[2023] Identify and explain the key principles of a (one) leadership style that you aspire to follow and justify how it aligns with your professional philosophy on leadership in the early childhood

Last Updated on 09/12/2023 by Admin

Identify and explain the key principles of a (one) leadership style that you aspire to follow and justify how it aligns with your professional philosophy on leadership in the early childhood

Identify and explain the key principles of a (one) leadership style that you aspire to follow and justify how it aligns with your professional philosophy on leadership in the early childhood

TCHR3004 Leadership and advocacy in Early childhood

Assessment 1: Report

APA Style 7 SCU Library referencing guides 50%

Via the Turnitin link on the Assessment and Submission section on the unit site.

You will demonstrate the following Unit Learning Outcomes on the successful completion of this task:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the key principles of leadership and management in practice in early childhood education and care services and settings underpinned by theoretical and practical perspectives on administration, management and
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of how to build supportive and collaborative environments for children, parents, community and
  3. Critically reflect on the role that advocacy plays in early childhood education (locally, nationally and internationally) and identify the skills that a strong advocate for the ECEC profession should
  4. Critically analyse and understand the role of the educational leader: including relationships, responsibilities, expectations, ethical practice and transition to an educational leader.

For this assessment, you are required to write a report of 1500 words. The report can include tables, charts, figures, and/or graphs to illustrate your findings where necessary.


As an early childhood educator, it is important you have an understanding about leadership and your role as a leader.

Task Instructions

Write a report that responds to the following three tasks.

  1. Identify and explain the key principles of a (one) leadership style that you aspire to follow and justify how it aligns with your professional philosophy on leadership in the early childhood
  2. Demonstrate your knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings of this leadership
  3. Critically review how this leadership style influences management in an early childhood setting in relation to children, families and staff

The report must include:

  1. A brief introduction of no more than 100 words outlining the purpose and content if the
  2. A body of no more than 1320 words and broken into sections with short, appropriate headings (based upon the 3 tasks listed above).
  3. A conclusion of no more than 80 words, highlighting the key
  4. A reference list that includes all sources of information

Referencing Style

Referencing should conform to the APA 7th style. It is recommended that you refer to the referencing guide available through the SCU library.

Task Submission

Report should be submitted using the Turnitin submission link titled “Assessment 1: Report” in the Assessments Tasks & Submission section on the Blackboard TCHR3004 site. Only a word document submitted via the Turnitin portal on Blackboard will be accepted. You must label your submission with your surname and initials and the assessment task’s name, e.g: “JonesA_report.docx”

Special Consideration

As per Southern Cross University policy: Students wishing to request special consideration to extend the due date of an assessment task must submit a Request for Special Consideration form via their MyEnrolment page as early as possible and prior to the original due date for that assessment task, along with any accompanying documents, such as medical certificates.

Late Submissions & Penalties

As per Southern Cross University policy, except when special consideration is awarded, late submission of assessment tasks will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty.

Penalties will be incurred as soon as the deadline is reached.

  1. a penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted from the actual mark at one minute after the time listed in the due date
  2. a further penalty of 5% of the available mark will be deducted from the actual mark achieved on each subsequent calendar day until the mark reaches ”
  3. If student upload their paper to the incorrect submission point g. Draft Checker and NOT the assessment submission point – academic penalty will be applied.
  4. If students upload their draft paper to the final submission point – this paper will be accepted as the final paper and marked.

Assessment Rubric

Marking Criteria and % allocation High Distinction+ 100% High Distinction (85-99%) Distinction (75-84%) Credit (65-74%)
Identification and Achieves all the Outstanding Identification and Identification and
explanation of the key criteria for a high identification and explanation of the explanation of the
principles of a distinction to an explanation of the key principles of a key principles of a
leadership style that exemplary key principles of a leadership style that leadership style that
you aspire to follow standard, without leadership style you aspire to follow you aspire to follow
20% any errors. that you aspire to follow is articulated very well. is articulated clearly.
Justification for how Achieves all the Outstanding Justification for how Justification for how
this leadership style criteria for a high justification for how this leadership style this leadership style
aligns with your distinction to an this leadership style aligns with your aligns with your
professional philosophy exemplary aligns with your professional professional
on leadership in the EC standard, without professional philosophy on philosophy on


