How does your facility provide continuing education for nurses? » Dissertation Consulting Company.



595 wk. Six discussion.

Our facility acknowledges that healthcare is continually evolving and changing. It thus calls for the need to ensure that nurses are offered ongoing training and education to ensure that they are well-versed with the new terminologies, protocols, and advancements (Grech, 2021). The facility provides continuing education using the RELIAS learning platform. This platform is designed or human service and healthcare organizations to aid in administering clinical skills. It also helps in ensuring compliance and learning plans for the nurses.

In this case, the nurses can access different programs such as nursing leadership hence knowing the other leadership qualities, behaviors, and styles that result in better patient care. They also gain knowledge of nurse mental health, which entails their emotional well-being. Nurses should identify the need to prioritize their mental health since dealing with patients could be cumbersome. Suppose they do not take care of their mental health. In that case, they can quickly end up not offering the best care to patients. Since the RELIAS learning platform is online, the nurses at our facility can choose when they want to learn and the content they want to engage in. This way, they can fulfill certification and license requirements, offering nurses vast chances for professional growth.

Employee safety could be considered an important topic for nurses due to the risks involved in the work environment. Continuous education on employee safety could be an essential strategy for reducing and curbing harm, errors, and risks that may occur while providing different services (Grant et al., 2020). Besides, the risks may be physical such as falls, psychological, mental straining, and emotional burnout. When safety is compromised, healthcare facilities incur high costs to cater for the damage caused, and this could be reduced with continuous awareness and education. Employee safety also benefits the patient since when the nurses’ safety is upheld, the patient they attend to will also be safe.





Grant, S., Davidson, J., Manges, K., Dermenchyan, A., Wilson, E., & Dowdell, E. (2020). Creating healthful work environments to deliver on the quadruple aim: A call to action. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration50(6), 314-321.

Grech, J. (2021). Critical self-reflection for nurse educators: Now more than ever!. Teaching and Learning in Nursing16(1), 89-91.




  How does your facility provide continuing education for nurses? (RELIAS LEARNING PLATFORM)
 Also, discuss a few other topics you think would be beneficial to offer along with rationale as to why. (EMPLOYEE SAFETY - NEED TO DECREASE EMPLOYEE INJURIES, AS IT CAN BE COSTLY TO AN ORGANIZATION)

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