History/Classical Archaeology | Free Essay Examples


The field of historical archaeology, also called classical archaeology, is dedicated to examining and elucidating the comparatively recent historical era (Silliman, 2020.). Archaeology is mainly concerned with the physical remnants and objects left behind by human civilizations, spanning from the emergence of written documentation to contemporary times. Classical archaeology and historical records of ancient societies offer valuable insights into the remote past, illuminating our forefathers’ customs, convictions, and achievements. Tacitus, the esteemed historian, holds a significant position in Roman history and vividly depicts the reign of Galba, a Roman emperor who had power for a short period during a turbulent era in the first century CE, through his literary works. The historical account of Galba’s reign by Tacitus not only serves as a chronicle of events but also sheds light on his adherence to traditional moral values and his criticism of the moral decay prevalent in Roman society. This essay examines Tacitus’ viewpoint on Galba’s reign, analyzing how his narrative mirrors his conventional principles and his evaluation of the moral deficiencies that afflicted the Roman political aristocracy (Kemezis et al., 2020). Through an analysis of Tacitus’ narrative, one can obtain significant perspectives on the dynamic relationship between historical events, ethical principles, and the lasting impact of classical stories on our comprehension of bygone eras. Grethlein, (2021).

Tacitus’ account of Galba’s reign

The historical narratives of Tacitus are shaped by a moral framework, as evidenced by his account of Galba’s reign. In his depiction of Galba, Tacitus highlights the ruler’s ethical shortcomings and deviations from traditional Roman values, thus presenting him as a flawed leader. Tacitus reported that Galba was deficient in resoluteness and determination, traits that Tacitus regarded as essential in an upright ruler (Sulprizio, 2020). Tacitus portrayed Galba’s actions through a moralistic perspective, depicting them as ethically questionable and incongruous with his values in high regard. Tacitus levied censure against Galba for exhibiting favouritism and partiality, insinuating that his judgments were motivated by self-interest rather than a commitment to fairness.

The depiction of Galba by Tacitus indicates his conviction in the significance of justice and equity as ethical values (Boatwright, 2021.). Furthermore, Tacitus utilized Galba’s reign as a platform to scrutinize the broader ethical deterioration among the Roman political aristocracy. The presenter characterized Galba’s brief reign as a tumultuous and unsettled era, ascribing these challenges to the ethical deficiencies of the governing elite. The narrative provided by Tacitus regarding the reign of Galba functions as a didactic example, alerting individuals to the severe outcomes that can arise from ethical deterioration within the governing body of a nation. As presented by Tacitus, the historical record of Galba’s reign significantly contributes to our understanding of ancient Rome’s political and ethical milieu. However, it is imperative to adopt a critical perspective when analyzing this account, considering Tacitus’ prejudices and the potential for his moral perspective to introduce subjectivity into the narrative, Terradas, (2022).

Prompt 1: How does tacitus’sTacitus account of the reign of Galba represent his old-fashioned morality?

Tacitus, the historian of the Roman Empire, is renowned for his literary works that offer significant perspectives on the political and societal milieu of ancient Rome (Davis, 2021). The author’s depiction of the tenure of Galba, the Roman ruler who held power for a short duration in 68-69 CE, indicates his adherence to traditional moral values in various respects. Primarily, Tacitus’ narration frequently underscores the significance of conventional Roman virtues and ethical principles. The author critiques Galba, citing his perceived shortcomings and deviations from the archetypal Roman moral character. According to Tacitus’ portrayal, Galba is deficient in the attributes typically associated with a robust and morally upright leader, including resoluteness, discipline, and an unflinching dedication to the nation’s common good. Galba’s conduct, including his reluctance to bestow favours and his incapacity to instil allegiance among his soldiers, constitutes ethical inadequacies, Tansey, (2022).

