Interpersonal Functioning and Social Media in BPD

The article “Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality Disorder Traits: A Social Media Perspective” is an interesting one as it provides a distinctive perspective on the relationship between BPD features and social media usage. This study is important in that it was the first to investigate interpersonal dilemmas connected with BPD social media for modern life.

Purpose of the Research

The primary purpose of this study is to uncover the complicated relationship between BPD symptoms and social media behaviors. In today’s world, with social media becoming an ordinary part of life that changes connections and even self-perception, sometimes having an effect on the mental state of all this, understanding how precisely it concerns is getting much more essential. The study would also investigate what types of BPD traits relate to social media activity.

The perceptions of others depend, in large part, upon the individual complex personality disorder known as BPD, which revolves around significant emotional instability accompanied by high interpersonal relationships and distorted self-image. This study wants to investigate the dynamics of these interpersonal relationships in a digital world. It acknowledges the fact that social media, an area with a mix of pseudonymity and interdependence as well as validation requirements by people groups being BPD traits, demonstrates individual peculiarities in behavior.

This study aims to fill this gap in psychological research by addressing the correlation between personality disorders and digital behavior. This social media research is extremely relevant. It not only facilitates an academic understanding of BPD but also has practical implications for clinical practice, explaining how features or traits of the disorder might manifest in the modern digital age. So, the study contributes to developing a BPD theoretical framework and reflects contemporary societal trends.


The hypothesis of this study postulates a strong relationship between BPD traits and particular forms of social media behavior. This is based on the confession that BPD, which affects close relationships and self-image, might as well affect online interactions. The study aims to understand if the typical BPD features, such as emotional lability and relational intensities, are reflected in social media usage trends. It studies dissimilarity in social media usage between people with BPD traits and those without them, thereby extending the scope of BPD from physical reality to the virtual environment.


Crowdsourcing is the innovative approach integrated into this study, representing a deviation from standard clinical research methods. Such scenarios illustrate vital information concerning behavioral participation in social media and contributions through BPD traits (Ooi et al., 20). This can involve tracking patterns, including the number of posts or post responses with the likelihood factors engaged in editing and deleting content. Among the advantages of research via crowdsourcing is its potential to yield multiple data points from disparate respondents, generating richer – perhaps—generalized findings regarding BPD tendencies in social media activity.

In addition, this method allows gathering information in the ‘natural’ environment where people are presented as they were and outside the clinical settings. The research not only creates a broad data source but entirely reflects the medium one is talking about – social media- and in turn, its conclusions become more relevant since they are based on the analysis of facts that this very field has produced.

Results and Findings

The study’s findings efficiently shed light on a very clear connection between BPD features and some social media practices, particularly editing or deleting messages. This result supports the original hypothesis and gives empirical support to the conceit that BPD traits remain in digital communications. In particular, figure 3 in the study shows that higher frequencies of self-reported editing or deleting social media posts correspond to higher scores of BPD traits (Ooi et al., 2020). This is especially enlightening as it gives a numerical measure of the effects of BPD traits on social media usage. These implications are profound, revealing that those who score more on BPD would behave differently towards social media use as in the case of their actual world challenges with adopting interpersonal relationships and self-image.

Discussion and Implications

This study’s discussion focuses on the broader implications of its results, especially in counseling psychology. The study showcases the ability of BPD traits to impact online behavior substantially, extending its implications beyond physical face-to-face interactions (Ooi et al., 2020). This disclosure is crucial for the digital era when social media has become a significant aspect of people’s lives and interpersonal relations. For counseling psychologists, these insights only highlight the importance of digital footprints and social media conduct in assessing and treating BPD (Schmidt & D’Alfonso, 2023). An alternative perspective to consider regarding BDP characteristics is the remark on cyber-grade shift, meaning this development signifies a potential for better approaches toward treatment. It also implies that patterns of social media use may even end up as mediators or complicating elements for BPD symptoms, and thus, such a situation requires sophisticated therapy.

Personal Opinion and Recommendations

This study is a new venture into the obscure realm of psychological studies. It is also relevant that the survey of BPD traits and social media behavior takes place in this digital age. The use of the crowdsourcing approach as a methodological tool is commendable since it contributes to the originality of data. However, this approach does not necessarily ensure comparable generalization conditions are being controlled for using a typical research design and, as such, may influence the replicability of findings. The quality of future research under this theme is based on using other controlled experimental designs or longitudinal with apprehension (Putz et al., 2020). In other words, such methodologies enable researchers to look at how BPD and social media use traits change over time, revealing evolving patterns that provide more detailed insights. Besides, longitudinal studies might help to understand the causality and direction of these correlations and would make a valuable contribution to theoretical knowledge and clinical practice.

Overall Impression

My general feeling about this research is positive because it marks a remarkable step towards modern psychology. Studying how BPD characteristics appear online is novel and applied in our digital age. These studies provide valuable insights into counseling psychology, demonstrating that it is important for practitioners to understand digital aspects of clients’ lives. This study expands our understanding of BPD by showing how it goes beyond traditional interpersonal relationships and affects social media, a new reality that shapes self-concepts and social interactions. The research effectively fills this niche between classic psychological studies and the quickly changing virtual world. It points out that we should adapt them to a new reality of how people communicate with each other. The implications of this research are significant; it can change how we perceive the assessment and treatment of BPD as an individual’s online and offline lives do not exist independently in a world where one complements the other.

Conclusively, the study “Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality Disorder Traits: The work “A Social Media Perspective” opens a new chapter in the history of psychological experiments, especially regarding personality disorders and their digital form. The study sheds light on the complex interplay between BPD traits and social media conduct, revealing how personality disorders can break through conventional personal boundaries, leading to digital manifestation. This study not only increases our understanding of BPD but draws attention to the necessity to account for digital behaviors when discussing psychological tests and therapies. Crowdsourcing is implemented here as a methodological tool to generate novel data collection and analysis opportunities, although it emphasizes the need for more controlled longitudinal research in further studies.


Ooi, J., Michael, J., Lemola, S. , et al. (2020). “Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality Disorder Traits: A Social Media Perspective.” Scientific Reports.

Putz, L. M., Hofbauer, F., & Treiblmaier, H. (2020). Can gamification help to improve education? Findings from a longitudinal study. Computers in Human Behavior110, 106392.

Schmidt, S., & D’Alfonso, S. (2023). Clinician perspectives on how digital phenotyping can inform client treatment. Acta Psychologica235, 103886.

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