Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

1.0 Introduction

Strategic communication defines how an enterprise uses communication significantly to fulfill its ongoing mission. In recent times, the majority of companies, including private and public sector enterprises, purposefully use strategic communication to reach their goals. Strategic communication is a multi-dimensional concept and analyzes communication as a constitutive activity of management. The impact of strategic communication has become one of the important aspects of an organization, and this research study aims to visualize the practicality of strategic communication in the twenty-first century. In recent times, the government of Abu Dhabi has been taking new initiatives to create a strategic communication plan, for every type of government communication. According to the report published by UNICEF on March, 2020 Covid-19 is not just a humanitarian crisis, but it is also socio-economic and information crisis. The purpose of community engagement is to strengthen and improve communication both nationally and internationally through implementation of new plans. The report would focus on the initiatives taken by the government of UAE, to promote transparency and encourage informed participation, which is one of the significant steps for implementation of strategic communication. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

1.1 Background of the research

In recent times, strategic communication is one of the most emerging areas of study in communication and management social science. In this report, strategic communication would be defined in brief in context with residential communities in the UAE. Abu Dhabi, is the federal capital of the United Arabs Emirates (UAE), is the UAE’s largest Emirate, with 67,340 sq. km of land, which draws thousands of tourists every year. The country is also known as a regional business hub, and a majority of people tend to be indirect while communicating. As such the majority of people have conversations through small talk, or conversation is quite of a business nature. As per the recent data from UAE tourism statistics for 2019, was 38,413,300,781.25, which was a 79.74% increase since 2018 (, 2022). In recent years, due to the covid-19, the tourism industry was huge, as the government imposed travel restrictions on the International border, to constrain the spread of covid-19. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

According to (2021), UAE has the leading share of tourism arrivals in the GCC region in the world. However, to enhance the communication further, the government of UAE is planning to take new initiatives to provide the best services both on national and international platforms. The education, wellness, systemic communication, and security of every inhabitant are highly prioritized by the government of the UAE. According to Zerfass et al. (2018), recently in mid-2021, the president or His Highness Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, passed regulations, for strategic communication, and established an office “Abu Dhabi Government Media Office (ADGMO)”, to enhance communication both in national and international level. The main factor is the importance of strategic communication, in every sector of Dubai.

If taken into consideration about the corporate world, a majority of organizations are facing multiple problems, in this competitive world as a rapid increase in new processes, technologies, and products, along with the preferences of customers. According to Pöyry et al. (2019), innovative approach in engagement to create new mechanisms for making new strategic mechanisms are taking new turns. However, in recent times the majority of scholars have shown the internet in strategic communication, it became increasingly popular in the international market. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Strategic communication is divided into five different foundational assumptions. Firstly, it is defined as the purposeful use of communication that is used by the majority of organizations to fulfill their mission. The significance of strategic conversation is, it helps to improve the performance of the company and according to Zerfass et al. (2021), and performance could be defined as one of the necessary factors for any sized enterprise. According to multiple studies, innovation leads to strategic planning, and it may lead to competitive advantages. Today, with the advancement of strategic communication, the government of Abu Dhabi can connect with people from across the globe, which would impact the segments of society. According to Winkler and Etter (2018), crowdsourcing was first established by a writer named Jeff Howe in 2006, who took the risk to make the internet a significant function in connection with people. Thus, there is an interaction and transmission model of strategic communication, which signifies the relevancy of strategic communication in today’s market. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

According to Freberg (2021), communication is defined as a constitutive activity, and the government of UAE has been focusing on the constitution model of communication, and on postmodernism, interactionism, and symbolic theoretical basis. Many research scholars have discussed this topic, but the benefits are for improving the connection with the world to achieve a scientific mission. In recent times, the government is mainly interested in developing a systematic communication policy, for assisting government bodies, to meet the needs of citizens, local people, and stakeholders from across the globe. Therefore, in this study, the researcher will discuss mostly the new approaches which have been taken as initiatives by the government, which operates through government regulations and policies.

