SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH » Dissertation Consulting Company.


Reflection on Social Determinants of Health and Digital Inclusion.
The conditions under which people are born, grow, live, work, and age influence their health outcomes. These determinants include socioeconomic position, education, physical environment, employment, and healthcare access. The concept emphasizes that these social and economic factors have a greater impact on health disparities than individual behaviors or biological factors do alone.

Should digital inclusion be added to SDOH’s five key areas?
Traditionally, the five core areas of SDOH are:

Economic stability.
Social and community context.
Health and Healthcare
Neighborhood and Built Environment
In the context of modern healthcare and information technology, digital inclusion means ensuring that all individuals and communities have access to and use digital technologies. This includes access to broadband internet, digital literacy skills, and low-cost devices. Digital inclusion can have a significant impact on health outcomes by providing access to telemedicine, electronic health records (EHRs), patient portals, and health information resources.

Given its potential impact on health disparities and healthcare access, digital inclusion should be regarded as an important component of the social determinants of health. Lack of digital access can exacerbate existing disparities, particularly among underserved populations who are already struggling with economic stability and access to healthcare.

The impact of EHRs, Mobile Health, Patient Portals, and Telemedicine on SDOH.

EHRs centralize patient information, improve care coordination, and allow for data-driven decision-making. They can improve healthcare access and quality by keeping comprehensive health records that track patients across multiple settings.
Impacted by SDOH: Access to EHRs relies on digital infrastructure and literacy. Individuals lacking digital access may face barriers in accessing their own health information and participating in shared decision-making.
Mobile Health (mHealth):

Impact: Mobile health technologies include apps, wearable devices, and remote monitoring tools that enable healthcare delivery and patient engagement outside traditional healthcare settings.
Impacted by SDOH: Usage of mHealth tools depends on smartphone ownership, internet connectivity, and digital literacy. Disparities in access to these technologies can limit their effectiveness in reaching marginalized populations.
Patient Portals:

Impact: Patient portals provide secure online access to personal health information, appointment scheduling, prescription refills, and communication with healthcare providers.
Impacted by SDOH: Patients with limited digital literacy or internet access may struggle to utilize patient portals effectively, potentially hindering their ability to engage in self-management and preventive care.

Impact: Telemedicine enables remote clinical consultations and virtual visits, expanding access to healthcare services, especially in rural or underserved areas.
Impacted by SDOH: Broadband access is crucial for reliable telemedicine services. Lack of broadband infrastructure in rural or economically disadvantaged areas can restrict access to telehealth, perpetuating health disparities.
Integrating digital inclusion into the framework of social determinants of health acknowledges the pivotal role that access to digital technologies plays in shaping health outcomes. Policies and initiatives aimed at improving digital inclusion can mitigate disparities and enhance healthcare access and quality for vulnerable populations. Additionally, as healthcare continues to embrace digital solutions like EHRs, mobile health, patient portals, and telemedicine, addressing digital disparities becomes imperative for achieving equitable health outcomes across diverse communities.


  • Reflect on the concept of social determinants of health as presented in the resources.
  • Contemplate whether digital inclusion or broad band access should be added to the 5 key areas of social determinants of health.
  • Using the optional outside resources or other peer reviewed journal articles, consider how electronic health records, mobile health, patient portals, or telemedicine can impact and be impacted by the social determinants of health.

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