A 1. Create a cover page using APA format 2. Create an introduction section to d

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1. Create a cover page using APA format
2. Create an introduction section to describe your topic
3. Rewrite article summaries to refer to studies using use in-text APA style citations
• e.g. use “Smith et al. (1998) found” rather than referring to the article as “In article 1” or “The first article” as you may have done in previous sections.
• At least one paragraph for each article
4. Compare articles, how are they similar?
• Write one or more paragraphs; use in-text APA style citations
5. Contrast articles, how are they different?
• Write one or more paragraphs; use in-text APA style citations
6. Compile the sections created thus far into one document including:
• Cover page
• Introduction
• Article summaries (4)
• Discussion: Compare
• Discussion: Contrast
• Reference page
2. Write a conclusion paragraph with key take home messages about your topic.
3. At least 5 and no more than 10 pages, double-spaced.
4. Final draft should include:
• Cover page
• Introduction
• Article summaries (4)
• Compare
• Contrast
• Conclusion
• Reference page

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