1.2 New approach for strategic communication in UAE

The UAE’s newest mission is to promote investment, goodwill and commerce not just within the country, but so between its membership, the USA, and the UAE. The newest mission is a systematic strategic pillar, (2020-2022), such a mission aims to increase stakeholders’ value, sustainability, engage the community, and restrain fiscal sustainability. According to Bronn (2021), developing systematic strategic communication requires strategic thinking, which would enhance the relationship with stakeholders. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Therefore, with the evaluation of AI and ML, the government has been planning to implement artificial technology which would boost daily activities for both social and economic life. AI, in today’s market, is the most important technology that has been boosting daily activities of both social and economic life. In recent times, it also develops communication, helps in boosting economic growth, as it also helps to overcome social obstacles (Zerfass et al. 2018). There is also a necessity to understand the role of strategic communication in a society, not just for an organization. In this study, the researcher would like to focus on new initiatives of strategic communication which have been taken by the government of the UAE to spread awareness about Covid-19. According to Iloafu (2016). Communication is defined as art to pass information from one individual or group to another, so that information in a manner, in a way it needs to be meant. In this research study, the researcher would also focus on the relationship between strategic management and communication of corporate organizations in Abu Dhabi, and their initiatives towards society (CSR). Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

The conceptual framework for strategic communication used in public corporations

Figure 1.2.1: The conceptual framework for strategic communication used in public corporations

(Source: Melewar et al. 2017)

The above framework represents a strategic communication flowchart in a corporate entity, which defines corporate identity. Corporate identity is being defined as an organization’s communication and is recognized as an identity creation process.

1.3 Research Rationale

Research rationale is also referred to as justification for the research study, the research for conducting this study. The researcher has come across the significance of strategic communication in corporate sectors, and how organizations are utilizing five strategies of strategic communication for making a change in society. The significance of this research is to analyze the need for strategic communication in government engagement, and recent initiatives taken by the government of Abu Dhabi for implementing strategic communication to improve activities in daily lives. Another was, with the change in both offline and online market sectors, digitization has taken over the world, and companies are going global, and increasing their equity shares, where communication plays a significant part. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Different scholars have analyzed strategic communication from the perspective of an organization or have analyzed how strategic communication helped a company to achieve its organization’s goals.

However, in this research, the researcher would significantly focus on the government of UAE and some successful implementation to constrain the spread of covid-19. In recent times, the government is looking for new measures for improving commitments and communication with community stakeholders and government bodies. With such initiatives, the government has encouraged public sectors to embrace social media, and facilitate successful open-data practices. Therefore, the research study will be focusing on the situation during the covid-19, as it is relatively a new phenomenon. According to Tariq et al. (2021), ineffective communication results in uncertainty, dissatisfaction, and apprehension, this may result in poor productivity. Therefore, the researcher would also focus on poor productivity, how it could create a challenging situation among people, and how to build a strategic communication system. Systematic approaches are required, to create clear goals, and understand the reaction of audience behavior, attitude, and perceptions, which may support the need for new changes in the management of strategic communication. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

1.4 Research Aim

This study aims to analyze and evaluate the impacts of strategic communication of the Abu Dhabi government on community engagement in recent years.

1.5 Research objectives

The research objectives are as follows;

  • To understand the significance of strategic communication
  • To analyze new initiatives taken by the government of UAE, to improve strategic communication during the pandemic or communication engagement
  • To analyze how effective were those initiatives, and how initiatives had impacted society during the pandemic
  • To analyze how the implementation of advanced technology, would be beneficial in strategic communication, and what steps have been taken by the government in context to the same Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays
  • To evaluate new measures, which need to be taken or implemented by the government of Abu Dhabi to improve strategic communication in context with technology and digitization.

