Research Methodologies in Health Care? ? Experimental design Assignment Content Please review chapter 7 of the textbook with careful attention to pages 164-171. Remember your topic from last we

 Research Methodologies in Health Care 


Experimental design

Assignment Content

Please review chapter 7 of the textbook with careful attention to pages 164-171.

Remember your topic from last week’s discussion board posts on qualitative research. You’ll use that topic for this assignment, so please identify the topic at the top of your first page.

In paragraph form, using your own words and the ebook as your only resource, please write 250-500 words:

a- If you were planning to do an experimental design for your topic, which design option would you choose? Be sure to identify and explain the design you chose and why. 

b- Next, be as specific as you can about how you would apply that design to your topic. 

c- Lastly, for the design that you chose, what potential threats to validity must be guarded against?

APA Format


Course Materials -Shi, Leiyo (2019). Health Services Research Methods, 3rd Edition. Boston, MA:Cengage Learning, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-133-94967-1

Chapter 7.



Literature Review

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Literature Review

Topic : The Effect of social media on Adolescents’ Mental Well-being

Azem, L., Al Alwani, R., Lucas, A., Alsaadi, B., Njihia, G., Bibi, B., … & Househ, M. (2023). Social Media Use and Depression in Adolescents: A Scoping Review.  Behavioral Sciences,  13(6), 475.

This article examines the connection between social media usage and depression among young people. According to Azem et al. (2023), the prevalence of depression among adolescents has increased significantly in the United States. Depression can negatively affect how a person feels, acts, and thinks. Loss of interest in activities one once enjoyed, and sadness are some of the symptoms of depression. According to reports, depression impacts 1 in 7 teenagers. Reports have also shown that teenagers suffering from depression are vulnerable to discrimination, cognitive issues, and stigma. Some scholars have also disclosed that increased social media usage has increased depressive symptoms among adolescents. Azem et al. (2023) argue that adolescence is an important stage in human development. It lays the foundation for their health and well-being. Teenagers grow rapidly in terms of cognitive, emotional, and physical development. This affects their decisions, thoughts, emotions, and connections with other people. Generally, the article in informative and objective. It gives the readers unbiased information on the topic.

Gupta, C., Jogdand, S., Kumar, M., GUPTA, C., & Jogdand, S. D. (2022). Reviewing the Impact of Social Media on the Mental Health of Adolescents and Young Adults.  Cureus,  14(10).

Research Methodologies in Health Care? ? Experimental design Assignment Content Please review chapter 7 of the textbook with careful attention to pages 164-171. Remember your topic from last we first appeared on Writeden.

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