Online Event Management System – Cheap Assignment Help UK

The event managers have to organise various events and interact with several clients. It becomes cumbersome for these managers to maintain details of events and clients in the paper-based system. It is, therefore, vital to creating some computerised system that allows them to store these details in an organised way. We aim to provide an effective web-based solution to event managers for maintaining their clients and events details. This web-based solution would provide a platform for the event management company to allow its staff members and clients to view event details and status.

The event management company is scaling up its business in different cities. This expansion allows them to book events for a large number of clients. Currently, the company use paper-based approach to maintain event bookings, schedule, event managers and client information. This approach was suitable for small scale businesses. With the business expansion, it is challenging for the managers to track the event details maintained in an offline mode. The company employees sometimes miss crucial event details because they find it cumbersome to search data stored in a paper-based system.

The company wants to address the above issues by automating the event management process. They want a web-based solution that would allow customers to book events online and view event details such as pictures, event manager and event status. Similarly, they want a web panel to display assigned event details that are relevant to event managers. The administrators should allocate events to different event managers. It would make the event management task simpler.

This project aims to deliver a web-based platform to the event management company that allows clients to make bookings and view booked event details. This platform should allow administrators to allocate events to the event managers. These event managers can check clients and event details of assigned events from their panel. The web-based platform would provide a centralised database that would facilitate administrators to view event details of all company branches.

The project will not include SMS alerts for the event managers or clients. However, the project will implement push notifications and email alerts of event status for all stakeholders.

The current paper-based event management system has many limitations. Some of these issues are as follows:

  • Searching for event details or client information is a tedious task.
  • It is a cumbersome task to track all assigned events to the manager.
  • The report generation of events and the performance of event managers require a considerable amount of effort.
  • There is no way to receive notifications regarding scheduled updates.

The web-based event management system will address these issues. The prime features of the proposed web system are as follows:

  • Searching for event details or client information is a tedious task.
  • Admin can view the list of event bookings and assign the events to the manager based on the availability and event requirements.
  • The new system would allow administrators to generate reports to analyse the performance of managers and event status.
  • The new system would send notifications before the event schedule date or event status updates.
  • The new system would also allow clients to make online bookings of the events and view its detail. It would lower the extra burden on the staff members.

The project will not include SMS alerts for the event managers or clients. However, the project will implement push notifications and email alerts of event status for all stakeholders. 

Requirement analysis is necessary to ensure the delivery of the product as per the requirements of the client. The following section covers the list of clients’ requirements of the proposed system.

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Business Requirement

The following are the business requirements of the client:

  1. The web application should have the company’s logo on the header of all pages.
  2. The web application should run on the HTTPS protocol to ensure data security.
  3. The web application should have a user-friendly interface as per market standards.
  4. The website should offer to optimise solutions to process requests in less than 10 sec.

Systems requirements

The following section covers the system requirements for the web application:

Systems architecture

Figure 1: System Architecture

The web application would follow 3 tires layer architecture. The top layer is the Presentation layer that represents the user Interface. This layer consists of HTML, CSS and JavaScript for data presentation and validation on web clients. The middle layer is the Application layer that is responsible for executing server-side scripts. The bottom layer is the Data Access layer that deals with data storage.

Hardware requirements

  • 1 GB RAM
  • 1 CPU Core
  • 24 GB SSD Storage
  • 2 TB Transfer

Software Requirement

User Requirements

Figure 2: User Case Diagram


Use Case Definition

User Case Name Create Event Manager Profile
User Case ID USC001
Steps involved 1.      Administrator Login to the system using valid credentials.

2.      System verifies user credentials and allows admin to log in.

3.      System generates form for admin to enter manager details.

4.      If details are valid,

a.       The system shows success message.

5.      Else,

a.       The system shows an error message

6.      End Use Case


User Case Name Edit Event Manager Profile
User Case ID USC002
Steps involved 1.      Administrator Login to the system using valid credentials.

