Dumpusi is a rural community bedevilled with long standing land and chieftaincy conflicts. Anyone born in this community in the last hundred years has never experienced peace. These conflicts have aff

Dumpusi is a rural community bedevilled with long standing land and chieftaincy conflicts. Anyone born in this community in the last hundred years has never experienced peace. These conflicts have affected many aspects of the people of Dumpusi. The Ministry for Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs intends to conduct a research into how conflicts affect the lives of rural folks of Dumpusi. You are asked to conduct a qualitative research that will address the aim of the study.

a. Suggest an appropriate qualitative topic for this research. [1 mark]

b. Formulate two specific research objectives and two research questions for this study. [4 marks]

c. Justify the appropriateness of a qualitative research design for this study [2 marks]

d. What method(s) of qualitative data collection will you use for this study? Justify your choice of method? [2 marks]

e. Design a topic-based interview guide to be used in this study, including two main questions and three sub-questions (probing questions) pertaining to the specific research objectives. [6 marks]

f. Which sample size will be appropriate for this study based on the qualitative research design? [2 marks]

g. Which of the following qualitative analyses (content or thematic analysis or narrative), will be applied in analyzing the data and why? [3 marks]

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