Electronic Health Record Healthcare, Research Paper Example

Electronic Health Record Healthcare, Research Paper Example

In order for my organization to reasonably replace all paper charts with an EMR, it would be necessary to have a computer backup of the EMR records to ensure that the staff would be able to operate normally if the system is down. While using an EMR is beneficial because it allows patient data to be accessed more quickly, it is necessary to consider that problems can still occur with the system and that this must be accounted for in the continuity plan (Habib, 2010). It is common sense to back up electronic records, but it is necessary to create a plan that is more thorough and fail-safe than a simple back up plan because the information contained on these systems have highly important medical data. It would therefore be necessary to have this information backed up in several locations in order Electronic Health Record Healthcare, Research Paper Example

It would be necessary to have this information regularly backed using the cloud system so that all data entered into the EMR has a backup available (Kierkegaard, 2011). Furthermore, this information should be downloaded onto a computer at least once a day to ensure that the information is readily accessible if there is a problem with the technology. Last, the information should be stored in a third computer system with no internet access to ensure that the files cannot be corrupted. Backing the data up in three different locations increases the likelihood that the information will be usable when it is needed, which will allow workers to carry on with their necessary responsibilities even is the EMR system is not operational. This is beneficial to the health care institution as a while because it ensures that all patients are receiving the health care that they deserve. Electronic Health Record Healthcare, Research Paper Example

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