any errors. philosophy on leadership in the EC leadership in the EC setting has been leadership in the EC setting has been
setting articulated very well. articulated clearly.
Knowledge of the Achieves all the Outstanding Knowledge of the Knowledge of the
theoretical criteria for a high demonstration of theoretical theoretical
underpinnings of this distinction to an knowledge of the underpinnings of this underpinnings of this
leadership style exemplary theoretical leadership style has leadership style has
20% standard, without underpinnings of been clearly been clearly
any errors. this leadership style. identified and articulated very well. identified.
Critical review how this Achieves all the Outstanding critical Critical review of Critical review of
leadership style criteria for a high review of how this how this leadership how this leadership
influences management distinction to an leadership style leadership style leadership style
in an early childhood exemplary influences influences influences
setting in relation to standard, without management in an management in an management in an
children, families and staff.


any errors. early childhood setting in relation early childhood setting in relation to children, families early childhood setting in relation to children, families






Absent Fail (0%)
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not attempted.
identification and identification and
explanation of the explanation of the
key principles of a key principles of a
leadership style that leadership style that
you aspire to follow is articulated. you aspire to follow.
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not attempted.
justification for how justification for how
this leadership style this leadership style
aligns with your aligns with your
professional professional
philosophy on leadership in the EC philosophy on leadership in the EC
setting has been articulated. setting has been articulated.
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not attempted.
knowledge of the knowledge of the
theoretical theoretical
underpinnings of this underpinnings of this
leadership style has leadership style has
been demonstrated. been demonstrated.
Satisfactory critical Unsatisfactory Not attempted.
review of how this critical review of
leadership how this leadership
leadership style leadership style
influences influences
management in an early childhood setting in relation to management in an early childhood setting in relation to
children, families and staff has been demonstrated. children, families and staff has been demonstrated.
Satisfactory links Unsatisfactory or no Not attempted.
made to the links have been
literature, EYLF and made to the
NQS. literature, EYLF and NQS.
Academic writing and APA 7 referencing is mostly correct. Very minor errors are evident. Poor academic writing including APA 7 referencing. Errors are present. Not attempted.
to children, families and staff. and staff has been demonstrated very well. and staff has been demonstrated clearly
Links to the literature Achieves all the Outstanding inks Very good links to Clear links to the
on leadership, the EYLF criteria for a high made to the the literature on literature on
(AGDE, 2022) and NQS distinction to an literature on leadership, the EYLF leadership, the EYLF
(ACECQA, 2020)


exemplary standard, without any errors. leadership, the EYLF and NQS. and NQS. and NQS have been made.
Standard of writing and presentation – spelling, punctuation, grammar, paragraph structure, APA 7th referencing style Achieves all the criteria for a high distinction to an exemplary standard, without any errors. Outstanding standard of academic writing including APA 7. No errors evident. Clear and correct use of academic writing and APA 7 referencing. No errors evident. Clear and correct use of academic writing and APA 7 referencing. No errors evident.

Description of SCU Grades

High Distinction:

The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows exceptional ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as outstanding in relation to the learning requirements specified.


The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows a well-developed ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as distinguished in relation to the learning requirements specified.


The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements specified, demonstrates insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts. The student’s performance could be described as competent in relation to the learning requirements specified.


The student’s performance satisfies all of the basic learning requirements specified and provides a sound basis for proceeding to higher-level studies in the subject area. The student’s performance could be described as satisfactory in relation to the learning requirements specified. Fail:

The student’s performance fails to satisfy the learning requirements specified.

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What is the best leadership style in early childhood education?

In the realm of early childhood education, effective leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping the learning experiences of young minds. The leadership style adopted in this crucial phase of a child’s development can have a profound impact on their cognitive, emotional, and social growth. In this article, we delve into the world of early childhood education and explore the best leadership style that can foster an environment conducive to learning and development.

The Significance of Leadership in Early Childhood Education

Leadership in early childhood education is not just about administrative responsibilities; it’s about guiding, nurturing, and inspiring both young learners and educators. The leadership style chosen can influence not only the quality of education but also the overall well-being of children in their formative years.

