30+ Ideas to Get Started

Has your teacher asked you to write an abortion argumentative essay? The first step is to choose your topics and single out an idea to focus your assignment on.

The thing is:

Abortion is one of the most sensitive and equally controversial topics to argue about.

How do you convince an audience that it’s okay to take a life because prohibiting them to do so violates women’s fundamental human rights? Can you stand on a quorum and criticize abortion rights based on the principle of health and morality?

The right approach is to have an open and approach the issue holistically than subjectively. That way, you can choose the right topic to focus your essay, and write an A-level paper that earns you credibility even if the reviewer doesn’t agree with your stance on the topic.

In this post, we give you 30+ topic ideas that you can start working on right away. 

Key Takeaways

  • Abortion is a sensitive issue, but you can still write a comprehensive argumentative essay on the same regardless of the position you naturally hold on the issue.
  • You should choose a topic that interests you, or one that you’ve always wanted to explore.
  • The topic you choose should have sufficient material for research and allow you to demonstrate why your stance on the issue is more reasonable.

If you don’t have enough time left to pick a topic and write the essay, place your order here. One of our pro writers will help you choose a topic, research the subject, and write you a comprehensive essay.

30+ Abortion Argumentative Essay Topics

The following is a list of 30+ abortion argumentative essay topics based on different areas of categorization:

Ethics and Philosophy

  1. Is abortion ethically justifiable?
  2. Should individuals have the right to choose abortion or should the law prohibit it?
  3. Should we use abortion as a means of population control?
  4. Should the government have the power to regulate abortion or should individuals have complete autonomy over the decision?
  5. Should the right to abortion be as a fundamental human right or should individual countries to decide their own policies?

Policy and Law

  1. Should abortion laws be more or less restrictive in the United States?
  2. Should legal restrictions on abortion be increased or decreased in various countries?
  3. Should the government have a say in regulating abortion or should it be solely up to individuals?
  4. Should women have unrestricted access to abortion as part of their reproductive rights?
  5. We cannot view abortion as a form of contraception but a separate issue entirely.

Health and Medicine

  1. Does abortion have a negative impact on mental health?
  2. Abortions have impact on men and they should therefore have a say in the decision.
  3. Should medical professionals play a role in performing abortions?
  4. Should mental health advocacy be part of the broader abortion debate?
  5. Does access to safe and legal abortion reduce maternal mortality rates, and if so, to what extent?

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Social and Cultural Impact

  1. What impact does abortion have on families and communities, and is it positive or negative?
  2. Does abortion have a significant emotional and psychological impact on women?
  3. Is abortion a feminist issue, and if so, how should this influence policy decisions?
  4. Does abortion have an impact on race and ethnicity, and if so, how should this influence policy decisions?
  5. Abortion has a negative impact on female and male education.

International and Global Issues

  1. Should abortion be more or less accessible in different parts of the world?
  2. What impact does abortion have on the environment, and should this be a consideration in policy decisions?
  3. What is the economic impact of abortion, and is it positive or negative?
  4. Should we consider assisted reproduction as an alternative to abortion, and how does these impact reproductive rights?
  5. We should view abortion as a research issue and implement relevant ethical considerations.

Special Cases and Circumstances

  1. Should we allow abortion in cases of rape and incest or should we have it prohibited all the time?
  2. Should we advocate for abortion in cases where the fetus has a fatal genetic or developmental abnormality?
  3. Abortion should be legal in cases where the health of the mother is at risk.
  4. Should parental consent be required for minors seeking abortion, or should they have autonomy over the decision?
  5. Should it be okay to do an abortion for non-medical reasons after a certain point in the pregnancy?
  6. Should women be required to undergo counseling or waiting periods before having an abortion or should they have immediate access to the procedure?
  7. Should women be required to view an ultrasound of the fetus before having an abortion?
  8. We should not legalize abortion on the grounds for gender selection purposes.
  9. Do we need to advocate for the legalization of abortion for socio-economic reasons or should we have it prohibited?
  10. Should there be limits on the number of abortions a woman can have, or should she have unlimited access to the procedure?
  11. Medical professionals must have the right to refuse to perform abortions on moral or religious grounds. 

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