4 Most Common Study Problems and How to Fix Them

Many students fail in college because they lack effective study habits that can help them do well in their area of study.

If you are one such student who has come to the realization that you are not performing well in one or multiple subjects, there is a high chance you’re not giving your best in your studies.

For example, you failing to complete your homework assignment after sitting through a three-hour lecturing session have nothing to do with course selection.

After all, you chose to pursue a given course because either it interests you or you have the conviction that it’s within a marketable category.

Therefore, your inability to perform has more to do with poor planning, ignorance, and bad study habits.

With that said, let’s look at the most common study problems that you are more than likely facing right now and show you how you can fix them right away.

4 Common Study Problems – And How to Fix Them

Below are the four most common study problems, and how you can fix them right away: 

1. Lack of Motivation

You aren’t giving your best in school because you lack an inner drive to perform well in your education.

The lack of motivation makes it hard to get through volumes of schoolwork and complete assignments just seem difficult most of the time.

The lack of motivation is quite a common problem that many students have, but while you aren’t the only one experiencing this, it’s best to get it under control before it becomes a bigger problem.

The first step to dealing with lack of motivation is to figure out what causes it.

It could be you just don’t like a particular subject because you don’t find it necessarily useful. Maybe you’re worried about failing, you have other things going on in your life that make school seem less important, or there’s a teacher that you don’t like.

Whatever the cause for lack of motivation is, identify the trigger so that you can fix the problem with ease. Once you know the reason behind the lack of motivation to study, it will be easy to find a solution to the problem.

For example, if you lack motivation to study a subject because you find it boring or because you don’t think it’s significant, taking to someone who has done a similar subject can go a long way to change your perspective about the subject and help you develop an interest in it.

2. You Easily Get Distracted

There are many external factors that can shift your attention from studies to other things fast.

Social media, video games, friends, phones, outings and televisions are just a few of the stimuli that cause college students to lose focus even in extremely difficult and equally important classes.

Students that allow these kinds of distractions often haven’t adopted effective study habits that can help them to concrete in classes, complete assignments on time, and write exams with ease.

If you’re one such student who sometimes feel absent minded when you should be concentrating on your studies, you need to adjust as fast as you can. 

  • Change your personal learning environment to a more conducive space. If you study in the dormitory, for example, but often find yourself putting aside your books to chat with your roommates, shift to the library. The library is a quiet place with a reading-friendly space that can help you stay focused.
  • Cut off anything that contributes to the distractions. Logout of social media, turn of the TV, limit your access to the internet, don’t go for outings on school days, and tell your friends you’ve decided to get serious about your education and that you would like to limit socializing to weekends.  

3. You Can’t Concentrate Fully

Have you ever sat in front of a blank page and just couldn’t get yourself to start an essay about yourself?

Maybe you’re currently in a class session but you just can’t seem to get what your teacher is saying? There’s a high chance you can’t concentrate fully.

Lack of concentration in class is one of the common study problems that can deter your performance in school.

Similar to lack of motivation, the failure to concentrate in class could be because you’re going through a difficult time, you don’t like a subject, your teacher doesn’t teach the subject well, or you have personal issues bothering you.

  • Write down what’s causing your lack of concentration in class
  • If your lack of concentration is because of common distractions such as social media and excessive texting on your phone, try to make some lifestyle changes so that you become more productive in school.
  • If you’re going through an intensely disturbing moment in your life so much so that you can’t focus no matter how hard you try, set a meeting with your teacher and talk to them about your current situation.

4. Overwhelming Assignments

Every student’s first year in college isn’t going to be as difficult. There will be fewer assignments to complete, short class sessions to attend, and generally more free time to spend hanging out with friends on campus.

School starts to get overwhelming in the second year, a year after that, and then a year after that.

Your instructor will give you countless of assignments to complete, which means you will have less time for your social life and more time for school work.

The problem here is that too much work can be difficult to manage if you don’t have a strategic plan. You might fail to meet deadlines, fail to submit quality assignments, and even fail your exams. 

The best way to fix this common study problem is to create a learning schedule.

Depending on the number of subjects you take in your course, dedicate a few hours every day to study each subject and complete the respective assignment if your instructor gives you any.

You can also ask for assignment writing help from Dissertation Consulting Company if you have some assignments that have shorter deadlines. Our team will help you get the work done in the shortest time possible.

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