Transformational Leadership

One of the most effective leadership styles in early childhood education is transformational leadership. This style emphasizes the following key principles:

1. Vision and Inspiration

Transformational leaders have a clear vision for the future of education. They inspire teachers, parents, and students by sharing this vision, making them feel like integral parts of a larger, meaningful purpose.

2. Support and Empowerment

In this leadership style, educators are encouraged to innovate and think creatively. Leaders provide the necessary resources, training, and emotional support to help teachers excel in their roles.

3. Positive Role Modeling

Transformational leaders set high standards for themselves and serve as positive role models for others. They exhibit integrity, passion, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of the children.

4. Effective Communication

Open and transparent communication is essential in early childhood education. Transformational leaders facilitate communication between teachers, parents, and students, creating a harmonious educational ecosystem.

The Montessori Approach

Another widely respected approach in early childhood education is the Montessori method. Dr. Maria Montessori developed this approach based on her deep understanding of child psychology. The Montessori method embodies several characteristics of effective leadership:

1. Child-Centered Learning

In Montessori classrooms, the focus is entirely on the child’s individual needs and interests. Educators observe each child’s progress and tailor the learning experience accordingly.

2. Independence and Self-Discipline

Montessori encourages children to be independent learners. This instills a sense of self-discipline and responsibility from an early age, valuable qualities for future leaders.

3. Respect for Individuality

Leadership in Montessori education respects the unique qualities of each child. This approach acknowledges that every child learns at their own pace and in their own way.

4. Prepared Environment

Montessori classrooms are meticulously prepared to facilitate exploration and discovery. Leaders in Montessori education create an environment that encourages hands-on learning.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence

In early childhood education, emotional intelligence is a critical component of effective leadership. Leaders who are attuned to their emotions and the emotions of others can create a nurturing and supportive atmosphere.

Empathy and Understanding

Leaders with high emotional intelligence can empathize with the needs and concerns of both children and educators. This empathy fosters trust and a sense of security.

Conflict Resolution

In the dynamic world of early childhood education, conflicts may arise. Leaders with strong emotional intelligence can resolve conflicts calmly and promote positive relationships among staff, children, and parents.


In the quest to determine the best leadership style in early childhood education, it becomes evident that a combination of transformational leadership and the Montessori approach can yield exceptional results. These styles emphasize vision, support, empathy, and individualized learning experiences. However, it’s crucial to remember that effective leadership is not one-size-fits-all and may vary depending on the specific educational context.

As we strive to provide the best possible educational experiences for our children, embracing diverse leadership styles and continuously evolving to meet the needs of young learners remains paramount. In this journey, leadership in early childhood education plays a pivotal role, shaping the future of our society by nurturing the minds and hearts of the next generation.

In the realm of leadership, there are several key principles that are universally valued and recognized as fundamental to effective leadership. Here are some of the key leadership principles:

  1. Vision and Goal Setting: A strong leader must have a clear vision for the future and the ability to set specific, achievable goals. This vision provides direction and purpose for the team or organization.
  2. Leading by Example: Leading by example means that leaders should exemplify the values, work ethic, and behavior they expect from their team members. It builds trust and respect.
  3. Effective Communication: Communication is at the heart of leadership. Leaders should be able to articulate their vision, listen actively to others, and provide constructive feedback. Clear and transparent communication fosters understanding and collaboration.
  4. Empowerment: Empowering team members means giving them the authority and responsibility to make decisions and take ownership of their work. It encourages innovation and personal growth.
  5. Adaptability: Leaders should be flexible and adaptable in the face of change. They need to navigate through challenges and uncertainties, adjusting their strategies as needed.
  6. Problem Solving: Effective leaders are skilled problem solvers. They approach challenges with a solution-oriented mindset, encouraging creative thinking and critical problem-solving skills among their team.
  7. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Understanding the emotions and needs of team members is essential. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can build strong relationships, resolve conflicts, and provide support when needed.
  8. Accountability: Leaders should hold themselves and their team members accountable for their actions and commitments. This fosters a culture of responsibility and trust.
  9. Continuous Learning: Leadership is an ongoing journey. Effective leaders are committed to continuous self-improvement and learning from their experiences and mistakes.
  10. Team Building: Building a cohesive and motivated team is a critical aspect of leadership. Leaders should recognize and leverage the unique strengths of each team member while promoting a collaborative environment.
  11. Ethical Leadership: Integrity and ethical behavior are non-negotiable for leaders. Upholding ethical standards sets a positive example and maintains trust with stakeholders.
  12. Resilience: Leadership often involves facing setbacks and adversity. Resilient leaders remain determined and optimistic, inspiring their teams to persevere through tough times.
  13. Strategic Thinking: Leaders must have the ability to think strategically, make informed decisions, and plan for the long-term success of their organization or team.
  14. Inspiration and Motivation: Effective leaders inspire and motivate their team members by providing a compelling vision and recognizing individual and collective achievements.
  15. Delegation: Delegating tasks and responsibilities effectively is crucial for leaders. It allows them to focus on strategic priorities while empowering team members to contribute meaningfully.