1.6 Summary

The research study will have justified chapters, and the topic will be analyzed in-depth, and then presented in simple language, which will be understood by everyone, who has an interest in this topic. In the first chapter, there will be an introduction. Chapter 1 will be classified into justified sub-points, including a background of the research, problem statement, research rationale, research aim, research objectives, and summary. In chapter two, the literature review will be there, and it will be done via thematic analysis. Chapter three will discuss research methodology and is the most significant chapter for any research study. Research methodology is defined as the practical “how”, which indicates how researchers will be proceeding with the study. In this chapter, research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, and research methods will be discussed in detail. Chapter 4 will be findings and discussion, which will be related to research methodology, as the researcher will be using a mixed approach to understand the research study. The last chapter 5 will be a conclusion and recommendations. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

2.0 Literature review

2.1 Introduction

The question arises is what is strategic communication, and what is the need for a community engagement plan across Abu Dhabi. According to Reddy et al. (2020), the effect of covid-19 on valuable groups of people, is majorly reliable on communication in regards to danger and health risk. In recent times, strategic communication played a significant role in the helath-care institutions, as the strategy took full account of life condition, cultural values, and risk experience which impacted actions at the time of covid-19 pandemic. The concept of social behavior change communication, information education communication, media and technology is recapitulation. The pandemic not just changed the routined structure of human lives, but impacted on every sector globally. This study will be built on change in family communication patterns, emerging adulthoods to examine two specific areas; A) Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays communication between guardians and parents and b) communication between institutions and guardians. However, with the change in the digital world, the rate of fake and false information started to blunder the lives of many individuals, and the majority of governments across the countries took initiatives to change the way people talked or changed in behavior. This portion will be discussed theoretically, and will be focusing on different arguments and statements of multiple scholars.

2.2 Role of strategic communication in community engagement

The most significant fact during the covid-19 pandemic was to pass serious and authentic information to reduce the amount of fear among humans. During the pandemic, there was a lot of false and fake information; therefore there was a necessity to have a government affiliated COVID_19 information portal. In India, in the march, 2020 made one covid-19 protocol, and passed regulations to stop false information about covid-19 protocols.  Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays However, the article will be reflecting evolution in public communication, during the ongoing serious crisis of covid-19, and as per the government of UAE, imposed serious restraining orders across the international borders, and has started new strategies for implementing community engagement. The need for effective communication is polite, innovative, constructive and also professional, which plays a significant role in accepting the information.

2.3 Changes in strategic communication with change in technology

The technology changed the way people used to communicate, and impacted on every sector of society. Since the beginning of Covoid-92 pandemic, many other country than UK, China and USA were undergoing serious trouble, but, people thought covid-19 would only domicile to only few countries, but as the virus started to speed, eventually it also spread huge amount of false and unaffiliated information’s, which directly or directly impacted on everyone’s mental health, as well as government decisions.  Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays However, attitudes and difficulty towards initiatives in public health communication is the most significant factor in improving awareness, eventually acceptability of government advisors.

3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

Research methodology is one of the most significant practical approaches for any research study. According to Walliman and Walliman (2011), research methodology could be defined as an activity that involves searching for accurate knowledge in a more or less systematic way that is not known by the researcher. However, according to Pandey and Pandey (2021), the methodology could be defined as a symmetrical process, which is a set of methods, rules, or procedures, which are generally used for conducting research structure, or for this study.  Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays In context with the research methodology, under this chapter, research philosophy, research approach, and research methods that have been adopted by the researcher to complete this project will be discussed in depth.

3.2 Research philosophy

Research philosophy is one of the most important parts of any research study. Research is the most powerful and essential tool, which would help to lead towards specific progress. According to a majority of researchers, the research comprises two words, first re, and second search, which means continuous search. However, as argued by Pereira et al. (2021), it is a systematic investigation, which is a significant intellectual activity. In research, one important aspect is research philosophy, which as stated by Gallier (2009), is a systematic way of beliefs for collection of data, then being analyzed or applied for the study. “Epistemology”, means, “what is known to be true”, in opposition to doxology, meaning “what is believed to be true”, encompasses multiple philosophies in the research approach. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

According to Nayak and Singh (2021), a majority of scientific research is conducted in a rigorous manner that requires skills, effort, and patience. Therefore, for ensuring investigation is rigorous and findings are trustworthy, there is a need for implementing absolute research skills. The system looks into new measures for, philosophical stance, and its impact on the world. There are two significant research philosophies, which have been identified; interpretivism and positivism. In this research study, the theory of positivism will be followed, as a reality for strategic communication is stable, and the scenario could be objectified from a certain point of view. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

According to Pandey and Pandey (2021), the main purpose of any research study is to discover answers to the questions, with the implementation of a scientific procedure. The research will be focusing on strategic communication, and how planned systemic communication could help the government to spread information about the covid-19 or global pandemic, both nationally and internationally. The important goal for this research study is to understand the core concept of strategic communication, with the implementation of the “Positivism” theory of research philosophy.

