San Diego State University Insect Biology Multi Part Question

Question Description

I’m working on a biology multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

    Having decided that the pressures of working with the professor have prepared him well, Tristan decides to study patterns of genetic variation within parasitoid wasps that are reared from single host caterpillars. The wasps that he is working on are quite small and their hosts are quite large. He has a friend, Logan, who has become a really, really good molecular geneticist after working with the professor and can survey a lot of DNA fingerprints in a short amount of time. These DNA fingerprints allow her to identify individual genotypes with high certainty. Unfortunately, Tristan gets a headache when looking down a microscope for very long and therefore he does not like identifying tiny wasps; so he contracts Logan to do some genetic work.  Assume that Logan’s laboratory protocols are highly accurate (e.g. none of the following results are due to experimental error) in the following questions. While vocabulary counts, you need to explain the phenomenon and not simply name it. (15 points)

(a)  In one sample, every individual parasitoid wasp that emerges from the host has exactly the same genotype.  This befuddles Logan so she does a little research on transmission genetics in wasps. What are TWO alternatives that could explain this observation?

Alternative 1:

Alternative 2:

(b)  In another sample, every individual parasitoid wasp that emerges from the host has a different genotype. What are THREE alternatives that could explain this observation?

Alternative 1:

Alternative 2:

Alternative 3:

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