NR 501 Week 2: Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

NR 501 Week 2: Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

This discussion considers the metaparadigm of nursing and the four concepts of the nursing profession—person, environment, health and nursing profession.  Select a practice area of the nursing profession (i.e. education, executive, informatics, healthcare policy, and advanced clinical practice) and apply EACH of the four concepts to the selected area.  Be sure to apply EACH of the four concepts and include an example that demonstrates the application to the practice area.  Don’t forget to support your initial posting with scholarly references. 


Nurse executives have skills sets that lead and manage clinical and work environments as well as facilitate collaboration across the health care system (Rick, 2014). The work of nurse executives is constantly changing and adapting to new innovations and insights (Rick, 2014). A nurse executive uses all aspect of the nursing metaparadigm when making decisions and interacting with patients and peers to facilitate a successful work environment. 

 The essence of nursing practice is through the nurse-patient relationship (Talbert, 2012). The concept of person in the nursing metaparadigm refers to the patient, or the person receiving the care. Nurse executives transform and influence health and the health care system by enhancing patient engagement and developing clinical systems to create value-based performance (Rick, 2014). A nurse executive can be a director of nursing. As a director of nursing there will be constant interaction with not only nurses, but patients and families. As a director of nursing there are responsibilities to maintain patient satisfaction and make sure that the best possible care is being given to patients through collaboration with nurses and health care providers. 

The concept of environment in the nursing metaparadigm is what most would expect, a setting or place, but it can also be internal as well. Nurse executives have the responsibility of making sure the environment in which nurses are working are safe and properly managed. The same goes for patients. In the health care setting, patients and families are anxious and uncomfortable. It is the duty of the nurse executive to make sure that patients and their families are in a safe setting with quality nursing care. This occurs through interpersonal communication and collaboration. To ensure nurses and patients both feel respected and safe in the environment they are in, directors of nursing can form partnerships throughout the care setting that facilitate a safe environment for all involved.

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Health is a dynamic process in the nursing metaparadigm.  This refers to the well-being of the patient and includes physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual wellness. As a nurse executive and director of nursing, clinical information systems can be developed to ensure that care across the health care setting can be coordinated and accessible to patients to create a place of wellness (Rick, 2014). As a director of nursing, creating and maintaining accessible healthcare will improve and encourage patients health and wellness. 

The concept of nursing in the metaparadigm refers to the art and science of nursing. It includes the skills and education necessary to engage in the nursing process. As a nurse executive, it is important to provide nurses with strong clinical leadership to develop a vision for the future (Rick, 2014). As an advanced practice nurse, there will be clinical nurses that look up to nurse leaders for advice and guidance. It is the duty of the nurse executive to model appropriate behaviors and set goals and incentives for nurses to achieve a successful nursing environment for patients and peers (Rick, 2014).  

Rick, C. (2014) Competence in executive nursing leadership for the 21st century: The 5 eyes. Nurse Leader, 12(2), 64-6. NR 501  Week 2: Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession  

Talbert, T. L., (2012). The role of the nurse executive in fostering and empowering the advanced practice registered nurse. Nursing Clinics of North America, 47(2), 261-267.   Your central focus for person is the patient, but for the nurse executive, person also includes employees.  VERY well expressed! 

The events of recent years have given us an opportunity to see how the external environment can impact all organizations, as so, leadership decisions.  How might external events (environment) influence the role of the nurse executive? 

The nursing practice environment is considered advantageous when the nurses have autonomy, control over the work environment, and good relationships with the health care team (Dorigan & de Brito Guirardello, 2017). The same goes for nurse executives. Positive practice environments are associated with higher job satisfaction and lower burnout rates (Dorigan & de Brito Guirardello, 2017). As a nurse executive, the goal for myself is to be a director of nursing. As a director of nursing I will be in charge of the nurses in the hospital.

If the environment in which these nurses are working in is unsatisfactory, the nurses will show it. As stated, positive work environments lead to happy nurses as well as better patient care, influencing the decisions made by a director of nursing. It is the duty of the director of nursing to ensure that nurses feel safe when taking care of patients. That means making sure units are adequately staffed and nurses are being treated with respect from patients and other health care professionals. 