2.      System verifies user credentials and allows admin to log in.

3.      Administrator view list of event managers.

4.      Administrator selects the event manager record to update.

5.      System generates form for admin to update manager details.

6.      If details are valid,

a.       The system shows success message.

7.      Else,

a.       The system shows an error message

8.      End Use Case


User Case Name View Event Manager List
User Case ID USC004
Steps involved 1.      Administrator Login to the system using valid credentials.

2.      System verifies user credentials and allows admin to log in.

3.      Administrator view list of event managers.

4.      End Use Case


User Case Name View Event Booking List
User Case ID USC005
Steps involved 1.      Administrator Login to the system using valid credentials.

2.      System verifies user credentials and allows admin to log in.

3.      Administrator view list of booked events.

4.      End Use Case


User Case Name Assign Event to Manager
User Case ID USC006
Steps involved 1.      Administrator Login to the system using valid credentials.

2.      System verifies user credentials and allows admin to log in.

3.      Administrator view list of booked events.

4.      Administrator selects the event to assign event manager.

5.      System generates form for admin to update event manager details.

6.      If details are valid,

a.       The system shows success message.

7.      Else,

a.       The system shows an error message

8.      End Use Case


User Case Name Contact Client
User Case ID USC007
Steps involved 1.      Administrator Login to the system using valid credentials.

2.      System verifies user credentials and allows admin to log in.

3.      Administrator view list of clients.

4.      End Use Case


User Case Name Book Event
User Case ID USC008
Steps involved 1.      Client Login to the system using valid credentials.

2.      System verifies user credentials and allows client to log in.

3.      System generates form for client to enter event details.

4.      If details are valid,

a.       The system shows success message.

5.      Else,

a.       The system shows an error message

6.      End Use Case


User Case Name View Booked Event List
User Case ID USC009
Steps involved 1.      Client Login to the system using valid credentials.

2.      System verifies user credentials and allows client to log in.

3.      Client view list of booked events.

4.      End Use Case


User Case Name View Event Gallery
User Case ID USC010
Steps involved 1.      Client Login to the system using valid credentials.

2.      System verifies user credentials and allows client to log in.

3.      Client view grid view of event images.

4.      End Use Case


User Case Name View Assigned Event List
User Case ID USC011
Steps involved 1.      Manager Login to the system using valid credentials.

2.      System verifies user credentials and allows manager to log in.

3.      Manager view list of assigned events.

4.      End Use Case


User Case Name Update Event Status
User Case ID USC012
Steps involved 1.      Manager Login to the system using valid credentials.

2.      System verifies user credentials and allows manager to log in.

3.      Manager view list of assigned events.

4.      Manager selects the event to update.

5.      System generates form for manager to update event status details.

6.      If details are valid,

a.       The system shows success message.

