
Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs through digital devices such as phones, tablets
and computers. It occurs through the use of messages, texts and social media forums where
individuals can share content. Cyberbullying entails sending, posting, or sharing harmful
messages about an individual (Waisglass, 2017). It involves sharing personal information
about someone hence causing embarrassment or humiliation. The effect cyberbullying has on
an individual can be hurting, permanent and persistent. The public needs to avoid
cyberbullying because it has severe effects on an individual being bullied. Cyberbullying can
cause stress or even make a person commit suicide when the bullying is exceptionally hurtful.
Cyberbullying is damaging and upsetting because it is hard to notice and trace. Moreover, it
is hard to control, and the victim of bullying may not know how many people have seen the
posts of messages (Cho, Kim, & Shin, 2017). Cyberbullying is against the law, and the public
needs to avoid it by all means.
Describe that piece- what size?

Figure 1: Artwork on Cyberbullying (Own Creation)

The picture is drawn on a paper that is size A4. The artist drew the picture to show
how cyberbullying can be propagated. The photo shows seven people and social media sites
like Facebook and Twitter where cyberbullying can occur. In the picture, some people are
happy, while two persons who probably have been cyberbullied are sad. The photo also
includes smartphones that are used to share information about the two sad people. The
messages they are sharing could be hurting and damaging to others moods. The piece is made
of paper. The background is blue, which makes the front features to be seen properly. The
clothes the individuals in the picture are wearing are coloured blue, red and green, which are
bright colours to make the picture attractive.
What message does it communicate?
The piece is communicating a message about the effects of cyberbullying and how
cyberbullying is done. It is clear from the photo that cyberbullying is done through digital
technologies and can be spread through social media and messaging platforms like chatting
on Twitter, Facebook and other platforms that support information sharing. Cyberbullying is
done by sending hurtful messages or threats through massaging platforms. The practice is
done by spreading lies about people or posting photos of someone on social media. Face-to-
face bullying and cyberbullying may occur alongside each other. In the picture, some
individuals laugh while others are sad because of being bullied (Cho, Kim, & Shin, 2017).
One individual who has a blue shirt and grey trousers is sleeping, and the others are talking
about him without his knowledge. One individual in a red top is pointing at him while
laughing with his friends. The lady amid the group is standing and has a sad face. This can
imply that the others in the class are bullying her.
In summary, cyberbullying can have adverse effects on learners. The effects of
cyberbullying can stay for a long time and affects individuals differently. Mentally, one may
appear feeling upset, angry or embarrassed like the lady in the middle of the picture.

Emotionally, one may feel ashamed and losing interest in the things they love most
(Waisglass, 2017). The individual sleeping shows that he is not interested in what others are
doing. Physically, the person may feel tired and lose sleep or experience headaches.