NFDN 1001 Application of the Nursing Process: Nursing Care Plan 2

NorQuest College NFDN 1001 Application of the Nursing Process: Nursing Care Plan 2 Example

Nursing Care Plan 2

NorQuest Care Plan Template Form


Chosen scenario (circle one): 2


·       All components of the metaparadigm included.

·       Literature support provided.

The nursing metaparadigm refers to a “theoretical definition for the substance and structure for determining the key bodies of knowledge needed to understand particular clinical situations” (Potter et al., 2019, p. 66). It provides opportunities for nurses to organize ideas, beliefs, and practices consistent with content and contexts.

The four concepts of nursing metaparadigm are person/client, environment, healthcare, nursing care, and social justice (Deliktas et al., 2019). The person/client concept includes sub-themes such as individual interactions with the environment, social relationships, self-management competencies, individual needs, feelings, and situations.

·       In Maria’s case study, it is possible to identify relevant personal information since it states that she is a 37-year-old single parent of two teenage boys

The health domain entails sub-themes such as physical, relational, psychological, and spiritual aspects regarding individuals, patients, and families. These aspects are dynamic, prompting healthcare professionals to help clients reach productive and satisfying outcomes (Potter et al., 2019).

Maria’s case study presents information that resonates with her health needs. The case states that she is on the verge of becoming type 2 diabetic because she embraces unhealthy diet habits. Also, she has gained 20 pounds over the last year because of the interplay between life stressors. Finally, she experiences loss of sleep due to life stress and worrying thoughts.

The environmental concept involves a person’s family and social ties, the community, health care systems, and geopolitical issues that affect health (Potter et al., 2019).

·       Maria’s case study signifies a life without social or family ties because her two teenage boys do not live in Edmonton. Further, the case study does not describe the presence of social support systems.

The nursing concept includes understanding a person’s environment, life, and health goals (Potter et al., 2019). Also, it touches on attributes, humanism factors, and the aspect of touching people’s lives (Deliktas et al., 2019).

·       Many considerations in Maria’s case study present a nursing concern. For instance, she is a borderline type 2 diabetic; she grapples with sleeping difficulties and worrying thoughts, she bears the stress of having two jobs and leads unhealthy life because of poor food choices. These factors can affect her quality of life and compromise her well-being.

First diagnosis Stress overload is associated with resource constraints (financial and social), work-related burnout, and worrying thoughts that lead to sleeping difficulties. Also, the consideration of being a single parent of two teenage boys can lead to stress due to inadequate resources.
Second diagnosis Maria can be overweight because of her unhealthy intake of fast foods, being a borderline type 2 diabetic, and gaining 20 pounds within a year.
Priority Diagnosis Identified

·       Literature support provided.

Maria’s priority diagnosis is stress overload because she struggles with multiple stressors, including work-related struggles, the plausibility of lacking ideal support systems, and resources constraints. In this sense, it is essential to focus on addressing stressors as a strategy for improving Maria’s health.

It is essential to understand the interplay between components of the nursing metaparadigm, including personal, environmental, nursing, and health aspects that compound Maria’s well-being. For example, multiple stressors contribute to Maria’s declining health, stress overload, and unhealthy diet plans result in her borderline type 2 diabetic status. Further, she is a single parent of two teenage boys and works 2 jobs to pay for the bills. These aspects require healthcare professionals to implement a contingency plan for healthcare delivery to capitalize on every aspect.

Planning The SMART goal for a contingency plan for providing care to Maria emphasizes the rationale of reducing stress overload by tracking progress and the causes of stress daily. Therefore, she will state the reduced prevalence of stress overload after interventions each day for 3 months of a contingency plan implementation.
First Nursing Intervention

·       Literature support provided.

The priority for improving Maria’s health entails identifying the causative/precipitating factors for stress overload. Doenges et al. (2019) underscore the rationale of ascertaining what tragic/ difficult events have occurred, including family violence, death of loved one, chronic or terminal illness, and workplace stress when dealing with people with stress overload.

Understanding the root causes of stress overload requires nurses to develop meaningful relationships with patients to motivate them to open up (Ackley et al., 2020). In turn, partnering with patients and developing meaningful relationships can facilitate developing SMART goals and evaluation plans for outcome measures of nurse-led and collaborative interventions.



Second Nursing Intervention

·       Literature support provided.

The nurses will promote Maria’s wellness by using a locus of control to develop an individual plan of care to encourage her self-care strategies. Doenges et al. (2019) argue that incorporating strengths, assets, and past coping strategies that successfully address stress overload reinforces the client’s ability to deal with difficult situations.  

It is essential to implement evidence-based behavioral therapies and provide information about the stress and exhaustion phase, which occurs when a person is experiencing chronic or unresolved stress. According to Henry et al. (2021), it is possible to promote techniques for stress management such as encouraging healthy lifestyle behaviors, favoring relaxation, and incorporating strategies for improving cognitive and emotional functioning.




Third Nursing Intervention

·       Literature support provided.