7.      Else,

a.       The system shows an error message

8.      End Use Case


Functional Requirements

FR# Name Description Pre-requisite
001 Client Registration The client should register to the web application for booking an event. Client registration forms, client tables in the database, secured registration logic
002 Client Login The client should login to the web application to make bookings or view booked event status and details. Client registration
003 Event Gallery The client should view the event images organised in the past. Client Login, Book Event details
004 Book Event The client should login to the web application to make bookings Client Login, Book Event tables in the database, secure event booking logic.
005 Administrator Login The administrator should login to the web application to manage event, managers and generate report. Administratordetails in the database.
006 View Event Bookings The administrator should login to the web application to view event booking details. Administrator Login, Book Event tables in the database
007 Allocate Event to manager The administrator should login to the web application to allocate booked event to an event manager. Administrator Login, Book Event tables in the database, Event Manager tables in the database
008 View Event  managers list The administrator should login to the web application to view list of event manager. Administrator Login, Event Manager tables in the database
009 Add Event  manager The administrator should login to the web application to add an event manager. Administrator Login, Event Manager tables in the database, secure adds event manager logic.
010 Edit Event  manager The administrator should login to the web application to edit an event manager. Administrator Login, Event Manager tables in the database, secure edits event manager logic.
011 Contact Clients The administrator should login to the web application to view client contacts for interaction. Administrator Login, client tables in the database
012 Event Manager Login The event manager should login to the web application to view allocated events list, update event status and book meetings with clients. Event Manager details in the database.
013 View Allocated Event List The event manager should login to the web application to view allocated event details. Event Manager Login, Book Event tables in the database
014 Update Event Status The event manager should login to the web application to update event status. Event Manager Login, Book Event tables in the database
015 Book meeting with Client The event manager should login to the web application to book a meeting with the client. Event Manager Login, Book Event tables in the database,  client tables in the database
016 Manager Performance Report The administrator should login to the web application to view performance of event manager in selected timespan. Administrator Login, Event Manager tables in the database, Book Event tables in the database
017 Event Status Report The administrator should login to the web application to view status of event for selected timespan. Administrator Login, Event Manager tables in the database, Book Event tables in the database
018 Event Notification The administrator, event managers and clients should receive notifications for event updates.

Non-functional requirements

The following are the non-functional requirements of the client:

  1. The web application should be scalable to allow the development team to add features to the existing modules.
  2. The web application should encrypt crucial data of clients for reliable data security.
  3. The web application should use a load balancer to handle heavy web traffic.
  4. The web application should have a simple interface to allow even non-technical users can understand the system effortlessly.

The project development team would follow the agile methodology for web development. The project team will divide the project tasks into sprints to ensure that the project is on track. The team would schedule meetings with the client from time to time to keep updated about the project status. The client involvement throughout the development task lowers the project failure risks and improves the chances of project success.

Figure 3: Project Lifecycle 

Team Members Name Contact Skills Work can be Given
Muhammad Umar Asghar HTML5 and CSS3 and JS expert Front-end
PrabhjotKaur SQL, MongoDB Database
WBS# Name Description Resources Pre-requisite
1 Planning
1.1 Gather all the data forms Project charter
2 Sprint Planning Forms SRS
3 Sprint Backlogs and Epic Development Jira SRS
3.1 Start Sprint 1 Jira SRS
3.2 Sprint 1 Evaluation & Client Feedback Jira, Zoom SRS
3.3 Start Sprint 2 Jira SRS
3.4 Sprint 2 Evaluation & Client Feedback Jira, Zoom SRS
3.5 Project Testing SRS
3.6 Project Release

Figure 4: Gantt chart

  • Web application (Oct 15, 2021)
  • Project Documentation (Oct 15, 2021)
  • Project Manual (Oct 1,2021) 
Company’s fixed fees  $                                20,00,000
Software developer fees  $                                14,00,000
Materials  $                                             –
Inventory  $                                     10,000
Rental equipment’s  $                                10,00,000
Venue expenditure  $                                     90,000
5% extra amount


 $                                  5,00,000
Total  $                                50,00,000

Figure 5: Event Bookings List


Figure 6: Event Booking Form


The project team would interact using Slack for internal communication. The development team would schedule meetings with the client twice a week using Zoom meetings software. It would ensure that the final project meets the customer’s expectations.

The web application would store crucial information regarding clients. It is, therefore, necessary to implement data security to ensure the cyber safety of the data.  We would use cloud services to enhance database security apart from saving data in an encrypted format.

In conclusion, the web application would provide an effective solution to event managers for maintaining their clients and events details. This web-based solution would provide a platform for the event management company to allow its staff members and clients to view event details and status. 2021. [online] Available at:

 Atlassian. 2021. Scrum – what it is, how it works, and why it’s awesome. [online] Available at:

Logi Report. 2021. 3-Tier Architecture: A Complete Overview – Logi Report. [online] Available at: 2021. The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines | Django. [online] Available at:

Kendall, K. and Kendall, J., n.d. Systems analysis and design.

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