TMKT 604 Integrated Marketing Communications

TMKT 604 Integrated Marketing Communications

Master of Marketing

Lecture: Glenn Parnaby



Individual Presentation Integrated Marketing Campaign (30%) – Instructions


Students will have to select a recent topic, not more than 6 months old. It should be an Integrated Marketing Campaign relevant topic and should relate to one of the key theoretical concepts. Only one student per cohort will be allowed to present it. To book a topic, please send an email to your lecturer. If two or more students would like to present the same topic – the rule ‘first in, first served’ will apply. The student that sends the email first, will reserve the right to present the given topic. Other students will have to select a different theme for their presentation.


The format of this type of presentation is called Pecha Kucha, and the length of this presentation is limited to 12 slides (the cover & closing slides, references & bibliography are not included), each slide SHOULD be only 20 seconds long, the total length – 4 minutes.

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Presentations that are not following this format will lose valuable points. Presentations that exceed the time limit will be stopped at 4 minutes. Only the presented content will be marked. After each presentation, there may be a short Q&A session (1-2 minutes). Due to the online delivery model adopted since Semester 1, 2020 students are strongly encouraged to use advanced software applications for animation and presentation content creation. In addition to the MS Power Point there are other software solutions that you are encouraged to utilise for your presentation:

Prezi: (

Keynote: (

Video and animated presentations will provide evidence of high achievement for criterion 4 and 5 (please check the Marking rubric at the end of this document) and students may consider creating their Pecha Kucha by using an animation software, or any other platform or solution:

PowToon: (

Moovly: (

Vyond: (

Animoto: (

Relevant materials and submission:

In addition to a verbal presentation the students will have to submit an electronic copy of their slides with properly referenced sources, synopsis (speech delivered during the presentation) and a press / media clipping that confirms that the presented topic in not more than 6 months old. The submission will take place via a designated Turnitin link (A1 submission) available on Moodle.


The students will select a company (local or international) and analyse a media plan for a specific marketing project (an ongoing advertising campaign, launch of a new product, brand extension promotion, or similar). Students need to identify the key components of an advertising message, and to identify the segments of the existing or future/potential customers. The goal of this analysis is to identify factors that led to the combination of a specific target market, media channels, and message strategy that enabled company’s marketers to communicate a message in the most effective way to a largest number of potential customers at an optimal cost. In their presentation the IMC students should:

  • Provide a profile of the target market
  • Specify media objectives
  • Identify the media categories and vehicles
  • Determine the media costs The analysis should provide an overview of the campaign and brand’s background, specify the IMC theoretical framework or concept that it relates to, identify crucial messages and main communication channels, recognise integration strategies (for different media types), and explain execution stages. The outcomes should be examined, and presented in a measurable manner, by outlining crucial factors that influenced the success or failure of the selected IMC campaign. The analysis may be based on at least one of the key theoretical concepts related to topics delivered in weeks 1-5. You need to select only one theoretical framework or concept, but you may use more than one – if needed.

IMC Theories

  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Brand equity
  • Persuasion
  • Market segmentation and brand positioning
  • Advertising
  • Media channels

Expected deliverables:

In this assignment IMC students will need to:

  • Demonstrate discipline knowledge – understanding of theories, concepts and frameworks, in this case only 1 will suffice (from the list above).
  • To deliver the appropriate scope and depth of analysis and links to theory
  • To provide clear and practical recommendations for identified issues
  • Should have an engaging presentation style, with evidence of audience engagement
  • Attempt to provide clarity of expression and use accurate (discipline pertinent) vocabulary throughout their presentation.

Must have – presentation’s content:

▪ Provide a profile of the target market (primary and secondary)

▪ Specify media objectives

▪ Identify the media categories and vehicles

▪ Determine the media costs


This presentation should have the following structure:

▪ Cover slide: student’s name, number, and topic.

▪ Introduction: a brief description of an IMC case (campaign and brand) – provide research evidence. You may also use the original advertisement, press clipping or broadcasted news piece. If this material is more than 1 minute longer – contact your lecturer to request additional time for your presentation.

▪ IMC theoretical framework, concept or model: topic needs to be explained in the context of the IMC discipline. Theoretical application and understanding of the IMC content is essential.

▪ Analysis: identify crucial message and main communication channels, recognise integration strategies (for different medial types) execution stages.

▪ Identify the outcomes (positive / negative) and present them in a measurable manner (figures, results, increase/decrease in %)

▪ Outline the crucial IMC factors that influenced the success or failure of the selected IMC campaign.

▪ References: provide a list of references, and/or bibliography.


The mark for this assignment is 30% of the total mark for this unit. For more details, please check the Presentation Marking Rubric attached bellow. If you have any additional questions, please contact your lecturer.


For other information regarding this Assessment task, such as Submission of Presentation, Dates, etc please read the Course Unit Outline or for any other questions not in this document, contact                 Glenn Parnaby –


Video submission into Google Classroom before week 6 by 5.00pm, Sunday, 28th August.

PDF’dPowerpoint Submissions emailed to

Please do not email me the PPT slides unless you have converted them to PDF. It is crash my computer’s memory

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