3.2.1 Positivism

The concept of communication is referred to as “Philosophical theory” which maintains positive knowledge, trends to be available on a natural phenomenon along with their attributes and relations. According to positivists, realities are stable, which may be observed and described from an objective viewpoint, without being interfered with a phenomenon being studied. And per the theory of positivists, such a phenomenon needs to be isolated, and observations could be repeatable. According to Winkler et al. (2018), positivism often manipulates reality, with variations in single independent variables, and it makes constitutive relationships with other social worlds. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

However, in this research study, there will be human interventions; data will be collected using statistics, with the involvement of a huge number of people. Proceeding forward, with the research study, there will be hypotheses and deductions, and it would help researchers to examine research questions enthusiastically (Hasa, 2016). Positivist researchers are quantitative and are dependable upon high degrees of generalizability. Therefore, while opting for positivism research philosophy; quantitative methods will be followed to complete this research study. However, while conducting this study, data related to real evidence will be collected which will be interpreted mathematically. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Differences between positivism and interpretivism

Figure 3.2.1: Differences between positivism and interpretivism

(Source:, 2015)

The above figure gives a detailed framework and gives a detailed structured difference between positivism and interpretivism theory. However, under the next justified chapter, the researcher has discussed why positivism and not interpretivism. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

3.2.2 Why Positivism and not Interpretivism

According to the theory of interpretivism, knowledge and truth are subjective, historically and culturally based on lived experiences and understanding such situations, as stated by Gray, (2014). According to Chetty (2016), the interpretivism research method is dependable on “social action theory”, and each individual has different objectives, and different experiences about a particular “objective reality”.

According to Snyder (2019), humility and courage are the two most significant intellectual virtues for any scholar. After analysis, the researcher has decided to choose positivism over interpretivism, as in positivism, a quantitative research method is used, which will be discussed in brief. There are multiple researchers, who have followed positivist theory, and as per their arguments, there is a requirement to look into the aspects of antecedents and positivists. Both of these research philosophies started during the times of classical Greek, but their application started mainly in the renaissance period. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

According to Vreede (2005), the “house style” methodology is being adopted by some institutions, along with the positivist theory. However, interpretivism is a qualitative approach, and individuals experience a particular reality in different ways, which impacts their adjusted behaviors (Pereira et al. 2021). Therefore, in this project both quantitative and qualitative research methods will be followed, to get justified conclusions. According to Trochim (2000), there is a need to study human behavior via scientific methods which are included in the positivism theory.

However, as per the concept of interpretivism analysis of human behavior is easier without scientific methods, and theoretical approaches are more helpful for the same. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays Nonetheless, in this research method, the researcher will specifically focus on surveys, questionnaires, and official statistics (Thompson, 2015). The scientific method will be that the researcher will be focusing on to generate hypotheses and theories, lastly the same will be tested using direct empirical research (Fednet,2021).

3.3 Research Methods

There are three types of research methods that are being adopted by the researcher while doing any research study, which are as follows; quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods. Research methods are important in academic and business activities. In this research study, the researcher will adopt a mixed method to complete this study. Researchers are being conducted in the spirit of inquiry, which generally relies on fact, data, experience, conjectures, and hypotheses. Accordingly, in this research study both qualitative and quantitative methods would be used to complete this study for answering all research questions after analysis of the hypothesis. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

3.3.1 Implementation of Mixed Methods

The mixed-method is one of the famous process methodologies used in the research study. This is mainly used for the analysis of human and social science. In this study, the researcher will be using qualitative and quantitative methods together to get a complete understanding of the phenomenon of strategic communication. According to new scholars, strategic communication is making challenges not just for a cooperative entity, but also for the society at large. Therefore, to study such new aspects of the same, new data which will be collected via each method, will be brought together and integrated (Ajayi and Mmutle, 2021). Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Framework for mixed-method in a research study

Figure Framework for mixed-method in a research study

(Source:, 2018)

According to Bossio et al. (2021), the mixed method is one of the most significant approaches in any research study. The study signifies the importance of strategic communication, and to understand the concept more in-depth, the researcher will be conducting both qualitative and quantitative processes. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays With the help of a qualitative research approach, the researcher would collect significant data about strategic communication in public sectors, and other government sectors across the globes, who have taken such initiatives during the covid-19 to enhance communication both in the national and international markets.

