Information Systems in Business | Free Essay Examples


Applying the components of an Information Systems Development Methodology (ISDM) is vital when analyzing the business requirements for creating an online retail platform like “ShopEZ.” ISDM offers an organized approach to information system analysis, design, implementation, and management to satisfy corporate goals efficiently. The following components may be used to assess the ShopEZ business requirements:

Components may be used to assess the ShopEZ business requirements.

System Investigation: During this preliminary stage, the development team and consultants compile data on the objectives, aims, and user requirements of the company. They interview stakeholders, examine current systems, and determine the project’s scope and limits (Oates et al., 2022, pp. 1). Understanding the platform’s needed features and functionality, such as order processing, payment integration, and delivery systems, is necessary for ShopEZ.

A feasibility study evaluates the applicability and viability of the suggested solution. It determines whether the project should progress by considering technical, economic, and operational variables (Pappas and Woodside, 2021). This process ensures that the project is financially feasible within the given period and that the business needs match the available resources.

Analysis of needs: This stage involves acquiring and recording specific needs and working closely with stakeholders, consultants, and developers to define and rank functional and non-functional needs. In the case of ShopEZ, this entails identifying the needs for user registration, product browsing and selection, cart management, payment processing, order tracking, and customer assistance.

System Design: The consultants develop a system design outlining the architecture, data models, user interfaces, and integration points based on the requirements study. For ShopEZ, the consultants would create a database schema to control orders and inventories and specify the connection points with different payment and delivery systems.

Development and Testing: In an Agile setting employing the Scrum technique, development takes place over a period known as a sprint. The system is developed iteratively, emphasizing the highest priority needs first (Berdik et al., 2021). Testing is done at the end of each sprint to ensure the produced features adhere to the requirements.

Implementation and Deployment: After the system has undergone development and testing, it is put into service in a real-world setting (Ismagilova et al., 2019, pp. 90). Thus, this entails putting in place the required infrastructure, hardware, and software to make the online shopping platform usable by end consumers.

Components of an Agile Methodology and how they can be applied in the modeling process

The agile technique may be used in the modeling process to create a use-case model, related user stories, and UML diagrams for the “ShopEZ” online shopping platform. Iterative Development: Agile methodologies encourage iterative development, dividing the project into smaller iterations or sprints. The team may begin modeling by developing an initial use-case model that depicts the platform’s essential features, such as product browsing, adding things to the cart, and completing orders (Badakhshan et al., 2020, pp. 2). As the team develops a better grasp of the requirements, the use-case model may be improved and extended iteratively by adding more specific use cases.

Cross-functional Teams: Agile encourages the formation of cross-functional teams made up of members with a variety of qualifications. Business analysts, developers, designers, and testers may be on the modeling team. The team may collectively create and improve the use-case model by including people with different viewpoints, ensuring that all facets of the system are considered and adequately represented.

User Involvement: Agile approach strongly emphasizes incorporating end users at every stage of the development process. Techniques like user interviews, surveys, and usability testing may be used to incorporate users in the modeling process. The team may improve the use-case model and find pertinent user stories by talking to end users to learn more about their preferences, expectations, and pain areas.

Continuous Feedback and Adaptation: Agile approach promotes ongoing feedback and modification. Throughout the modeling phase, the team may consult with stakeholders, such as the project sponsor and end users, to evaluate and verify the use-case model and related user stories. The use-case model and user stories may be iteratively improved based on the stakeholders’ comments using this feedback-driven method, which guarantees that the modeling efforts align with their expectations.

Incremental Delivery: Agile encourages value delivery gradually. The team may rank the user stories in the modeling phase according to their significance and viability (Naik et al., 2020, pp. 344). It is possible to choose high-priority user stories that reflect crucial platform features for early deployment. The team may change the use-case model and related user stories to reflect the added features and functions as the development goes along.

In addition, a use-case diagram may be made to depict the interactions between actors (such as consumers, administrators, and payment gateways) and the system graphically in UML diagrams. It gives an overview of the features and user objectives. The class diagram may be created to show the system’s classes, characteristics, connections, and static structure (Naik et al., 2020, pp. 344). It aids in comprehending the platform’s data model and the connections between its many elements. The sequence diagram may also show the dynamic interactions and message passing between actors or objects during certain use cases. It displays how interactions flow and may help find areas for system improvement or bottlenecks.

online shopping

The development team may assess business requirements, identify user needs, and effectively convey information system requirements to stakeholders by implementing these agile components and employing the proper I.T. modeling approaches (Venkatesh and Rakhra, 2020). This strategy guarantees a collaborative, iterative development process that adheres to agile principles and aids in creating an effective, user-focused online retail platform.


