Scott Becker gastrointestinal system hourly rounds shadow health Blood Transfusion – OnlineNursingPapers

Scott Becker gastrointestinal system hourly rounds shadow health Blood Transfusion

Prompt Learner Response Model Response

Preceptor Diana: Based on these updated lab values, what factors indicate the need for intervention for this patient?

Attempt 1:

 Hemoglobin of 7.8 and hematocrit of 23.4%

Score: out of 1

Attempt 1:

Correct! While all of these answers include this patient’s abnormal values, the hemoglobin and hematocrit indicate a need for intervention Scott Becker gastrointestinal system hourly rounds shadow health Blood Transfusion

Preceptor Diana: Review the information in the EHR and the labs that were ordered in the emergency department and then choose the best course of action.

Attempt 1:

 Recheck vital signs and compare to previous values

Attempt 2:

 Transfuse 1 unit of PRBCs

Score: 0.5 out of 1 Scott Becker gastrointestinal system hourly rounds shadow health Blood Transfusion

Attempt 1:

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Attempt 2:

Correct! Because of the low hemoglobin and hematocrit of the patient, and because the type and cross has already been completed, the best course of action is to transfuse blood into the patient.

How do you know the transfusion works (cite evidence from labs/tests and from patient interaction)?

 The transfussion worked because the patient reported to feeling better than before afteer the procedure

The patient’s vitals will improve. After ordering a follow-up CBC, the patient’s hemoglobin and hematocrit levels will improve as well.

What do you do if there is no transfusion reaction but there is also no improvement in the patient’s condition?

 Patient should be monitored closely and an anti-body screening test should be conducted

If there is no improvement in a patient’s condition after the transfusion is complete, the next step is to call the provider and implement an updated care plan.

Under what conditions would you call for more blood?

 When a patient has severe anemia or injury that has made them loose alot of blood

It would be appropriate to call the blood bank for more blood if the patient’s condition does not improve after the first transfusion, or if they have active bleeding and their hemoglobin continues to drop Scott Becker gastrointestinal system hourly rounds shadow health Blood Transfusion.

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