Research Onion

Figure Research Onion

(Source: Cameron, 2015)

In this research study, mixed methods will be used, and the above figure represents the research Onion (Chilingerian, 2021). Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

3.3.2 Further analysis of researcher study via mixed methods

According to Nayak and Singh (2021), the concept of strategic communication is new, and new methods and technologies are being used to enhance this topic. For thematic analysis, the researcher will be collecting data from peer-reviewed journals, business magazines, books, e-library, google scholar, ProQuest, and other authentic websites. To understand the practical prospect of this research study a quantitative research method will be adopted, where the researcher will conduct surveys and questionnaires, and with the analysis of SPSS, further research will be conducted. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

There is an involvement of a few systematic steps, which are as follows;

  • Step1: Theoretical investigation
  • Step 2: development of hypothesis or theoretical framework
  • Step 3: Result analysis through a statistical approach
  • Step 4: Analysis of result with qualitative data collection
  • Step 5: Specific conclusions

The next is to complete this study, surveys will be conducted among an estimated 125 people, who are students who are currently residing in Dubai, or might be staying in Dubai during early 2020 when international governments banned flights from Dubai and were unable to go back home. Some of them are international tourists, national citizens, and business entrepreneurs who are currently residing in Dubai, and other people who will be interested to give their views. Here the sample size will be (n= 120-125) respondents and the sampling technique will be a simple random sample, as in these methods every respondent will have an equal chance to give their views regarding the topic.  Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays However, the researcher has decided to survey in a systematic way, and each individual will have the chance to choose themselves at regular intervals (Schlör et al. 2021).

Systematic sampling technique

Figure Systematic sampling technique

(Source:, 2006) Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

The above picture represents the systematic methods, and it is one of the simplest processes, which will help to choose one respondent at random, and the process is fast and effective. However, as mixed methods will be used, an explanatory research design will be followed for this research study. The research states with quantitative data collection, after obtaining results for the same, analysis of qualitative data collection takes place, which will help to explain quantitative results.

Structure for explanatory research design

Figure Structure for explanatory research design

(Source:, 2006)

Therefore, in this research study, the above framework will be used, which will be sufficient to determine qualitative data by analyzing the results of quantitative data. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

3.4 Research Approach

The definition of research approach is very simple, as it is defined as the procedure which consists of steps of broad assumptions to complete this research study. According to Amaratunga et al. (2002), a research approach is defined as the approach that will be taken by the researcher to complete its research study.

Framework of research approach in mixed-methods

Figure 3.4.1: Framework of research approach in mixed-methods

(Source: Chetty, 2016) Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

From the above figure, it could be analyzed that there are two types of research approach which are;

  • Inductive approach
  • Deductive approach

3.4.1 Differences in inductive and deductive approach

The inductive approach is beneficial in qualitative data analysis, this method is also referred to as inductive reasoning, and there is no theory or hypothesis required, as it is a non-scientific method. However, the deductive approach is only used for the quantitative approach, and there seemed huge consistency between these two methods especially in mixed methods. According to Schlör et al. (2021), researchers often use both qualitative and quantitative methods in the research study, then the question is about which research approach needs to be implemented in the study. According to Pandey (2019), when there is a mixed method both these approaches are used, but it must be credible to the reader, which means, it must clarify all research questions and should help inform a justified conclusion. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

According to Lee and Lin (2019), the inductive approach is limited to qualitative analysis, and data collected through secondary analysis could be difficult to analyze, as all variables already exist, and it may be difficult to extract valid solutions. On the other hand, the deductive research approach is one of the significant research methods used in quantitative research. According to Melewar et al. (2017), quantitative research includes statistical analysis, with the data which already exist, along with the collection of new data. Data analysis through quantitative methods requires an understanding of variables (relationships)by inferential or descriptive statistics. In this project, researchers would apply both methods, as researchers will be adopting mixed methods to complete this research study.

