1. Rationale (1 page)o Explain the importance of understanding audience engagement with mediacontento Justify your choice of specific media content (e.g.,

1. Rationale (1 page)o Explain the importance of understanding audience engagement with mediacontento Justify your choice of specific media content (e.g., text, image, video,website/social media) for testingo Discuss how eye-tracking and facial expression analysis can provide valuableinsights into audience behavior and emotional response 

2. Methods (2 pages)o Eye-tracking and facial expression analysis in iMotions§ Briefly describe how eye-tracking and facial expression analysis work iniMotions§ Explain the key metrics to be used in your study, such as:§ Eye-tracking metrics (e.g., blinks)§ Facial expression analysis metrics (e.g., anger, joy, surprise,engagement, etc.)§ Discuss the importance and relevance of the chosen metrics for yourmedia content being testedo Study design and data collection procedures§ Describe the media content under study§ Specify sample size and participant demographics (e.g., gender, age, etc.)§ Explain the online data collection process using iMotions (e.g., study flow,duration of data collection) 

3. Findings (3-4 pages)o Eye-tracking findings [remember to use visualizations to back up yourfindings]§ Exported videos: Carefully review the exported aggregated videos witheye-movements and describe any meaningful findings coupled with facialexpression data (if you tested websites/social media, you might not haveaggregated videos. In this case, you need to review individual videos oneby one and make meaningful observations across all videos).§ Blinks: Report the number of blinks/blink rate in the exported excel sheetand draw meaningful conclusions about your media content.o Facial expression analysis findings§ Exported videos: Carefully review the exported aggregated videos withfacial expression data and describe any meaningful findings coupled witheye-tracking data (if you tested websites/social media, you might not haveaggregated videos. In this case, you need to review individual videos oneby one and make meaningful observations across all videos).§ Emotion metrics: Report the results (mean, SD) for each chosen facialexpression metric in relation to the media content in the exported Excelsheet (e.g., frames, long expression)o Survey results§ Report your findings for your survey questions (pre- and post-).§ Discuss any consistency and/or discrepancy between the survey findingsand the biometric findings (e.g., how interested/engaged participants were) 

4. Reflection and Recommendations (2 pages)o Putting your biometric (eye-tracking and facial expression) results and surveyresults together:§ Provide possible explanations for the observed patterns or trends§ Discuss any surprising or interesting findings discovered in the studyo Recommendations for content producers§ Based on the findings, offer recommendations to producers of similarmedia content§ Suggest ways to improve content design to better engage audiences,considering factors such as:§ Visual layout and composition§ Emotional triggers and engagement§ Attention-grabbing elements§ User experience and navigation (for websites/social media) 

Note: The individual project should be submitted as a single document (double spaced, 12-pointTimes New Roman), with each section clearly labeled and page limits adhered to. (e.g., APA, MLA).

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