DQ: Explain why emotional intelligence is crucial for effective leadership

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NRS 451 Topic 2 Discussion 1

DQ: Explain why emotional intelligence is crucial for effective leadership

Self-awareness is one of the five components of emotional intelligence. Describe the importance of emotional intelligence for effective leadership. Discuss the actions that someone with a high level of self-awareness would take when managing and leading a group. Give an instance.

Being able to empathize with and comprehend what your coworkers are doing and going through allows one to decide what is needed for the scenario, which is why emotional intelligence is crucial in delivering good leadership. The nurse can then respond in a therapeutic way thanks to emotional intelligence (Whitney, 2019). Someone with a high level of self-awareness might act in ways that enable them to effectively collaborate and communicate with their healthcare team. A team leader might say that the nurse should not deal with that patient because they feel uncomfortable taking care of their needs if, for instance, they come from a religious background and are opposed to abortion.

S. Whitney (2019).

Roles and Duties in Management and Leadership. Leading and serving in nursing leadership and management. From https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs451vn/nursing-leadership-and-management-leading-and-serving/v1.1/#/chapter/2, retrieved February 28, 2022.

DQ: Explain why emotional intelligence is crucial for effective leadership


Emotional intelligence, in my opinion, enables nurses to interact therapeutically not just with patients but also with colleagues and other healthcare professionals. Some facilities use prescreening questions to check applicants’ emotional intelligence levels. Although ability tests are also employed, self-report exams are more typical. Self-report tests involve the individual rating and describing their own behaviour, as the name implies. On the other hand, ability tests are performed by a third party and involve having people respond to scenarios before assessing their talents (Cherry, 2020). In the healthcare industry, being able to manage, comprehend, interpret, and understand other people’s emotions is a significant skill that can improve patient care and relationships with nurses.

K. Cherry (2020, June 3).

Emotional intelligence: What Is It?

Excellent Mind. From https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-emotional-intelligence-2795423 (accessed February 23, 2022).


Self-awareness is the realization that one must look after oneself and that assistance is necessary. A leader can carry out their obligations within an organization more effectively by being aware of their strengths in terms of both professional knowledge and abilities as well as personal traits (Whitney, 2018)

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Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, and empathy are the five main components of emotional intelligence.

Explain the importance of emotional intelligence in good leadership.

compassion and social abilities. The emotional team leader is more likely to be effective at managing relationships during a crisis. For those leaders who can connect on a deeper level, inspiring others and handling disagreement may be easier.

Because it has a high bar for analytical crisis management, emotional intelligence is a good tool for becoming an effective leader. There are behaviors that are taken into consideration to become a successful, effective leader and these include remaining focused, exercising self-discipline, setting goals, and maintaining an open mind. Self awareness aids leaders in becoming successful and helps them make decisions based on a better understanding of oneself.


S. Whitney (2018).

Chapter 2: Leadership and Management Roles and Responsibilities. Leading and serving in nursing leadership and management. Cite this page: https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs451vn/nursing-leadership-and-management-leading-and-serving/v1.1/#/chapter/2




Emotional intelligence is the capacity to keep an eye on one’s own and other people’s emotions, to recognize and classify various emotions accurately, and to use emotional knowledge to influence behavior and thought. The ability to recognize and control one’s own emotions as well as the emotions of others is referred to as emotional intelligence. Typically, emotional intelligence consists of three or more talents. Emotional intelligence, also known as emotional intelligence, is the capacity to recognize one’s emotions, to harness those emotions and use them for activities like thinking and problem-solving, and to manage emotions, which entails controlling one’s own emotions when necessary and assisting others in doing the same. In order to provide the finest health care, this study is looking at how people behave. One can come up with a remedy that can aid someone without ever speaking to them by researching how individuals behave. A good post, indeed.


S. Whitney (2018). leadership and management roles and duties at Grand Canyon University (Ed.).

Leading and serving in nursing leadership and management. The information was taken from https://www.gcumedia.com/digital-resources/grand-conyon-university/2018/nursing-leadership-and-management leading-and-serving 1e.php


Self-awareness is one of the five components of emotional intelligence. Describe the importance of emotional intelligence for effective leadership. Discuss the actions that someone with a high level of self-awareness would take when managing and leading a group. Give an instance.

The ability to skillfully manage interpersonal problems in a therapeutic approach is a sign of emotional intelligence in a nurse. When a nurse uses emotional intelligence, they can effectively understand the feelings of others by observing their body language, facial expressions, and speech. All of these emotional intelligence qualities are essential for successful leadership. Emotional intelligence has been cited by those working on their leadership abilities as a quality associated with safer and more productive work practices. 2018 (Whitney)

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