HCA 675 Grand Canyon Week 3 Assignment New Technology Interview

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HCA 675 Grand Canyon Week 3 Assignment New Technology Interview

New Technology Interview

Adding a new technology in a healthcare setting is both exciting and empowering. A well-implemented technology comes along with considerable, however, navigating through the process may be challenging. Change is being observed in the healthcare industry in terms of healthcare technology (Stevens & Schaik, 2020). Currently, many healthcare organizations around the globe are in the process of digital transformation. They are putting in place the necessary effort to introduce new technology to replace old legacy systems. One cannot just directly to the implementation process of new technology, there must be steps to follow. This paper discusses an interview done to a healthcare leader regarding a new technology he selected planned and implemented.

How that Process Occurred, What Happened

An electronic health record was implemented in all the treatment rooms within the institution. An electronic health record (EHR) an electronic version of a patient’s medical history. It can be defined as real-time patient-centered records that make information available and securely to authorized users. Electronic health records can be used to transmit data between interdisciplinary teams and departments and to enhance communication between physicians (Palabindala, Pamarthy, & Jonnalagadda, 2016). They enhance the decision-making process, clinical alerts, and reminders, and contain medical information. It is a performance improvement tool, real-time quality reporting, and has interfaces with lab, registries, and other records. It also has features that can detect medical errors and alert the physician or the user. Therefore the EHRs have a significant role in maintaining quality care within a healthcare organization.

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Planning should be step by step to enable effective implementation of the technology. The first step involves the identification of the need to implement new technology in the hospital (Morilla, Sans, Casasa, & Giménez, 2017). Implementation of an EHR is necessary when patients experience longer lengths of stay, physicians having difficulty retrieving data, cases of medical errors, and some patients missing their appointments. Therefore, the need for an electronic health record system is important to combat these challenges.

The second step involves communicating his vision with the administration and team members. According to Yadav, Steinbach, Kumar, & Simon (2018), once it is clear that the new technology is going to work in the organizational daily tasks, it is necessary to communicate clear visions to team members. This would be helpful because no one would support a change in their usual routine without a vision. The advantages and the positive changes associated with implementing an EHR system must be properly communicate. By so doing, it is possible to win the trust of the administration as well as team members.

The third step is the planning phase. Planning is the most important step in the implementation process. A planning team was established to help the process go smoothly. Planning sessions include staff members such as physicians, nurses, administration, and medical assistants (Uzialko, 2018). The planning team reviews the benefits, disadvantages, budget and the project time frame from planning implementation. The planning session contributes majorly to the acceptance of the idea. The team works closely with the account manager to ensure that implementation becomes successful. This is a very important process as it contributes a lot to the new technology.

Step four includes training programs to ensure all providers underhand how to use the electronic health records system. The training program begin by educating all medical staff basic skills of HER. The second phase involves training super users of the system in every department (Uzialko, 2018). These super users are meant to continue training other professionals even after the launch of the new technology. The new technology that is expected to work better and bring much positive change may not achieve all the expectations unless everyone knows adequately how to work with it. Before beginning the implementation, a couple of training will make every member comfortable with the system.

Step five of the process involves the implementation of the EHR system. Normally, the implementation can take two approaches such as big bang or incremental. Big bang means launching the system for all patients and functions on the same day (Uzialko, 2018). On the other hand, incremental involves introducing the EHR functions one at a time, for instance, one can decide that e-prescribing to begin then introducing other features later. Most organizations use the incremental approach because it is less disruptive and less risky.

To ensure that the program works effectively, the team may establish a way to gather feedback for continual improvement. The administration together with the planning team must keep the lines of open communication with all nurses, physicians, and other staff to feel comfortable providing reliable feedback (Palabindala et al., 2016). The hospital can develop two types of questionnaires to gather views of both medical staff and patients to determine whether the system is effective. Most of the responses about EHR are often positive. Patients have reported a high level of satisfaction offered with the help of the system. Similarly, providers have reported improved workflow.

Additionally, the evaluation process may include observing the positive change associated with the EHR system. For instance, physicians can just send a prescription for every patient through the system to the pharmacy which reduces time spent. Also, the system detects medical errors and alerts nurses at the right time to administer medications (Morilla et al., 2017). In a nutshell, the system leads to reduced length of stay and reduced medical errors. Furthermore, the incidences of missed appointments have reduced because the system alerts doctors of the pending appointments. Also, the cost of healthcare has greatly reduced due to limited medical errors. Besides, communication between departments and interdisciplinary teams has significantly improved in many organizations where EHR is efficiently implemented.

What The Leader Would Do Again, and What Mistakes He or She May Have Made

Although the process turned out successful, the views of patients and staff members were not consulted at the beginning of the project. A planning team was established that perfumed literally everything without gathering ideas from the rest of the staff. Other nurses and physicians were only included in the training and implementation rather than planning and budgeting. The healthcare leader should maintain an open channel of communication with nurses and physicians to identify areas that need improvement (Uzialko, 2018). The leader should include all nurses in the entire process of the future implementation of new technologies. futhermore, the leader should consult all users regarding any modification on the EHR system.


The healthcare leader described his process of planning and implementation of the electronic healthcare record system. The new healthcare technology was effectively implemented. It brought along the significant improvement of patient care, healthcare process and outcome. The evaluation process reflects the effectiveness of the process. The system led to reduced length of stay, improved communication, and patient appointments among other things.


Morilla, M. D. R., Sans, M., Casasa, A., & Giménez, N. (2017). Implementing technology in healthcare: insights from physicians. BMC medical informatics and decision making17(1), 92. doi: 10.1186/s12911-017-0489-2.

Palabindala, V., Pamarthy, A., & Jonnalagadda, N. R. (2016). Adoption of electronic health records and barriers. Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives6(5), 32643. doi: 10.3402/jchimp.v6.32643.

Stevens, M., & van Schaik, J. (2020). Implementing new technologies for complex care: The role of embeddedness factors in team learning. Journal of Operations Management66(1-2), 112-134. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1034

Uzialko. (2018). How to Implement an Electronic Health Records System. Retrieved from https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/9102-implement-an-electronic-health-records-system.html

Yadav, P., Steinbach, M., Kumar, V., & Simon, G. (2018). Mining Electronic Health Records (EHRs) a survey. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)50(6), 1-40. doi.org/10.1145/3127881.

Interview a health care leader about a new technology he or she selected, planned for, and implemented.

Write a paper of 1,000–1,200 words, from your perspective, on how that process occurred, what happened, what the leader would do again, and what mistakes he or she may have made.

Refer to the assigned readings to incorporate specific examples and details into your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

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