Reinventing Healthcare Essay Example

Reinventing Healthcare Essay Example

The video “Reinventing Healthcare” provides important information regarding health insurance issues in the United States and raises a number of questions regarding the role of health insurance in meeting the expectations and needs of individuals. At the same time, without adequate health insurance coverage or when the option is available to change employers, this may compromise health even further and create new challenges for individuals who may be required to change insurance providers as a result of this move. At a clinical level, this typically impact’s a patient’s choice of healthcare providers, may require a sacrifice in the level of comfort that patients have with their own health. Reinventing Healthcare Essay Example

Patients who are required to take medication or who face different health risks may not have access to these same resources when they are in a difficult position due to health insurance limitations and other factors. Therefore, they may even experience a further decline in health when they are unable to receive the type of care that is necessary to sustain healthy outcomes. In this context, advanced practice nurses face challenges of their own because they may not be able to follow a patient’s path and progress due to insurance limitations. Therefore, this also limits their ability to be effective in meeting the needs of their patients and to have a true impact on the practice environment. Reinventing Healthcare Essay Example

Advanced practice nurses must be able to manage their roles effectively and to be successful in working towards a set of solutions to guide patients who face insurance limitations or risks. It is necessary for nurses to stay abreast of the latest trends and changes within the healthcare industry in order to have a lasting impact on patient health and to make valuable contributions to their health. Programs and clinical guidance will provide these tools in order to make a difference in the lives of patients and to improve their health on a continuous basis, one step at a time. Reinventing Healthcare Essay Example

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