50+ Ideas and Examples for Your Paper

Perhaps the most difficult part about writing an essay on World War 2 is to find a title. Brainstorming ideas and doing preliminary research to determine if a topic is good can take a lot of time. To make the ideation process easier for you, we’ve put together a list of 50+ topics that you might love.

World War II is a broad subject. So you want to make sure you first read the assignment brief and narrow down your focus on a specific area that you can cover within the scope of the assignment.

Of course, a list of 50+ prewritten topics means you have an unlimited option when it comes to topic selection. Yet, given that you can cover only one topic at a time, it’s best to single out what topic would be best for you to explore and then develop it based on the assignment brief.  

Key Takeaways

  • While World War II is a broad area with hundreds of History essay topics, your focus should be on a specific topic that you can explore within the scope of the assignment.
  • Choose a topic that you find fascinating, especially if falls within a theme that you’ve always wanted to explore.
  • Refer to the assignment prompt if you’re in doubt about your topic, or seek guidance from your teacher for further clarity.

50+ Best World War 2 Essay Topics: 50+ Ideas for Your Paper

The following is a list of some of the best World War II topics for your next essay assignment:

Economy and Workforce Topics

The United States was already struggling to recover from the Great Depression, which means that World War II did have a severe effect on the economy and workforce of the states. Here are some topic ideas to consider.

  1. You can write an essay on how food packaging evolved during the war and the changes that occurred in advertisements.
  2. What were the newly created job roles, and who filled these new positions during the war
  3. Explain how the society reacted to the war’s propaganda, as well as the underlying reasons for these responses.
  4. How did Word War II alter the production of toys during the period that it lasted?
  5. What were the new products introduced that became part of popular culture during and after the war?

Culture and People Topics

Your essay can focus on the drastic changes to life after the United States of America got into World War II. From racism and civil rights to basic needs and resistance movements, here are some example topics to consider:

  1. What changes occurred in the rights of African-Americans during wartime?
  2. Did horses, dogs, birds, or other animals hold specific significance or functions in World War II?
  3. Was there a rise or decline in domestic violence cases during this period?
  4. Explain how the children of soldiers cope with the impact of the World War II.
  5. What changes did civilian fashion undergo during World War II and what were the impacts of the alterations?
  6. What do letters reveal about relationships, families, and gender roles during the World War II period?
  7. How was penicillin used, and was there any medical progress during and after the war?

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Technology and Transportation Topics

World War II contributed quite significantly to the development of transportation and technology. This change the way news spread, how people entertained themselves, and the way human beings communicated. Here are some topic ideas that fit into this area:

  1. What advancements in transportation infrastructure emerged from wartime or postwar policies, specifically in bridges and roads?
  2. Explain how radio or other communication methods influence significant events.
  3. Write about the needs that drove the creation of folding motorcycles and why military motorcycles in use wide use by the government?
  4. State the technologies that originated from the war and explain their implementation after the World War II.
  5. Which TV shows drew inspiration from the war, and how accurate were they?
  6. Can we attribute the progress in jet engine technology to the World War II?
  7. How crucial was rocket technology during this period?
  8. Why and how did remarkable shipbuilding accomplishments occur during the war?

World War II Argumentative Essay Topics

An argumentative essay topic on the Second World War requires you to take a side and use evidence, statistics, and reasons to defend that position. You’ll have to look at both sides of the arguments, but then use the strongest pieces of evidence to explain why you believe your take on the topic (or issue) is more believable than the other is.  Here are some examples:

  1. Did the World War II even alter the global balance of power?
  2. Evaluate the roles played by nationalism, imperialism, and totalitarianism in causing WWII.
  3. Are there controversies surrounding the use of atomic bombs during the World War II?
  4. Look at the factors that facilitated the Holocaust on a massive scale during the Second World War.
  5. Did women have a strong contribution to the World War II and was their fight for equality during the time reasonable?
  6. Did propaganda affect public perception during the World War II?
  7. The World War II did not play a big contribution to the technological and scientific progress at the time.
  8. Was the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II a violation of their civil rights?

World War II History Topics

  1. How did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to and influence the outbreak of World War II?
  2. Explain the factors that led to the ascension of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.
  3. Assess the importance of the Battle of Britain in halting German advancement.
  4. What role did Winston Churchill play in guiding Britain through World War II?
  5. Examine the tactics and significant battles in the Pacific during World War 2.
  6. Analyze how resistance movements in occupied Europe contributed to the Allies’ success.

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