How to Destress During the Coronavirus Crisis

If you haven’t already found out, the world is changing rapidly to the development of the situation that is surrounding Covid-19, better known as the Coronavirus. With the quarantine upon us, and most of the world, we have had to learn how to adapt and function during these trying times.

Most stores deemed “non-essential” are closed, business are paused and even leisure entertainment like movies and sport halls have been temporarily shut down. Schools and universities have either switched to online learning or suspended courses until the quarantine has been lifted. 

This means that the work never ends for delivery workers, grocery store clerks, and students and teachers. Some of you are in the position of being laid-off at your job for the moment. And if you’re a student, you probably still have to attend online lectures and turn in tons of homework and write dozens of essays, instead of taking a relaxing break from real life. Being at home and having to still go to classes and do your homework sounds horrible, but actually, it doesn’t have to be as bad as it seems. 

There are lots of people adapting to the situation and finding their own way of coping with the stress of schoolwork and the quarantine situation. One of the most important things to remember during this Covid-19 situation is to keep your mental health in check. Being inside all day can make people go crazy, as they aren’t able to do their normal routine and they see the same things day in and day out. 

So how do you keep yourself occupied or distracted from the world going on around you? We’ve got the best tips to keep your mind sharp and deal with your stress, both at school and at home.

Maintain a Busy Routine

Breaking your daily habits might be difficult to some, so it’s advisable to continue some for regularity in your life. You should still wake up at your normal time, brush your teeth and start your day normally. Having this routine takes out the stress of thinking about what to do next, as it is already determined for you. This will likely help you cope with the craziness of the situation by giving you some familiarity and something you’re used to. Most people don’t like new things, so its normal to feel uncomfortable creating new routines. Luckily for you, you don’t have to change everything.

Try to Learn A New Skill

Remember those New Year’s Resolutions you made in January? Well now is a good time to start working towards them! The extra time you don’t spend out socializing can be used to learn a new skill or hobby — like learning a language or practicing a musical instrument. Lots of people are also doing gym exercises at home and learning new techniques using the things. Not only will you leave the quarantine with a new skill, but you’ll also keep your stress levels lower. Your brain will thank you for this.

Socialize in Other Ways 

Social distancing is strongly advised, if not mandatory for most cities. Don’t take this the wrong way, these decisions are made for your benefit as well as the health of others in order to stop the spreading. Conference calling services  and applications like Zoom and Whereby are seeing a surge in use, as people are trying to communicate with friends and family and just hang out. Online gaming has seen an uptick in server use, and more people are using social media now more than ever to communicate and socialize during this quarantine time. This can distract you from your work that needs to be done or even save you from extreme boredom, so it’s suggested you still try your best to keep communication with others. 

One of the hardest parts of changing to distance learning is getting used to a different learning method, as most students haven’t even thought about doing online learning. 

Studying During the Quarantine 

Students are still hard at work, completing their courses and writing their essays as if nothing is happening. Of course, students feel overwhelmed, dealing with personal issues, issues at home, and all the quarantine situations going on locally. This leads to unwanted stress and overworking themselves to the point of oblivion. Being away from your friends and normal social aspects of life can certainly affect a student’s mental health, so we suggest trying to keep your mind sharp. Here’s a few tips to keep yourself sane.

1. Eat Healthy!

It should go without saying that your health is important during this time, and eating food brings you most of your nutrition. Of course it’s easy to open your phone and order delivery to your door, but not only is it costly, but also quite unhealthy. Stick to healthy foods and snacks like fruits and lots of vegetables and change your eating habits so you’re not eating all the time. It’s also important to make sure you get enough nutrients, so vary your diet and take vitamin supplements as well. There are various foods that can also help you reduce your stress levels. Omega-3 Fish Oil, Pumpkin Seeds, and even dark chocolate are proven to reduce anxiety. Drinking chamomile tea also produces some positive effects on your body. The idea is to keep your body healthy, so that your mind may also be healthy. 

2. Get Quality Sleep!

Sleeping in is now something that most people quarantining can do, as they probably don’t need to travel to work under this quarantine. But sleeping in isn’t always the best choice, as you people tend to oversleep and actually become more tired than reenergized. Setting alarms and waking up at the same time every day will help you get into a routine and keep your body in rhythm. What will also help is sleeping at a decent time. No more late nights and all nighters, try to go to bed and get 6-8 hours of sleep every night. Everyone has their own sleeping patterns, so find one that works for you and that energizes you. 

3. Stay Focused! 

Students find it often hard to stay at home and be motivated to do their homework and study. This is true even without staying inside during a quarantine, so now, focus has been at an all-time-low. But don’t worry, there are lots of ways to stay motivated and focused. Taking breaks often will help you feel better about studying so often. 5 to 10 minutes should be spent every now and then to ensure that you’re not overworking yourself. Studies also show that meditation and yoga can help someone feel more centered and relaxed, so they can really feel good about their day. Focus is important to learning, so find ways that you’re comfortable with that gives you that extra motivation. 

If you’re having trouble keeping up with school and assignments during this time, Assignment Expert is here for your homework needs. Our trusted experts are available to you!

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