Biases in Schools | Free Essay Examples

How is the experience of bias similar or different for people of various races or ethnic backgrounds

The experience of bias differs for people of various races or ethnic backgrounds in that it affects blacks more than whites (Hammond, 2015). Because of bias, blacks are not recognized as normal human beings like other races like whites. Blacks have the worst experiences regarding bias; they are segregated and less favoured, unlike Whites. The experience of bias is different by how some people are treated; blacks are treated without empathy, in an inhuman manner, and without equality. Bias among whites is always for a benefit, unlike among blacks which is the opposite. By the mere fact that blacks and Africans are seen as below rank since slavery, bias tends to add to the pain and grave Africans and Blacks have already, and whites use their powers to underlook them.

How do our biases impact others?

Biases may be positive or negative. Our biases impact others in many ways, but mostly, the negative impacts outweigh the positive ones (Seale, 2019). These biases can be dangerous and, when integrated with privilege and power, can create inequitable outcomes for society, especially vulnerable people. Bias is terrible as it does not just sit in people but can be used as a basis for decision-making, the logic behind our actions, which may be dangerous to others. Bias can influence discriminatory actions among people; it can also lead to making decisions that are neither fair nor wise nor fair. Our biases make people we feel biased about feel small and uncomfortable in the environment; they feel unfit and unwanted. As a result, it may lead to stress, depression and sometimes create suicidal thoughts among the people we feel biased about. Bias brings a negative impact as it may lead to racial segregation, which is common among whites who see blacks as not feeling like human beings; they feel irritated and disgusted by their colour, which does promote unity. Bias also impacts others by creating a sense of inequality and feeling unwanted among the people we are biased about. Bias creates wrong perceptions and judgments of people at first sight without knowing whether they are good or bad, which is not good. Lastly, biases significantly affect the health and safety of other people, especially the blacks and immigrants living in the United States who are the minority. Because they are seen, they are paid little or no attention to security and health.

How do we encourage interaction with people of different cultures? How do we encourage a culture of curiosity and commonality with people of different backgrounds?

We can encourage interaction with people from different cultures by listening to them attentively. However, before we encourage interaction with people, we must first decide to establish friendships with different people from different cultures. It is good we put ourselves in situations where we will meet people from different cultures. Another way of encouraging interaction is by asking people questions about their views, customs, and cultures. We can also encourage interaction by reading about peoples’ histories and cultures. Also, listening to people from different cultures tell their stories can encourage interaction. Another way to encourage interaction is by noticing differences in values and communication styles without assuming that the majority’s way is always right. Examining the biases about people from different cultures can also help encourage interaction; otherwise, the interaction may not occur.

We can also encourage a culture of curiosity and commonality with people of different backgrounds by celebrating other cultures (Ferguson, 2023). This can be achieved by supporting different ethnic groups in a community by promoting, attending, and helping occasions run locally by the different organizations and worship places that bring togetherness among people. Another way of encouraging a culture of curiosity and commonality is by calling out bigotry and hate speech. Americans and Europeans often, in recent years, have used hateful speech; they blame minority groups and immigrants for the hardships they face in their home countries. So, it is better in case someone hears out another person tell a racist joke or take bad about other cultures to either report or try to talk to that particular person humbly. Children should also be taught the dangers of those hateful behaviours toward others so they do not grow up knowing it is harmless and normal. Another way is by teaching children kindness and how to talk about differences. Hate and bias are not inhabitants but learned behaviours and, therefore, can be unlearned. Children copy and absorb hate and bias from the adults surrounding them, the movies they watch, the books they read, the internet, and their peers. We should set good examples for these kids as they group up. Teaching them about bias and hatred begins at an early stage/age. It is better to make children understand early on that we are all humans and that all humans have a right to feel valued and safe. Insulting and the use of offensive words should not be permitted among children.

Another way is by standing up for people being harassed by intervening if it is safe. When the public stands in unity with minority groups and immigrants, bullies become weak and can lose power. If at all we find someone being harassed or attacked physically, we must stand in and help if it is safe for us and make our presence known as witnesses. We should make eye contact with the person being attacked or harassed and ask whether they need our assistance, not just add fuel to the fire in such a situation. Everyone deserves the right to be treated with humanity and dignity, and lastly, supporting Human rights Organizations like UNICEF. For 75 years, UNICEF tirelessly advocates for children’s rights across the globe and is aware that children are required to be seen as children, first and foremost. Human rights are collaborative promises made by all countries worldwide and support those children from all ethnic backgrounds who need support and safety regardless of location. Every child, especially those uprooted by poverty, war, and violence, deserves to be treated with empathy and humanity and needs a healthy and safe environment for growth.

What are some strategies to include diversity in the Early Childhood curriculum?

Many strategies can be used to include diversity in the Early childhood curriculum. The first is by making the curriculum & instruction as diverse as possible so that different aspects of life can be understood, like gender, race, and culture. The second way is by taking children into the community, which helps them observe and learn about the different groups’ different races, cultures, and beliefs. Another strategy is bringing the community into the program, which can be achieved through many ways, such as; visiting parents’ places of work, visiting community resources, walking around the neighbourhood, and arranging field trips to complement the curriculum. Lastly is by bringing in visitors to the program, and this can be through parent visits, interesting community people visits, internet correspondence, and visitors from other schools (Derman-Sparks, 2013.).


Derman-Sparks, L. (2013). Guide for selecting anti-bias children’s books. Social Justice Books.

Ferguson. S. (2023). 5 Ways to Fight Racism and Xenophobia. UNICEF in action

Hammond. Z. (2015). Four Tools for Interrupting Implicit Bias. Crtandthebrain

Seale. C. (2019). Forget Implicit Bias; let’s Talk about Explicit Bias in Education. Ed post-

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