MSN5270 Theories of Nursing Reflective Analysis Paper

MSN5270 Theories of Nursing Reflective Analysis Paper

Reflective Analysis: Theories of Nursing

Nursing practice has evolved and transformed from an era when patient care was hazy and met with illusory practices to the current epoch when care has advanced significantly. One of the ways that ancient caregivers could have an epiphany and gain a better understanding of various aspects of care was through the development of nursing theories. The middle-range nursing theories, which fall between the grand theories and the practice theories, are of particular interest.

The middle-range theories have fewer concepts and encompass a more limited range of reality; however, despite their immanence, they aid in explaining and understanding various aspects of care (Leandro et al., 2020). Throughout the course, I have had an incredible time moving from one theory to the next and applying each to a different aspect of patient care. In this reflective essay, I reflect on what I have learned throughout the course and incorporate some of my peers’ thoughts on some of the course issues.

Reflection on What I have Learned

Nurses play an important role in patient care delivery as well as knowledge development. I have had the opportunity to learn about the process of developing knowledge that influences nursing practice, all of which begin with a nursing theory. Some of the theories I have found particularly interesting and applicable in contemporary practice are attachment and comfort theories, as well as the concepts of proxy subjective healthcare status.

According to John Bowlby’s attachment theory, a child’s behavior is associated with the attachment figure, and the quality of the relationship, in terms of proximity to and the attachment figure’s behaviors, is responsible for future child’s behavior, thoughts, and actions (Ali et al., 2021). This has altered and influenced how child psychotherapeutic interventions are delivered, as well as aiding in the understanding of children’s personalities as they grow.

Also, during my rotation on the surgical ward, a patient scheduled for a breast lump excision expressed her concerns about the pain after surgery, potential complications, and cosmesis because she was newlywed. This prompted us to reach an agreement with her via a formal patient comfort contract, in which she expected pain-free post-surgery sprees, no or limited complications, and a return of cosmesis to near normal. The theory of comfort helped me understand that patients’ comfort is a highly valuable outcome of nursing care, and that ensuring it is a collaborative effort between the care provider, the patient, and family members.

Regarding proxy symptom reporting, it is true that a patient may be physically or mentally incapacitated to provide a history of illness. As a result, the assistance of a proxy is required, who is assumed to provide relevant information that would be close to the patient’s narration. This has made me appreciate the dynamics of life, in which a person may be critically ill, lack cognitive ability, or be unable to communicate, necessitating assistance with trivial matters such as speaking on their behalf.

Finally, I had the opportunity to hear some of my coursemates’ thoughts and perspectives on a variety of course topics. In one of their points of view, patient comfort extends beyond the hospital and into the patient’s home, with which I agree. This can be aided by providing a quiet environment, dimming the lights in the patients’ rooms, reminding them of their medications, turning them on the bed to prevent bedsores, and using music therapy (Khatri et al., 2020).

This was especially useful during the Covid19 period when home healthcare services increased exponentially. Moreover, a peer’s perspective on proxy reporting suggested that a proxy could be human or non-human. Indeed, a non-human intervention of patient assessment, the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) tool, is increasingly being used.


A reflective essay depicts one’s experience and feelings about an event. In this case, the experience I had with the course was impactful. I have learned about several aspects of knowledge development, with nursing theories as a starting point. While several theories were learned, I only included theories that directly impacted my clinical rotations in the various departments in this reflective assay, which are the theory of attachment and the theory of comfort, as well as the concepts of proxy subjective health status.

The perspectives of one’s peers are also important for maximizing understanding because they shape and sculpt one’s thinking. As a result of the course materials, educators, and classmates I had, my critical thinking has greatly improved.


Ali, E., Letourneau, N., & Benzies, K. (2021). Parent-child attachment: A principle-based concept analysis. SAGE Open Nursing7, 23779608211009000.

Khatri, P., Seetharaman, S., Phang, C. M. J., & Lee, B. X. A. (2020). Home hospice services during COVID-19: Ensuring comfort in unsettling times in Singapore. Journal of Palliative Medicine23(5), 605–606.

Leandro, T. A., Nunes, M. M., Teixeira, I. X., Lopes, M. V. de O., Araújo, T. L. de, Lima, F. E. T., & Silva, V. M. da. (2020). Development of middle-range theories in nursing. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem73(1), e20170893.