The environment plays a huge part in the nurse executive role. The nurse executive must make decisions based on environmental factors that affect the entire team of nurses throughout the health care setting. If the environment in which nurses and other health care providers is safe and positive there will be better nurse retention which leads to increased satisfaction for nurses, patients, and providers. The health care system is all interconnected and has a domino effect. If one part is off, other parts are effected. As a nurse executive being aware of the environment that the nurses and patients are in will impact the care being given as well the retention and health care relationships among providers. If positive, this will lead to better outcomes across the health care setting. 

Dorigan, G.H., de Brito Guirardello, E. (2017). Nursing practice environment, satisfaction and safety climate: the nurses’ perception.  Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, 30(2), 129-135. 0194201700021 

A lot of external events can play a part in the role of a nurse executive.  Disasters can play a huge part in the role of the nurse executive as well.  Making sure there is a disaster plan and everyone know their place and what the team members are supposed to do.   Making sure there is adequate staff to manage patient care and prepare for any emergencies.  Team members calling in excessively leaving the unit short staffed can influence the role of the nurse executive. 

The nurse executive will have to find somebody to help if critically short or even work on the floor themselves.  Being short-staffed is common in today’s healthcare systems and affects patient care and satisfaction.  Satisfaction in the workforce is important to retain nurses in the long run.  This also affects nurse satisfaction with their job.  I thought this post was very interesting. 

It’s interesting how I never really considered the nursing executive aspect of nursing theory and metaparadigm, as a bedside nurse my focus seemed to be on the patient and not all the coordinating of the nurse executive that makes it happen. Executive nurse leaders are required ensure patient satisfaction and safety as well as meeting the aims of valve-based purchasing which include reducing cost, improving quality and being responsive to consumer demands (Nickitas & Frederickson, 2015). Balancing all of these responsibilities can be challenging which is why the use of nursing knowledge and nursing theory are invaluable to executive nurse leader. Nickitas and Frederickson (2015) suggest that by linking knowledge and theory by practice to a healthcare system’s performance can help others recognize what is unique to nursing and their value to the organization.   


Nickitas, D., M., Frederickson, K. (2015). Nursing Knowledge and Theory: Where is the economic value? Nursing Economic$ Vol 33(4). pp. 190-239.  

http://www (Links to an external site.)

 I found it very interesting.  As a nurse executive you have to look not only at the patients but also at the employees and what you can do to better help them provide excellent patient care.  Also as a nurse executive you will need to possibly calm upset or angry patients or family members down if they feel they are not getting the adequate care that they deserve.  That can be frustrating and also very hard.  I believe leadership is a huge component in healthcare and having a great team.  Leadership can make or break a team and truly sets the tone and mood for the team essentially.  Showing appreciation for staff and setting goals that are achievable is important as well.  Having a great team is usually a production of great leadership.  You did a great job on this post and it was very well in depth.   

According to Marchuk (2014), nursing philosophy and information are grounded on the foundation of nursing’s metaparadigm concepts. These essential concepts of the discipline interact and interconnect with each other and ought to be taking into account as a composite whole or consecutively. The metaparadigm of nursing is acknowledged as paramount concepts in nursing covering such areas as person, health, environment and nursing. It leaves an extraordinary impression for one to think and reflect on how metaparadigm and the four concepts of the nursing profession are utilized on a daily basis within our career. 

When referring to the concept, person, one must address the patient in a proper manner, recognizing their status, their values and dignity. I currently work with women’s health; these patients have certain rights which are considered sacrosanct. An example of maintaining patient dignity in my working arena is when a patient is having their annual gynecological exam; there is a need for the patient to take her clothes off, however we must ensure minimal exposure to the examiner while examination is taking place, and ensure that the rest of the body is kept covered, avoiding unnecessary exposure to other healthcare personnel and even to the examiner. Protecting the patient, an honoring the patients right to privacy and preserving their dignity is of paramount importance.     

