give feedback, and encourage open communication. It is effective for followers at D2 development level who have some competence but lack commitment or confidence.


Supporting is a low-directive, high-supportive leadership style. Leaders using this style provide less direction and focus more on supporting their followers’ decision-making and problem-solving abilities. It is appropriate for followers at D3 development level who have moderate to high competence but variable commitment.


Delegating is a low-directive, low-supportive leadership style. Leaders using this style empower their followers to make decisions and take responsibility for their work. It works best for followers at D4 development level who have high competence and high commitment.

Source: Game Learn

Matching Leadership Style to Development Level

To effectively apply Situational Leadership Theory, leaders must match their leadership style to the development level of their followers. Let’s explore how each leadership style aligns with different development levels:

Low Competence, High Commitment:

For followers at the D1 development level, the Directing style is most suitable. Leaders should provide clear instructions, closely supervise tasks, and offer support and encouragement to build competence.

Some Competence, Low Commitment:

For followers at the D2 development level, the Coaching style is appropriate. Leaders should provide guidance, offer feedback, and inspire commitment to enhance competence and motivation.

Moderate to High Competence, Variable Commitment

For followers at the D3 development level, the Supporting style works well. Leaders should facilitate decision-making, provide support, and encourage self-reliance to sustain and further develop competence.

High Competence, High Commitment

For followers at the D4 development level, the Delegating style is most effective. Leaders should empower their followers, provide minimal supervision, and encourage autonomy to capitalize on their competence and commitment.

Benefits and Applications of Situational Leadership Theory

Situational Leadership Theory offers several benefits and finds applications in various settings. Some key advantages include:

  • Enhanced flexibility in leadership approach
  • Increased follower development and engagement
  • Improved communication and decision-making processes
  • Tailored leadership style to individual and team needs

This theory is widely used in corporate environments, educational institutions, healthcare organizations, and team-based projects where adapting leadership styles to changing circumstances is crucial for success.

Criticisms and Limitations of Situational Leadership Theory

While Situational Leadership Theory provides a valuable framework for understanding leadership effectiveness, it is not without its criticisms and limitations. Some common critiques include:

  • Overemphasis on the leader’s role and less focus on followers’ input
  • Lack of clear guidelines for transitioning between leadership styles
  • Challenges in accurately assessing followers’ development levels
  • Potential for leader manipulation or abuse of power in certain contexts

It is important to consider these limitations and use Situational Leadership Theory as a guide rather than a rigid blueprint for leadership.

Real-World Examples of Situational Leadership

Situational Leadership Theory has been successfully applied in various real-world scenarios. Here are a few examples:

  • In a startup company, a founder initially adopts a Directing style to provide clear instructions and closely guide employees. As the team gains competence and commitment, the leader transitions to a Supporting or Delegating style.
  • In a classroom, a teacher utilizes different leadership styles based on students’ readiness. For students who lack competence but show enthusiasm, the teacher uses a Directing style. For students who possess some skills but lack commitment, a Coaching style is employed.
  • In a healthcare setting, a nurse manager adjusts their leadership style based on the competency and commitment levels of the nursing staff. Nurses with lower competence and high commitment receive more guidance, while highly competent and committed nurses are given more autonomy and decision-making authority.


Situational Leadership Theory offers valuable insights into effective leadership practices. By adapting leadership styles to the readiness and competence of followers, leaders can maximize their impact and create environments that foster growth, engagement, and productivity. However, it is important to recognize the limitations and context-specific considerations associated with this theory.

In summary, Situational Leadership Theory encourages leaders to be flexible, responsive, and empathetic to the needs of their followers. By understanding the development levels, applying appropriate leadership styles, and continuously evaluating the situational dynamics, leaders can optimize their effectiveness and drive positive outcomes.


Q1: Is Situational Leadership Theory applicable to all industries and organizations?

Yes, Situational Leadership Theory is applicable to a wide range of industries and organizations. It can be tailored to suit different contexts, including business, education, healthcare, and non-profit sectors.

Q2: Can leaders use multiple leadership styles simultaneously?

Yes, leaders can adapt their leadership style to the specific needs of their followers and situations. They may utilize a combination of different styles to address diverse requirements.

Q3: How can leaders determine the development level of their followers accurately?

Assessing development levels requires ongoing observation, open communication, and feedback from followers. Regular dialogues and performance evaluations can help leaders gauge the competence and commitment levels of their followers.

Q4: Can Situational Leadership Theory be applied in a remote work environment?

Yes, Situational Leadership Theory can be applied in remote work environments. Leaders can use virtual communication tools to provide guidance, support, and empower their remote teams based on individual development levels.

Q5: Where can I learn more about Situational Leadership Theory?

To delve deeper into Situational Leadership Theory, you can explore books by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard, the founders of this theory. Additionally, there are numerous online resources and leadership development programs that provide comprehensive insights into its concepts and applications.

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