Policy Implementation Assignment Discussion Paper

Policy Implementation Assignment Discussion Paper

Assignment Directions
Your original response should address the following:
Start the assignment with an open-question sentence with a high curiosity level.
Describe how the implementation of a federal healthcare policy has changed your profession or healthcare organization.
Include a description of your profession/organization prior to and after the implementation of the healthcare policy.
Describe its effect on communication, quality, and delivery of care.

In your follow-up responses, you should do the following:

Pick two peer posts outside of your discipline.
Identify and comment on how changes in your peers’ disciplines may have impacted your workflow or productivity.
Suggest how better communication may have improved processes for both disciplines. Policy Implementation Assignment Discussion Paper

Post your original response.
Use sources that are within 5 years of publication
Post a minimum of 2 follow-up responses.
Check your syllabus for specific due dates.
See the rubric for graded content description.
In order to easily meet the minimum curiosity points, please use the Bloom’s verbs when posing your initial question. See Unit 1/Week 1 Packback Directions for Bloom’s information.

Packback Questions
Participation is a requirement for this course, and the Packback Questions platform will be used for online discussion about class topics. Packback Questions is an online community where you can be fearlessly curious and ask open-ended questions to build on top of what we are covering in class and relate topics to real-world applications.

Packback Requirements: Policy Implementation Assignment Discussion Paper
Your participation on Packback counts as a weighted percentage of your overall course grade. Each Packback Discussion is worth a total of 10 points.

There will be a Sunday 11:59PM deadline for submissions in the units that have a Packback assignments. In order to receive full credit, you should submit the following per each deadline period:

1 open-ended Question every week with a minimum Curiosity Score of >90, worth 5pts of each assignment grade
2 Responses every week with a minimum Curiosity Score of >90, worth 5pts of each assignment grade
Half credit will be provided for questions and responses that do not meet the minimum curiosity score based on quality of topic input.
You must head the question by first inserting the Unit # and Week # – if the instructor is unsure which unit and week of the discussion posting that discussion is at risk for not being graded. An example of the Packback discussion question is below:
Unit 1 Week 1: Which policies construct exemplary retention for healthcare personnel during a pandemic?

Have you ever wondered how the implementation of a federal healthcare policy like the Affordable Care Act (ACA) could reshape the landscape of healthcare professions and organizations? Policy Implementation Assignment Discussion Paper

The affordable care act is one of the federal healthcare policies that have significantly shaped the landscape of healthcare professions and organizations. Before the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), my organization operated in a fragmented system where every department within our organization operated without coordinating with others. Communication between different healthcare entities was often disjointed, quality of care varied widely depending on factors like insurance coverage, and the delivery of care was often inefficient due to lack of standardization and coordination.

However, with the introduction of the ACA, there have been significant advancements that have significantly improved the efficiency and quality of healthcare (Courtemanche et al., 2020). The communication channels have improved as the policy has enhanced greater collaboration among healthcare providers and organizations by offering incentives such as pay for quality as opposed to pay for volume of work done. Quality of care has seen enhancements due to standardized practices mandated by the ACA, ensuring that all patients receive a certain level of care regardless of their background or insurance status (Glied, Collins & Lin, 2020; Zhao et al., 2020)Policy Implementation Assignment Discussion Paper. Additionally, the delivery of care has become more streamlined and patient-centered, with a focus on preventive care and continuity of care across different settings.

Generally, the implementation of the Affordable Care Act has brought about positive changes in my organization, leading to better communication, higher quality of care, and more efficient delivery of services to patients.


Courtemanche, C., Marton, J., Ukert, B., Yelowitz, A., & Zapata, D. (2020). The impact of the Affordable Care Act on health care access and self‐assessed health in the Trump Era (2017‐2018). Health services research55, 841-850.

Glied, S. A., Collins, S. R., & Lin, S. (2020). Did The ACA Lower Americans’ Financial Barriers To Health Care? A review of evidence to determine whether the Affordable Care Act was effective in lowering cost barriers to health insurance coverage and health care. Health Affairs39(3), 379-386.

Zhao, J., Mao, Z., Fedewa, S. A., Nogueira, L., Yabroff, K. R., Jemal, A., & Han, X. (2020). The Affordable Care Act and access to care across the cancer control continuum: a review at 10 years. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians70(3), 165-181. Policy Implementation Assignment Discussion Paper

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