The concept environment refers to the actual facilities, surroundings and accommodation provided to service the patient. As a complement of the example I cited above, the gynecological examination room ought to be private, comfortable and welcoming, with things such as the room and bed where the patient is to lay down must be clean, have appropriate lighting and maintained at the right temperature while the examination is being performed. The room should be securely closed, and away from public thoroughfare to ensure the patients privacy is maintained. NR 501 Week 2: Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession 

According to World Health Organization health, Health. (n.d), Health which is the next concept, is characterized by “the state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. The concept of health focuses on the physical, mental, social and spiritual status of the patient. Within the women’s health services when we are carrying out activities to prevent diseases such as a cancer screening test, this does not only promote health, and maintain a good health status for the patient, but we are also collecting information on the entire family which will redound to the benefit of the family in the long run.

Patients and families understand that all action we are put in place are guided towards the promotion of a stable health status. Here, it is very important to listen keenly in nursing care, as listening plays a crucial role in the delivery of care. Listening to all inquiries coming from patient and the family, and responding appropriately is very important to set the tone and establish the relationship between nurse, patient and family. Once the proper comfort-level has been established, information flow will become more frequent and easier.

Psychological preparation of patients and family before, during and after each procedure is also of paramount importance, so the information provided will be in accordance with patient and family expectation. Health is further understood through the aid of nursing science, which provides information regarding health and disease processes, Marchuk (2014). 

The last concept, nursing, includes the utilization of the nursing process, observation, intuition, assessment, communication, reassessment and evaluation. Nursing has as a necessary part, aspects such as autonomy, physiology and scientifically demonstrated or measured theories and outcomes which forms the knowledge base of the nurse, and helps the nurse to have a full understanding of the patient and thereby provide an effective individualized care. This type of information helps the nurse to be sympathetic with the patient, and thus assist in the delivery of a personalized care. Marchuk (2014). 

Returning to my working settings as an example, it is of paramount importance for nursing personnel to offer and provide the best personalized care possible to the patient and their family. 

The four concepts within the nursing paradigm, person, environment, health and nursing profession make up the basis of nursing, and these forms the structural base required for nursing theories and knowledge. 


 Health. (n.d.). Retrieved January 07,2018 from (Links to an external site.) 

Marchuk, A. (2014). A personal nursing philosophy in practice. Journal of Neonatal Nursing (Links to an external site.), 20 (6), 266-273. (Links to an external site.) 

I can see that you have given this much thought!  You described clear and specific connections between practice experiences and each of the metaparadigm concepts. Well done!   NR 501 Week 2: Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession 

While we have specific definitions of each of the metaparadigm concepts, the manifestation of the concepts in practice are as varied as nursing’s practice areas and as the populations of concern. 

When Fawcett first described the metaparadigm concepts in 1984 (Fawcett, 1984), she fully expected that the metaparadigm would evolve as our profession evolves and she continues to look forward to dialogue about this evolution. For example, she engaged in discussion of the possibility of “official” inclusion of the concept of caring in the metaparadigm concepts (Fawcett, panel discussion, Conference of the International Association for Human Caring, 2016). 

Class, what do YOU think? How might the metaparadigm evolve in our future? 

As you continue to explore nursing theories, will you not search for one that includes–or is at least consistent with– your major descriptors of each of the metaparadigm concepts, such as the holism you noted in person. 

Class, how important is it that you consider your own beliefs and experiences with the metaparadigm concepts as you are finding meaning and relevance—with a particular nursing theory???  –that the theory is conceptually congruent/compatible with your own beliefs? 


Fawcett, J. (1984). The metaparadigm of nursing: Present status and future refinements, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 16(3). 84-87. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.1984.tb01393.x 

Fawcett, J. (2016, June). Theorist Panel: Elizabeth Barrett, Richard Cowling, John Phillips, Marilyn Ray, Marlaine Smith, and Jean Watson.  The International Association for Human Caring and The Society of Rogerian Scholars Conference: Advancing Unitary and Caring Science for Nursing Praxis. Boston. 

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