3.4.2 Why deductive approach, not inductive approach (Emphasis and Sequence) Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

In this research study, a deductive approach will be adopted by the researcher, in quantitative data analysis deductive approach is more beneficial. According to Åkerblad et al. (2021), an inductive approach includes pattern search, from development and observations of explanations, with pattern series and hypothesis. The inductive approach is about a detailed analysis of secondary data analysis to derive validating conclusions. However, as quantitative methods include statistical data analysis, the researcher will be using a deductive approach, to examine the results with the collection of secondary data. The study is about a sequence, which is defined as methods that are used concurrently. Another is Emphasis, which means, only a method is being a high priority (quantitative analysis is given more prioritization over the qualitative data analysis). Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Sequence and Emphasis in mixed-methods

Figure 3.4.2: Sequence and Emphasis in mixed-methods

(Source: Benitez et al. 2019)

According to Benitez et al. (2019), researchers may also use both these methods sequentially. Here in this study, the researcher will use sequential design, by sending out survey questions first through emails, to gather basic information about strategic communication before the researcher would analyze the results with qualitative analysis. One famous feature of mixed methods is, it helps the researcher to use both these approaches, and with the use of qualitative components, eventually, quantitative components would use deductive approaches. According to Azungah (2018), Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays quantitative analysis will be allowing the researcher to test new ideas, whereas the qualitative study will be allowing the researcher to create new intellectual ideas to complete this research study.

3.5 Research Strategy

Research strategy is defined as a step-by-step process action plan, which helps the researcher to create new ideas, and delivers possible conclusions. The research strategy will help the researcher to conduct this study systematically and finish within a stipulated time. Here the research strategy is “action”, this is because such a strategy aims to find suitable solutions to improve strategic communication across Abu Dhabi, but it also involves analytical strategy. According to KAN and AĞIRBAŞ (2021), the components of research strategy include research design, research paradigm, sampling strategy, and research methods. It needs to be designed in such a form, which would help to frame the research paradigm, and how it would improve research design. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays However, research strategy varies from one research to another, and it could be estimated that an exploratory research strategy will be used in these projects. According to Obeidat and Alomari (2020), research strategy will help the researcher to understand or analyze the procedure for data collection.

The main goal of this project is to understand and analyze research problems, questions, and research philosophy. Here appropriate strategy has been selected on the basis of research questions, research objectives, time consumption, and philosophical underpinnings. However, with research techniques, quantitative analysis involves collecting both secondary and priory data in numerical form and here the researcher will be collecting data through the conduct of surveys and questionnaires (Steyerberg et al. 2021). This project is research in social science, with experimentation, surveys, observation, and archival information, with a focus on contemporary perspectives. However, the research design could be framed after the finalization of the research strategy, and here the designs are survey methods. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Quantitative research sampling method

Figure 3.5.1: Quantitative research sampling method

(Source: Jain, 2020)

However, the research strategy needs to be defined through the following flow charts. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Step 1: Understanding the research model

With the proper analysis, the research paradigm is “Positivism”, which will be used for further analysis in this research study. The first step is about beliefs, which helps the researcher to understand or visualize research performance. However, the first step is the identification of issues or problems in any scientific research. The problem that is identified during covid-19 was, there was a lot of miscommunication among people, and government officials, and there was a need for strategic communication. In recent times the government of Abu Dhabi, has been planning to set up new mechanisms for strategic communication to deliver effective messages, but in news, and many other social media sites only, fake or absurd news were visible, which indulged fear among people in large. Therefore, method strategic communication is very much helpful for people, as well as for the government. Therefore, at the beginning of the study, the researcher would significantly focus on areas, where there are still any such existing problems. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Step 2: Research design

To finish this study, the researcher will be using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, or rather say mixed-methods to finish this project. The fact is, qualitative analysis helps the researcher to understand the need for creating new ideas, and the quantitative method allows the researcher to understand new ways of putting forward those ideas. However, both these methods will be helping the researcher to understand the factors that need to be analyzed in depth.

