Dissertation template is provided (in student portal).
 Chapter guidelines are provided (in the student portal).
 Students should be building their dissertation/thesis/research within the
template from the start of the process.
 You may NOT conduct any research, including pilot studies, until you have
IRB approval.
 You must have ARB approval before IRB can be approved.

Chair and committee agree that the ARB has sufficient information to develop the
material for the IRB and that the form is completed. The Chair signs off the IRB
form (with or without human subjects).
Document and all appropriate forms and signatures are forwarded to IRB
If the document fails to pass the IRB a second time a new review panel will be
chosen and the process starts again. The new panel may require additional changes
at the IRB levels.
NB: No research can be started until IRB approval
Only your Chair can submit the form