Tacitus censures the perceived corruption and ethical deterioration among the political aristocracy. The author depicts the Roman aristocracy as progressively driven by self-interest and individual benefit rather than the welfare of the general populace (Düsenberg, 2022). Tacitus critiques Galba’s leadership style, contending that his actions were influenced by personal biases rather than a commitment to impartiality and equity. Specifically, Tacitus highlights Galba’s alleged tendency to prioritize the interests of his loyalists over those of the broader populace. The depiction above indicates Tacitus’ conviction regarding the significance of ethical uprightness and the imperative for leaders to transcend their aspirations.

Also, Tacitus emphasizes the ramifications of ethical shortcomings and their influence on the nation’s political stability. A depiction of political unrest, military insurrections, and acts of betrayal characterizes Tacitus’ portrayal of Galba’s reign. The author posits that the ethical deficiencies of Galba played a role in the tumultuous and unsettled state of affairs during that period. The depiction presented by Tacitus functions as a didactic narrative, alerting individuals to the perils of ethical decay and the possible ramifications for the governance of the Roman Empire.

Prompt 2: How does Tacitus’ account of the reign of Galba represent Tacitus’ biases?

The perspective offered by Tacitus’ narration of Galba’s reign is a valuable contribution to studying ancient Roman history. However, it is imperative to recognize that Tacitus’ personal biases may have influenced his account. Tacitus’ depiction of events and individuals was inevitably influenced by his personal beliefs, societal context, and background, as is typical of historians. Tacitus’ writings exhibit a discernible bias towards a pessimistic perspective on imperial governance, which is a noteworthy aspect of his work. Tacitus was a member of the senatorial class, a group that experienced a significant decline in its authority and impact during the reign of the emperors. The author’s bias is discernible in his depiction of Galba, as Tacitus tends to accentuate Galba’s imperfections and deficiencies in his role as a ruler. Tacitus may have aimed to emphasize the inadequacies of the imperial system and advocate for a restoration of conventional republican principles by exposing Galba’s ethical deficiencies and condemning his conduct, Watts, (2021)

The partiality of Tacitus is evident in his evaluation of the political aristocracy of Rome. The author portrays the aristocracy as corrupt and motivated by self-interest, falling short of the ethical norms of previous eras (Abrams, 2022). The bias above could have been shaped by Tacitus’ interpretation of the deterioration of the Roman aristocracy and his yearning for a romanticized era. The author’s depiction of Galba’s reign may have been impacted by a more extensive evaluation of the ethical deterioration within the governing elite. Moreover, Tacitus’ personal biases may have influenced his choice and analysis of historical sources. Tacitus, being a historian, possessed a diverse array of sources at his disposal. However, he exercised his discretion in selecting the specific events and anecdotes to incorporate into his narrative. The individual’s decision-making process may have been influenced by his biases, resulting in a tendency to prioritize aspects consistent with his pre-existing beliefs or construe events that bolstered his arguments.

Notably, Tacitus authored his works during the Flavian dynasty, characterised by a political authority transition. The historical circumstances surrounding Tacitus impacted his viewpoint and moulded his depiction of Galba and his governance. Tacitus exercised prudence in refraining from overtly censuring the reigning dynasty and instead opted to underscore the inadequacies of past emperors such as Galba. Notwithstanding the presence of biases, the literary works of Tacitus continue to hold great importance as primary sources for comprehending the political and ethical milieu of ancient Roman society. Adopting a critical perspective when analyzing his work and acknowledging his potential biases is imperative. Nevertheless, his narrative offers significant contributions to our understanding of the era and the preoccupations of the Roman upper class in his contemporary context, as explained by Davis (2021).

Prompt 3: How does Tacitus account for Galba’s reign in other sources?

