Social Work SOWK 603 Agency Program


Note: The agency website (The Martin Pollak Project, Inc.)

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The purpose of the Field Agency Program and Community Profile Guide is to assist the student in embracing the agency, the population served by the agency, and every aspect of life within that community. It is incumbent upon urban social work practitioners to know and possess the necessary social work practice skills to connect with what is unique to the neighborhoods as it relates to the structure and function of the enterprise. Having knowledge of the organizations’ purpose, structure and theoretical framework will allow the student to comprehend the mission and focus of the agency. An awareness of who the clients are, what their needs are and how the community in which they reside influences and impacts them will provide the student with a foundation to effectively and efficiently provide the type of service(s) required to meet client needs in the urban community. Urban living remains an environment of challenge and change.


*The term, program, refers to the particular program in which you are serving as an intern in the assigned Field Agency.



  1. Follow the format below. Be specific, detailed, and thorough in all responses.
  2. Use agency charts wherever possible e.g., budget, organizational chart for staffing patterns. If charts are not available, use your creativity to develop an organizational chart. Always clearly locate your program on the chart.
  3. Use the latest available data such as the agency’s or organization’s annual report.
  4. Identify the person or persons who assisted in the completion of this information and describe their role in the agency.
  5. Exact words from agency documents or brochures must be placed in quotation marks and cited in as reference.

A.   Agency and Program: Purpose and Services

·      Agency purpose/mission; goals and services

·      Describe the services offered by this agency and its targeted population.

·      What theoretical/conceptual framework has been adopted by the agency?

·      Describe the diversity of the agency related to race, ethnicity, gender etc.

·      Describe the makeup of the interdisciplinary teams in your agency related to professional roles.

·      How are client services evaluated?

B.    Organizational Structure

·      What is the administrative structure of the overall agency?

·      Describe the Advisory Board or Board of Directors.

·      What is the administrative structure of your program?

·      What is the staffing pattern? What is the composition of the professional staff?

·      What are your comments about the sufficiency of support staff?

·      Discuss the cultural diversity that exists within the staffing pattern.

·      How is the program funded? Sources of operating funds? Grants? Are there funding issues?

·      How does the program interface with the community it serves?

·      Provide an example of professional social work that you have observed in your agency.

C.   Client Profile

·      What clients are served in your program?

·      Age groups

·      Racial and ethnic backgrounds

·      Gender groups

·      Groups officially served

·      For your ASP, describe one social problem from your field internship that cuts across all ASPs (for example, lack of resources, transportation).Please think of other examples.

·      Identify and briefly describe supportive resources within the community.

·      Briefly explain a program policy that is representative of the agency’s service delivery system.

D.   Community Demographics

·      Geographic Boundaries

·      Legislative District(s) and elected representative(s)

·      *Location of offices

·      Poverty rates, unemployment, population breakdown by age, race, education levels, infant mortality and teen pregnancy rates, health disparities, senior housing

·      Describe any commercial activity and opportunities for employment

E.    Community Profile

·      Describe the physical and social environment in which the agency is located.

·      Identify an advocacy /special interest group within this community, and community influence related to social and economic justice.

F.    Community Resources

·      Identify current resources available to clients served by your agency

·      Identify any commercial activity and opportunities for employment.

G.   Summary/Concluding Statement

·      Summarize your thoughts after having completed this document.

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