Information Systems Requirements to Various Stakeholders

The following actions may be done to document and convey information systems needs to different stakeholders for the “ShopEZ” online shopping platform:

Requirements Elicitation: Consult with stakeholders, such as the project sponsor, the development team, and end users, through interviews, workshops, and meetings to ascertain their needs and expectations for the platform (Köksal and Tekinerdogan, 2019, pp. 927). Discussing features, functionality, performance standards, and any unique restrictions or preferences may be a part of this.

Use-Case Modeling: Construct a use-case model to include the system’s functional needs. Determine the actors and how they interact with the system (such as users, administrators, and payment gateways). Define use cases that describe specific actions or objectives that stakeholders wish to accomplish with the platform, such as product browsing, order placement, or inventory management.

Use cases should be converted into user stories, which are concise, straightforward explanations of a product or capability from an end user’s viewpoint. Each user narrative should effectively summarize a particular use case by emphasizing the user’s objective, the system’s response, and any applicable approval criteria (Meske et al., 2022, pp. 55). For instance, a user narrative may read, “As a customer, I want to search for products by category and keywords to find relevant items quickly.”

Requirements Prioritization: Work with the project sponsor and the development team to rank the identified user stories according to their significance, worth, and viability. When time and resource restrictions are considered, this helps guarantee that the most important features are developed first. MoSCoW (Must-Have, Should-Have, Could-Have, Won’t-Have) or relative prioritizing are two methods for setting priorities.

However, create UML diagrams to clarify better the system needs and linkages. Use the class diagram to show the system’s classes, characteristics, connections, and static structure. Entities like customers, goods, orders, and payment systems may all be represented in the class diagram (Ismagilova et al., 2019, pp. 89). The order of messages transmitted may be seen in the sequence diagram, which depicts the dynamic behavior and interactions between actors or objects throughout certain use cases.

Requirements Specification Document: Write a detailed requirements specification document incorporating all the data obtained. An overview of the project, the business requirements, the user stories prioritized by UML diagrams, and any other pertinent information should all be included in this document. Ensure the text is intelligible and clear, concise, and comprehensive to all parties.


In conclusion, “ShopEZ” need to analyze the business requirements in-depth, considering the demands of both the project sponsor and the end users. To guarantee a thorough grasp of their expectations, desired functions, and limits, engage stakeholders via interviews, workshops, and feedback sessions. “ShopEZ” should continue using the Scrum framework for project management and the agile approach. Ensure the development team follows agile principles, including incremental delivery, frequent feedback, and iterative development.


Badakhshan, P., Conboy, K., Griswold, T. and vom Brocke, J., 2020. Agile business process management: A systematic literature review and an integrated framework. Business Process Management Journal26(6), pp.1505-1523.

Berdik, D., Otoum, S., Schmidt, N., Porter, D. and Jararweh, Y., 2021. A survey on blockchain for information systems management and security. Information Processing & Management58(1), p.102397.

Ismagilova, E., Hughes, L., Dwivedi, Y.K. and Raman, K.R., 2019. Smart cities: Advances in research—An information systems perspective. International journal of information management47, pp.88-100.

Ismagilova, E., Hughes, L., Dwivedi, Y.K. and Raman, K.R., 2019. Smart cities: Advances in research—An information systems perspective. International journal of information management47, pp.88-100.

Köksal, Ö. and Tekinerdogan, B., 2019. The architecture design approach for IoT-based farm management information systems. Precision Agriculture20, pp.926-958.

Meske, C., Bunde, E., Schneider, J. and Gersch, M., 2022. Explainable artificial intelligence: objectives, stakeholders, and future research opportunities. Information Systems Management39(1), pp.53-63.

Naik, N., Jenkins, P. and Newell, D., 2020. Learning Agile Scrum Methodology Using the Groupware Tool Trello^\textregistered Through Collaborative Working. In Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2019) (pp. 343-355). Springer International Publishing.

Oates, B.J., Griffiths, M. and McLean, R., 2022. Researching information systems and computing. Sage.

Pappas, I.O. and Woodside, A.G., 2021. Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA): Guidelines for research practice in Information Systems and marketing. International Journal of Information Management58, p.102310.

Venkatesh, D. and Rakhra, M., 2020. Agile adoption issues in large scale organizations: A review. Materials Today: Proceedings.

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