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Theory of Nursing Reflection Instructions

Please reflect on what you have learn during the last 15 weeks throughout this course. Please include 400 words in your initial post with 2 scholarly references by Wednesday midnight. Please include 200 words in two answers to your peers by Saturday midnight.

1 Week : Making judgement as to whether a theory could be adapted for use in research is very important. Describe the internal and external criticism that is used to evaluate middle range

2 Week: Theory of Pain .

3 week: Theory of unpleasant symptoms .

4 Week: Theory of Self-Efficacy using the internal and external criticism evaluation process.

5 Week: Theory of Chronic Sorrow.

6 Week: Use of spirituality in nursing practice is not new. However, it is more studied and utilized in a more structured format in nursing. Identify and discuss tools used to evaluate spirituality.

7 Week: Analyze the potential effectiveness resulting from professional or nurse-provided social support versus enhancement of social support provided by personal relationship and social networks for parents of children with chronic mental illness.

Week 8: Middle Range Nursing Theory .

Week 9 :The surrogate role is not one that is frequently mentioned in recent nursing practice literature. Is that role as defined by Peplau relevant to nursing practice as currently experienced. If so, in what way. If not, why?

Week 10 :Based on the theory of attachment, what behaviors would a nurse attempt to stimulate when working with parent to promote health attachment?

Week 12 :Conducted a literature review on the use of integrative theory in clinical practice or research studies.

Week:13 Postsurgical overall comfort, and also where they can specify chronic discomforts and interventions that they use at home for relief.

Week 14 :Discuss the underlying assumptions and potential ramifications of having proxy subjective health status or evaluation measures for children or those unable to speak for themselves.

Week 15:

MSN5270 Theories of Nursing Reflective Analysis Paper Example 2

Self-Assessment Advanced Theoretical Perspective for Nursing

Advanced theoretical perspectives for the nursing class is the foundation of the formation of professional nursing. It provides a framework for nursing practices. Throughout this semester, this course helps me explore theories related to nursing which includes analyzing the philosophical underpinnings of nursing theories and critiquing nursing’s conceptual models, grand theories, and mid-range theories. This course also helps me understand the etiology of professional nursing and what it means to be an FNP.

One of the main topics this course encompasses is the middle-range nursing theory which is underlying the practice of nursing education and constitutes a tool for bridging the theory-practice gap and suggests approaches to generate active growth in nursing education to inform and promote optimal client health outcomes using concept linkages in theories. The middle-range nursing is bifurcated into nine sub-theory that describe the concepts of health, the nursing process, the nursing client, stressors, and responses.

They also identify the phenomena in which a nursing science should be concerned which include educational programs and nursing administration used, and the nursing workplace. The middle-range theory underlying structures of health care organizations and the social psychology of health and health care. The latter includes studies of stress, coping and social support, health and illness behavior, and practitioner-patient relationships.

This course also helps me develop a perfect understanding of the theory of pain. I have learned that pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Besides that, modern research considered evidence that supports the theory that pain is not only a physical phenomenon but rather a biopsychosocial phenomenon, encompassing culture, nociceptive stimuli, and the environment in the experience and perception of pain.

I have also learned about unpleasant symptoms and described the complexity of symptom experiences of the patients and how integrated nursing actions can be effectively managed. Three major concepts that have been developed throughout this theory are physical, spiritual, and psychosocial factors, which include dyspnea, pain, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and hopelessness. The theory generates several applicable approaches to support nursing practice and research (Moore & Kenefick, 2022).

This course makes me understand nursing as a whole and how healthcare professionals can contribute to supporting our community by empowering health. Now, I know how to integrate nursing and related sciences into the delivery of care to clients across diverse healthcare settings and analyze quality initiatives to improve health outcomes across the continuum of care. I also understand the illness and disease management to provide evidence-based care to clients, communities, and vulnerable populations in an evolving healthcare delivery system (Advanced theoretical perspectives, 2022).


Moore and Kenefick, A. (2022). The Holistic Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms, Retrieved from

MRU., (2022). Advanced theoretical perspectives

MSN5270 Theories of Nursing Reflective Analysis Paper Example 3

Advanced Theoretical Perspectives for Nursing

The last 15 weeks have been very insightful, and I have learned many things that are useful in my nursing practice also in my personal life. I have learned that a theoretical perspective in nursing is crucial as it allows nurses to plan and implement proactive and purposeful care. A theoretical perspective allows users to practice systematically, making them more efficient in their practice, and as a result, they have better control of their outcomes.