In order to attain a thorough comprehension of Galba’s tenure and to evaluate Tacitus’ predispositions, it is imperative to contemplate additional historical resources that offer alternative viewpoints on the matter. Although Tacitus’ narrative provides significant perspectives, it is crucial to juxtapose and differentiate it from the chronicles of other historians from the same era and beyond. Suetonius, a historian of the same era who authored “The Twelve Caesars, ” presents an alternate depiction of Galba.” According to Suetonius’ account, Galba is portrayed as a ruler who prioritized strictness and discipline, emphasizing reinstating financial accountability and taking decisive action against corrupt practices within the imperial bureaucracy. Suetonius places significant emphasis on Galba’s frugality and his endeavours to restrain extravagant expenditures, which garnered him admiration from specific segments of the Roman populace. The portrayal that contrasts with Tacitus’ negative depiction of Galba challenges the biases that Tacitus may have held, thereby prompting a reconsideration of his perspective, Kugelmeier, (2019).

Additionally, Dio Cassius, a historian who lived several centuries after the reign of Galba, offers additional insights into Galba’s governance. Dio Cassius tends to adopt a critical stance towards Galba, emphasizing his need for more political acumen and incapacity to garner backing from the armed forces. Dio Cassius acknowledges the difficulties that Galba encountered upon his ascension to power and recognizes his efforts to institute reforms to remedy the financial instability he inherited from his predecessor. Upon scrutinizing these divergent accounts, it is evident that dissimilar historians can construe and exhibit historical occurrences distinctly, contingent on their predispositions, accessible sources, and historical milieu. His prejudices could impact the unfavourable depiction of Galba by Tacitus. However, additional sources present differing viewpoints that contest or supplement Tacitus’ account.

Scrutinizing various sources allows historians to construct a more intricate comprehension of Galba’s governance while also considering the partialities and viewpoints of diverse writers. A more comprehensive understanding of Galba’s persona, his governance strategies, and the obstacles he encountered during his ephemeral reign can be attained through a comparative analysis of Tacitus’ narrative with other historical sources.

Prompt 4: How does Tacitus account of Galba’s reign in Tacitus’ morality, and is it evident in his description of Galba?

Tacitus, renowned for his commitment to traditional ethics, frequently integrates his moral principles into his historical narratives. Tacitus’ depiction of Galba’s reign reveals his moral standpoint as he evaluates the emperor’s conduct and personality. The significance of traditional Roman virtues is underscored by Tacitus, who censures Galba for his perceived ethical inadequacies. In his work, Tacitus portrays Galba as a leader who lacks resoluteness and firmness, traits that Tacitus regards as essential in a powerful and morally upright sovereign. According to Tacitus, a virtuous moral character entails exhibiting steadfast leadership and an unyielding dedication to the betterment of the state. Tacitus employs a moral critique of the emperor by emphasizing Galba’s weaknesses.

Also, Tacitus censures Galba for exhibiting partiality and a dearth of objectivity, thereby underscoring his conviction in the indispensability of equity and rectitude as ethical tenets. According to Tacitus, Galba’s actions were motivated by personal interests rather than a sense of obligation or the public’s welfare. Tacitus employs a moral perspective in his portrayal of Galba, depicting the emperor’s conduct as ethically compromised and incongruous with the virtues that Tacitus espouses. Tacitus’ depiction of Galba is consistent with his more extensive evaluation of the ethical deterioration among the Roman ruling class. The reign of Galba, as portrayed by Tacitus, is characterized by a state of disorder and unpredictability. Tacitus attributes these challenges to the ethical deficiencies of the governing elite. The statement above indicates Tacitus’ conviction regarding the adverse effects of ethical deterioration on the endurance and prosperity of the polity. Tacitus’ portrayal of Galba’s reign underscores the wider societal ramifications of ethical shortcomings among the governing class.

Notably, Tacitus’ ethical standpoint and predispositions might impact his construal of Galba’s conduct and persona. Tacitus’ depiction of events is influenced by his background, societal context, and beliefs, as is common among historians. Tacitus endeavours to present a factual historical narrative; however, his ethical perspective may introduce a subjective component to his depiction of Galba and his governance.


