Managing Behavioral Health Effectively » Dissertation Consulting Company.

Managing Behavioral Health Effectively


Undoubtedly, a key component of offering comprehensive healthcare in a medical-surgical facility is properly managing behavioral health and mental disease. Let’s break down the procedure using the AHRQ PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) worksheet in order to develop an effective aim statement and plan for this endeavor.

Goal Statement

Specific: To improve patient outcomes and care quality in order to better manage behavioral health and mental illness in the medical-surgical unit.

Measurable: Within six months, reduce the frequency of adverse events connected to behavioral health and mental disease by 20%.

Achievable: By putting evidence-based practices into place, improving staff education, and working with mental health professionals.

Relevant: This project supports the goals of our hospital to deliver all-encompassing treatment and enhance patient experiences.

Time-bound: Within six months, a 20% reduction in unfavorable events is expected.

Using the AHRQ PDSA worksheet, create a plan to:

Plan Stage:

What we hope to achieve is better behavioral health and mental illness care in the medical-surgical unit.

What is the strategy to bring about the improvement?

Find Evidence-Based Practises Examine and choose evidence-based therapies for the medical-surgical unit’s management of behavioral health and mental illness.

Staff Education: To help staff members of medical-surgical units comprehend and manage behavioral health and mental illness, a thorough training program should be developed.

Establish a good working relationship with mental health professionals for advice and assistance.

Patient Education: To encourage awareness and participation in their care, patients and their families should receive instructional materials.

What are you going to gauge?

Unfavorable occurrences linked to mental illness and behavioral health.

Proficiency of the staff in handling such circumstances.

Satisfied patients and their families.

What adjustments can we make that will lead to a better situation?

Apply evidence-based strategies.

Monitor and evaluate the success of employee training.

Actively involve professionals in mental health.

Encourage patient and family participation.

How can we tell when a change is for the better?

Keep tabs on the frequency of adverse events and analyze them frequently.

Using evaluations and comments, keep an eye on the staff’s competence.

Obtain feedback from patients’ and families’ perceptions of changes and satisfaction.

What modifications can we test?

To manage behavioral health and mental disease, test out various evidence-based therapies.

Test several staff training strategies to see which ones are most successful.

Test the breadth and frequency of your work with mental health professionals.

Analyze how patient education materials affect the participants’ engagement and knowledge of their conditions.

Phase to Do:

Implement the adjustments you’ve planned:

Apply a few evidence-based strategies.

Start staff training initiatives.

Start working with mental health professionals.

Make patient education materials available.

Examine Phase:

What have we learned from the adjustments?

Examine adverse event data to see if there has been a decrease.

Analyse employee comments regarding the success of the training.

Consult experts in the field of mental health for advice on working together.

Ask patients and their families for comments on the instructional materials.

Acting Stage:

What adjustments will be made subsequently?

Based on data analysis, modify interventions.

Adapt employee training programs as necessary.

Collaboration with mental health professionals should be improved or adjusted.

Adapt patient education materials in response to comments.

To continually enhance the management of behavioral health and mental disease in the medical-surgical unit, repeat the PDSA cycle as necessary. The care given will be more effective, patient-centered, and evidence-based thanks to this iterative approach. Patient outcomes and overall quality of treatment will continue to improve with regular review and modification of the plan.

Managing Behavioral Health Effectively



Effectively managing behavioral health/mental illness in a medical surgical unit


By now you should have received feedback from your Aim Statement and Framework assignment in NU 760.  Use the faculty feedback provided for that assignment as an aid to completing the Aim Statement and Plan section of the AHRQ PDSA form.

· AHRQ PDSA WorksheetLinks to an external site.

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