Critical Response Paper 1: Early American Writings

Directions: The paper will be a minimum of pages in length (not including Works Cited page) and will follow MLA format.

You must use at least two of the sources discussed within the first 5 weeks as the basis for your Critical Analysis Paper

Your paper will be a literary analysis wherein you will write an analysis based on one of the topics below:

  • You may write about any topic, but here are a couple of ideas:
    • A discussion of two or more common themes between 2 or more works. 
    • A comparison/contrast of two works. 
    • An analysis of a specific feature occurring in the work and the effect of that feature (example: metaphor of the river, integration of biblical verse)
    • A comparison/analysis of the work to present day settings.
    • A discussion of which early readings should be part of a required reading list across the United States

Your paper will be formatted like so:


  • Identification of source material and introducing of analysis 
  • Clear thesis that tells your reader the topic and the focus of your paper.

Body paragraphs:

  • Begin with transitions and topic sentences that identify points used to support your thesis.
  • Supporting evidence from the fiction pieces and the databases
  • Analysis—prove the point you are trying to make. 


  • Restate your thesis
  • Make sure you revisit important points of your support thesis

Your paper must use specific examples from at least 2 texts discussed within the first 5 weeks and must include specific examples (in-text citations).

You must also incorporate at least 1 in-text citation from a literary journal/article. 

*In each paragraph, be sure to use topic sentences, specific examples from the story/words and clear explanations. Also, use transitions (however, in addition, in the same way, likewise, on the other hand, etc.) to help your reader follow your ideas.

Go to the website: to get a list of transitional devices.