The analysis of Tacitus’ “Histories” reveals that a rigorous historical methodology and a traditional moralistic viewpoint characterize his depiction of Galba’s reign. This ultimately leads to an extended period of account (Malik, 2020). The insights provided by Tacitus regarding the political events and challenges that occurred during Galba’s reign are of significant value. It is imperative to take into account the plausible biases and ethical viewpoints that Tacitus might have utilized while presenting his account. Tacitus gained renown for his incisive examination of ancient Rome’s societal and political landscape, with particular emphasis on the prevalence of corruption, vice, and the erosion of ethical principles. His conservative ideology and motivation to underscore the ethical deterioration he observed within his contemporaneous Roman community shaped the author’s literary works. The author’s ethical position is apparent in his literary productions, including his depiction of Galba’s tenure.

Tacitus depicts Galba’s reign as characterized by imperfections and flaws, emphasizing his dearth of political astuteness and unpopular policy choices. The depiction above is consistent with Tacitus’ conviction that uprightness in ethics and virtuous governance were indispensable for the prosperity and steadiness of the Roman Empire. It is possible that Tacitus accentuated Galba’s shortcomings in order to highlight the repercussions of inadequate leadership and reinforce his ethical perspective. It is imperative to acknowledge that Tacitus was one of many data sources regarding Galba’s tenure. Additional historical sources, including Suetonius and Cassius Dio, offer further insights into Galba’s reign. Although there may be variances in certain particulars and perspectives, these references generally conform to Tacitus’ depiction of Galba as a novice and vacillating leader.

It is crucial to recognize Tacitus’ moralistic viewpoint and potential predispositions; however, his depiction of Galba’s reign presents significant historical observations. Tacitus thoroughly examines the political occurrences and choices that influenced the short-lived reign of Galba, furnishing a chronicle that enhances our comprehension of the turbulent Year of the Four Emperors. Tacitus’ written works consistently demonstrate his conviction in the significance of moral uprightness and virtuous governance about his ethical code. The author’s moral perspective is discernible in his depictions of several Roman emperors and political personalities, including Galba. Tacitus frequently employs a literary technique of juxtaposing the governing authorities’ ethical shortcomings and moral deficiencies with his own ethical standards of uprightness and virtuous behaviour, Tansey, (2022).

Nevertheless, adopting a critical perspective when engaging with Tacitus’ literature is imperative. As a historian with inherent biases, Tacitus may have deliberately accentuated specific aspects or occurrences to bolster his moralistic account. Moreover, the author’s access to sources and potential constraints on the information available during his era could have impacted his narrative. Tacitus’ depiction of Galba’s rule in his “Histories” is a fusion of historical examination and ethical viewpoint. Upon analyzing Tacitus’ potential biases, it becomes apparent that his depiction of Galba is consistent with his conviction in the significance of ethical uprightness and virtuous governance. Notwithstanding the presence of biases, Tacitus’ narrative provides critical historical perspectives on the political milieu and predicaments encountered during the brief reign of Galba, thereby enhancing our comprehension of this tumultuous epoch in Roman history.


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Kemezis, A.M., 2020. Cassius Dio and Senatorial Memory of Civil War in the 190s. In Cassius Dio: The Impact of Violence, War, and Civil War (pp. 257-286). Brill.

Kugelmeier, C., 2019. The interaction between ‘history’and ‘story in Roman historiography: the rhetorical construction of the historical image of Nero. Church, Communication and Culture4(3), pp.255-265.

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Tansey, P., 2022. A selective prosographical study of marriage in the Roman elite in the second and first centuries BC: revisiting the evidence (Doctoral dissertation, Macquarie University).

Terradas Saborit, I., 2022. Introduction

Watts, E.J., 2021. The eternal decline and fall of Rome: the history of a dangerous idea. Oxford University Press.

Malik, S., 2020. The Nero-Antichrist: Founding and Fashioning a Paradigm. Cambridge University Press.

Tansey, P., 2022. A selective prosographical study of marriage in the Roman elite in the second and first centuries BC: revisiting the evidence (Doctoral dissertation, Macquarie University).

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