With the changes in technology and patient needs, it has become necessary for nurses to offer patients personalized care that ensures that their needs are well met. Meeting patient needs cannot be met easily if a nurse does not have the best system to perform effectively. The course has taught me the importance of communicating with others in healthcare to ensure success. A nurse cannot work alone to obtain patient outcomes (Heinen et al., 2019). Still, they have to work alongside other professionals in healthcare and communicate with patients and their families to offer tailored care, improving patient outcomes.

The course has been very interactive through the different discussions we have had. The discussions have helped me understand my peers\’ different perspectives, and they have all made me better in my discussions. The assignments have helped improve my research skills and how to incorporate the gathered research in my work and support my arguments. Nursing relies heavily on theories, and nursing theory helps nursing to understand their patients\’ unique needs.

Advanced theoretical perspective in nursing help nurses to know what they can do and how to do it. Advanced theoretical perspective has given me foundational knowledge to enable me how to care for my patients. I have learned that I cannot approach different patient needs using the same approach, which is why I need to use the established guidelines for my practice and the issues I am handling, whether they are broad or specific.

The course has made me realize and appreciate the nursing theories designed to help improve the profession and understand why nurses and institutions employ different nursing theories in their practice. I will use the advanced theoretical perspectives to evaluate patient care and make the right decisions for the best nursing interventions based on the current situation (Mudd et al., 2020). As much as patient outcomes are of priority in emergencies, it is important to allow patients to express their control and independence in their care through their decisions.


Heinen, M., van Oostveen, C., Peters, J., Vermeulen, H., & Huis, A. (2019). An integrative review of leadership competencies and attributes in advanced nursing practice. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(11), 2378-2392.

Mudd, A., Feo, R., Conroy, T., & Kitson, A. (2020). Where and how does fundamental care fit within seminal nursing theories: A narrative review and synthesis of key nursing concepts. Journal of clinical nursing, 29(19-20), 3652-3666.

Theories of Nursing Reflective Analysis Paper Example 3 Student Response

A theoretical perspective in nursing enhances patient outcomes and quality care. Nursing philosophies have directed practice in western and eastern nations and are more practical than traditional nursing practices. Nurses should practice based on the nursing theories’ perspectives as they assess the usefulness of nursing theory-led practice. A theoretical perspective enables users to practice systematically and control outcomes better.

Good communication is also crucial in healthcare and augments efficiency. Effective and open communication among nurses promotes success and better decision-making. Successful communication amongst nurses and other healthcare professionals promotes care coordination and continuum. The form of the nurse-doctor relationship and internal communication’s efficacy contributes to the eminence of patient care (Amudha et al., 2018).

Coordinated care applies far-reaching approaches such as care management and teamwork and detailed coordination actions like assessing patient requirements and goals and making a practical care plan. Care coordination, if well-planned and targeted, is a strategy to progressing the health care system’s safety, practicality, and proficiency.

Nursing theories facilitate nurses’ understanding of their patients’ needs. Essentially, theory-based nursing applies numerous philosophies, concepts, and models from nursing science to clinical practice. Nursing theories integrate grand, middle-range, and micro-range theories. Micro-range theories provide outlines for possible results, implementation basis, and nursing practice impacts. Nursing theories are practical in nursing education because they direct and define nursing care, encourage evidence-based practices, and offer a foundation for clinical decision-making.

Nursing theories progress practice by positively impacting the patient’s health and life quality. Middle-range philosophies support nurses in accomplishing their goals of leading all-inclusive nurse research (Risjord, 2019). Middle-range models help nurses comprehend their roles, contributing to nursing education. Nursing theories provide nurses with the groundwork in making healthcare verdicts, direct evidence-based research and practice, and simplify learning.


Amudha, P., Hamidah, H., Annamma, K., & Ananth, N. (2018). Effective communication between nurses and doctors: Barriers as perceived by nurses. J Nurse Care, 7(03), 1-6. DOI: 10.4172/2167-1168.1000455

Risjord, M. (2019). Middle‐range theories as models: new criteria for analysis and evaluation. Nursing Philosophy, 20(1), e12225.

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