Contradiction Between Religious and Scientific Worldview Essay

Contradiction Between Religious and Scientific Worldview Essay

There is a significant controversy between the religious and scientific worldviews. Both approaches seek to define how various phenomena occur. In all incidences, religion takes the subjective approach, whereas the scientific approach takes the objective approach. Meanwhile, both scientific and religious worldviews have a great following. Although the religious approach to describing the world has gained relevance, it often falls short on various dynamic natural and social events. Religion is unscientific as it talks about the world after we die, and we don’t have any evidence to support it. So religion is just an obstacle to human development. Contradiction Between Religious and Scientific Worldview Essay

Religion presents various static social laws that hinder human society from advancing. The scientific perspective of humanity recognizes that human is driven by the mind, which may sometimes develop uniquely. For instance, human rights have advanced to cover unique sexualities like lesbianism and gay. The scientific approach has embraced such developments and empirically presented evidence that they are normal and should be accepted (Shannon et al., 2019). On the contrary, the religious approach strongly opposes the idea and considers such sexualities evil despite the evidence presented. Hence, if humanity follows religious approaches to various social matters, various populations would be deprived of enjoying their rights. Contradiction Between Religious and Scientific Worldview Essay

The healthcare environment is one of the most crucial sectors in the world. Before the widespread adoption of scientific methodologies, humanity had high mortality and morbidity rates. People with certain diseases like leprosy were locked away from the rest of the community. Life expectancy was significantly low. People with various illnesses were sometimes considered damned, and prayers were held to help them recover (Caplan, 2019). Often, the approach did not work for most diseases. Science has resulted in the development of significant medical knowledge used to cure almost all diseases known to humanity. Life expectancy has grown to above 60 years in almost all parts of the world. Contradiction Between Religious and Scientific Worldview Essay Such health advancements could not have been invented if people clung to religious ideologies.

Additionally, science has contributed to the great sustainability of the world. Religion has not had any significant attempts to solve problems like global warming and assumes that every climatic matter is beyond human understanding. However, science has helped improve productivity under harsh climates and improved measures for addressing climatic matters by outlining evidence of how human contributes to global warming. Due to scientific inventions, measures to prevent further global warming are being implemented by various countries globally (Messerli et al., 2019). Food productivity has become sustainable for the fast-rising world population. Resultantly, the world is fast advancing in its approach to various pressures. Contradiction Between Religious and Scientific Worldview Essay

The subjective attitude of the religious worldview of the world has not encouraged any significant development in the social, climate, and medical environments. Meanwhile, human relies on various environments to survive and thrive. On the other hand, science gives an objective approach to various phenomena in all essential fields. Significant advances have been realized, and the world is gradually improving. Hence, people should incline more towards science if they want to achieve any development. Contradiction Between Religious and Scientific Worldview Essay

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