Step 3: Problem Clarification

In this study, a mixed research approach will be conducted sequentially, and both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used in a discussion of such problems. In this research study, surveys will be conducted among 125 populations, and the sampling method will be random.  Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays Then after the analysis of quantitative data through deductive approach, secondary data will be analyzed, and then it will be given justification. However, with the change in a broader sense, there is a need for qualitative analysis, and with change in recent times, sampling methods will be used, and necessary data will be collected to conduct this research study.

Step 4: Sampling strategy

In this project, total population is 125 respondents, and it not based on specific groups of people, employee evaluation, financial status, and the researcher would not be allowing any kind of discrimination while choosing an individual for this project. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays Therefore, here random sampling techniques will be adopted by the researcher, as global pandemic directly or directly affected everyone across the globe. However, in recent times, the situation has become more difficult due to the unethical flow of information in social media platforms, news channels etc. which directly impacts a country’s reputation. On the basis of such concerts towards the improvement of strategic communication, the researcher adopted to conduct surveys among 125 populations, but if other numbers of the population engage in this survey, the researcher will not discourage them, and eventually statistical data will be analyzed, with collection of secondary data. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Step 5: Development of scientific plan

This plan is also referred to as instrumental plan, and it serves as the road map for the entire study. However, in this study a sequential deductive approach will be conducted by the researcher. This is because, researcher’s primary focus is on analysis of primary data, which will be collected via surveys, and to conduct these surveys, the links will either be sent through email, or via other sites as useful for the respondents. The major target population is the university students, who are international students, failed to return home during covid-19, or students who received government initiatives while staying in the country. The target populations are international students, because more than 1.1million international students visit Dubai each year, for pursuing their masters, or research or as business entrepreneurs. The researcher believes that the research study would bring more light to people, with the response of students through the international market. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

Step 6: Analyze the data

This is the final step to conduct the research study, after all efforts, time and resources being dedicated to former steps of the research process ends in analysis of the data. In this last step, the researcher will finally have the data to analyze to answer all the research questions. As mentioned before, sequential techniques will be used; researchers will be specifying analysis of data, according to an instrumental plan. After that the researcher will be summarizing or reviewing all data in a manner, which will directly be related to research questions. However, in the next step, it will be analyzed or determined if the quantitative data are statistically significant to this research. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

3.6 Summary

Therefore, from the above analysis, it could be summarized that, with the possibility of effective research methodology, researchers will be creating a systematic plan to create a good research study. Firstly, both the research methods i.e. qualitative and quantitative research methods will be adopted in this research study sequentially. In this chapter, the researcher has also focused on different types of erswech philosophy, and briefly discussed why positivism has been choosen over interpretivism. However, under justified sections, the researcher has focused on differnect aspects of the study, and included valuable information in regards to research methodology, as it is one of the most significant approaches in any research study. Therefore, lastly mixed-methods will be used in this research study, and as strategic communication is a broad term, it would be narrowed down to communication engagement, and 125 respondents data survey data will be collected, and eventually it would help the researcher to focus on a limited scenario. Lastly, the researcher has focused research strategy, and a brief instrumental plan for concluding this study with a positive note. Nonetheless, it could be stated that, there is a necessity to just focus on one aspect of the topic, but with an instrumental plan. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

4.0 Conclusion

Many scholars have defined the term, “strategic communication” in their way, but mostly in prospective of an organization. So, while the researcher was dealing with the research topic, found that, majority of scholars have focused on “corporate social responsibility”, “effctive communication in workplace”, or “strategic communication used by a private sectors”, and how it is effective for any large or small scale organizations. However, in this research study, the researcher has planned to study thoroughly about strategic communication used in community engagement. In 2020, UNICEF released about the significance of strategic communication, and how such communication and community engagement has helped the world to learn more about the disease, and how countries can implement strategic communications. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays The research study will be conducted through a systematic approach, it could be concluded that engaging communities both virtually and physically will help in mitigating increased politicization of the Covid-19 response. The study would also include steps for implementing strategic communication, and how stakeholders want to connect with the project for restraining the spread of covdi-19, in Abu Dhabi. Impacts of Strategic Communication of the Abu Dhabi Government on Community Engagement Essays

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