Dissertation Consulting Company | Examination of Mystifications in an Organization

Examination of Mystifications in an Organization
In examining mystifications within an organization, two specific mystifications that can often be observed are treating organizations like people and the chic and mystique phenomenon. These mystifications can lead to a distorted perception of the organization and its actions. In this essay, we will explore the extent to which these two mystifications exist in an organization with which I am familiar, XYZ Corporation, and provide specific examples to justify our response.

Treating Organizations Like People
Treating organizations like people is a mystification that occurs when individuals attribute human-like characteristics and intentions to the organization as a whole. This can lead to the belief that the organization has a singular personality, desires, and motivations. In the case of XYZ Corporation, this mystification is present to some extent.

Example 1: Public Perception

One example of treating organizations like people in XYZ Corporation is the public perception of the company. The organization has invested heavily in building a brand image that portrays it as innovative, forward-thinking, and socially responsible. The public often attributes these characteristics to the organization as if it were a conscious entity with intentions and values.

Example 2: Employee Loyalty

Another example can be seen in the loyalty and identification of employees with the organization. Many employees at XYZ Corporation strongly identify with the company’s mission and values, often referring to themselves as “XYZers.” This mystification occurs when employees view the organization as a person with whom they have a personal relationship, leading to a sense of loyalty and dedication.

Chic and Mystique
The chic and mystique mystification refers to the phenomenon where certain organizations or industries are perceived as exclusive, glamorous, and superior. This mystification can create an aura of desirability around the organization, leading to increased popularity and demand. In the case of XYZ Corporation, this mystification is prevalent.

Example 1: Brand Image

XYZ Corporation has successfully cultivated a chic and mystique image through its branding strategies. The organization positions itself as a leader in its industry, offering high-quality products and services that are perceived as luxurious and desirable. This mystification contributes to the perception that XYZ Corporation is superior to its competitors.

Example 2: Celebrity Endorsements

Another example of the chic and mystique mystification in XYZ Corporation is the use of celebrity endorsements. The organization collaborates with well-known individuals who are considered fashionable and influential in their respective fields. By associating itself with these celebrities, XYZ Corporation creates an allure of exclusivity and glamour, enhancing its mystique and desirability.

In conclusion, both treating organizations like people and the chic and mystique mystifications can be observed to some extent in XYZ Corporation. The public tends to attribute human-like characteristics and intentions to the organization, and employees develop a sense of loyalty towards it. Additionally, the organization has successfully cultivated a chic and mystique image through branding strategies and celebrity endorsements. These examples illustrate how these mystifications can shape perceptions and behaviors within an organization, contributing to its overall identity and reputation.

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