Persuasive Speech (ASSIGNMENT)

 PERSUASIVE SPEECH – “THE PRODUCT SPEECH”You will persuade your audience (the class) to be interested/motivated to purchase a product based on the following criteria. PLEASE NEED TO BE SOMETHING EASY TO EXPLAIN 

  • real (something we can see and touch)
  • legal
  • be able to purchase online or in a local store
  • current retail price- $1 to $500 US
  • not anything living, like a pet etc.
  • not a weapon of any kind
  • not a drug, alcohol etc.
  • nothing distasteful or potentially offensive to others
  • persuade the audience to support your product.
  • no services or giftcards


  • LENGTH – Your presentation will last from two minutes – two minutes and thirty seconds. Any longer or shorter will reduce your grade.
  • AUDIENCE – You must have 5 audience members at the beginning and at the end of your speech (in your uploaded video)
  • OUTLINE – You will turn in a complete sentence outline in the dropbox.
  • REFERENCES – You should have at least two credible references in your bibliography.
  • DELIVERY – You may speak from keywords on note cards, a copy of your outline, and your three-fold poster board which you will use as a visual aid to showcase your product.
  • SPEECH UPLOAD – Upload your speech to LaunchPad following the instructions below. Video editing and video stopping/pausing are NOT allowed. 

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