The nurse will assist maria in dealing with the current situation by actively listening to concerns, providing an empathetic presence, and providing for or encouraging a restful environment where possible (Doenges et al., 2019). The nurse needs to allow Maria to sort out things that she can control and determine responses for modifiable aspects. Also, the healthcare provider should reserve Maria’s autonomy to control care trajectories by avoiding judgemental thoughts and providing decisional support.

Finally, it is vital to provide her with much sought-after social support necessary for addressing stress overload. As a single parent of two teenage boys, Maria grapples with multiple stressors, including resource constraints and work-related struggles. As a result, providing social support can enable her to strengthen self-care and stress management interventions.


Evaluation The nurse will conduct a progress-oriented evaluation by following up on Maria every two weeks. Also, the caregiver will assist her in reviewing learning materials regarding stress management interventions. The testable outcome measures for the nursing plan include:

·       Assessing whether Maria can verbalize or demonstrate reduced stress reactions.

·       Evaluate if she can accurately assess the current situation

·       Investigate whether she can identify ineffective stress management behaviors and consequences.

·       Assess if Maria can implement strategies and insights acquired from collaborative efforts to manage stress.




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Undoubtedly, Maria’s case study presents an ideal scenario where the components of the nursing metaparadigm interact to determine individual health and well-being. In this sense, healthcare professionals can utilize the interplay between person/client attributes, health, environment, and nursing sub-themes to develop an informed nursing care plan. A standard nursing process includes various stages, including assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation (ADPIE). According to Semachew (2018), the nursing process is a systematic problem-solving approach that helps nurses identify, prevent, and treat actual and potential health problems to promote wellness.

The assessment phase of the nursing process entails accessing, consolidating, and collecting patient data regarding health conditions and nursing metaparadigm components. Often, nurses obtain patient information by reviewing health history and collaborating with patients to obtain identified data. This step allows nurses to identify issues, patient needs, priorities, and goals that form the basis of patients’ diagnoses.

Patient diagnosis is the second phase of the nursing process that involves identifying actual or potential problems manageable by nurse-led or collaborative interventions (Semachew, 2018). A nursing diagnosis is essential in providing the basis of nursing interventions and allowing caregivers and patients to collaborate in developing SMART goals. Notably, this stage resonates with the planning phase by providing relevant information regarding the client’s health status.

Thirdly, the planning phase is a prerequisite for implementing nurse-led or collaborative interventions to improve care and prevent health conditions. According to Potter et al. (2019), care planning is a nursing behavior category that includes setting client-centered goals, outlining outcomes measures, developing plans for nursing interventions, and prioritizing approaches for resolving patient problems. The SMART approach enables nurses to create specific, measurable, attainable, reliable, and time goals consistent with clients’ needs and goals.

Fourthly, the implementation phase entails actualizing the nursing plan by enacting nurse-initiated, physician-led, and collaborative interventions (Semachew, 2018). At this point, it is essential to incorporate social justice by reserving the client’s right to participate in care delivery and consensus decision-making. According to Habibzadeh et al. (2021), social justice entails providing equal health for all clients, regardless of their characteristics. As a result, nurses should emphasize fairness and justice when implementing interventions for improving clients’ health and well-being.

Finally, the evaluation phase entails assessing the overall outcome measures of health interventions. According to Potter et al. (2019), evaluation processes reveal the successes and failures of care interventions by examining the condition/situation and assessing changes after implementing interventions. If care approaches fail to achieve the SMART goals, the nurse may update the initial plan by identifying areas of improvement. Undoubtedly, the evaluation phase is a profound stage for ensuring the successful implementation of quality improvement initiatives.


Ackley, B. J., et al. (2020) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care (12th ed.). F.A. Davis

Deliktas, A., Korukcu, O., Aydin, R., & Kabukcuoglu, K. (2019). Nursing students’ perceptions of nursing metaparadigms: A phenomenological study. Journal of Nursing Research, 27(5). 

Doenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M. F., & Murr, A. C. (2019). Nurse’s pocket guide: diagnoses, prioritized interventions, and rationales (15th ed). F.A. Davis Company

Habibzadeh, H., Jasemi, M., & Hosseinzadegan, F. (2021). Social Justice in the health system; a neglected component of Academic Nursing Education: A qualitative study. BMC Nursing, 20(1). 

Henry, K. A., Neeser, K. J., & Muss, C. (2021). A short-term intervention to reduce stress levels in the workplace for office workers at UEFA—the Union of European Football Associations in Nyon/Switzerland. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 11(05), 211–228. 

Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Stockert, P. A., & Hall, A. M. (2019). Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (6th ed). Elsevier.

Semachew, A. (2018). Implementation of the nursing process in clinical settings: The case of three governmental hospitals in Ethiopia, 2017. BMC Research Notes, 11(1).

Application of the Nursing Process: Nursing Care Plan 2 Instructions


This assignment is an opportunity to apply the nursing process to a client by developing a nursing care plan that meets the specific priority needs of the client in the scenario you choose.

You will be assessed on how you apply your understanding of the following general learning outcomes:
● Explain how the nursing metaparadigm, theories, principles, and concepts from nursing and other professional disciplines contribute to holistic nursing practice
● Examine the nursing process as a critical-thinking method of organizing and delivering nursing care.

NFDN 1001 Application of the Nursing Process: Nursing Care Plan 2 Instructions

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