These key principles of leadership serve as a foundation for successful leadership in various contexts, whether in business, education, community, or any other sphere of life. Effective leaders often combine and adapt these principles to suit the unique needs of their teams and organizations.

What is the philosophy of leadership in early childhood education?

The philosophy of leadership in early childhood education is deeply rooted in the belief that young children are capable learners, and that effective leadership in this context is centered around creating a nurturing, developmentally appropriate, and inclusive environment. This philosophy is guided by several core principles:

  1. Child-Centered Approach: Leadership in early childhood education revolves around the idea that children are active participants in their own learning journey. It acknowledges that each child is unique and progresses at their own pace. Therefore, the focus is on providing opportunities for children to explore, discover, and learn through hands-on experiences.
  2. Respect for Individuality: Leaders in early childhood education respect and celebrate the individuality of each child. They recognize that children have different backgrounds, abilities, and interests, and they create an environment that honors these differences.
  3. Play-Based Learning: Play is considered a crucial vehicle for learning in early childhood. Leaders encourage play-based learning, as it fosters creativity, problem-solving skills, and social development. Play is viewed as a child’s natural way of exploring and making sense of the world.
  4. Relationships and Attachment: Effective leadership emphasizes the importance of building strong, secure relationships with children. Leaders understand that a child’s emotional well-being is closely tied to their sense of security and attachment to caregivers and educators.
  5. Holistic Development: Leadership in early childhood education is committed to fostering the holistic development of children. This includes not only cognitive growth but also social, emotional, physical, and moral development. Leaders provide a balanced curriculum that addresses all these aspects.
  6. Inclusion and Diversity: Inclusive leadership is a cornerstone of early childhood education philosophy. Leaders ensure that all children, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or differences, have access to high-quality education and feel a sense of belonging.
  7. Observation and Assessment: Leaders actively observe and assess children’s progress and needs. They use this information to tailor learning experiences to meet each child’s developmental stage and individual requirements.
  8. Reflective Practice: Effective leadership involves ongoing reflection and self-assessment. Leaders continuously evaluate their own practices and seek opportunities for professional growth and improvement.
  9. Collaboration with Families: Leaders in early childhood education recognize the importance of partnerships with families. They involve parents and caregivers in their child’s education, valuing their insights and contributions.
  10. Professionalism: Leadership in this field upholds high standards of professionalism. Leaders are well-trained, knowledgeable about child development, and committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment.
  11. Advocacy for Early Childhood Education: Early childhood education leaders often advocate for policies and initiatives that support the well-being and education of young children. They understand the long-term societal benefits of investing in early childhood.
  12. Ethical and Moral Values: Ethical leadership is vital in early childhood education. Leaders model ethical behavior and values for children, helping them develop a strong moral compass.

In summary, the philosophy of leadership in early childhood education centers on fostering a nurturing, child-centered environment that prioritizes play-based learning, individualized development, inclusion, and strong relationships. Leaders in this field play a pivotal role in shaping the early educational experiences of children, laying the foundation for their lifelong love of learning and overall well-being.

Famous leadership philosophies

Throughout history, numerous famous leaders have developed and practiced their own unique leadership philosophies. These philosophies often reflect the leader’s personal values, experiences, and the context in which they led. Here are some famous leadership philosophies:

  1. Transformational Leadership (James MacGregor Burns): Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their followers by creating a compelling vision and fostering a culture of innovation and change. They lead by example and encourage personal and professional growth among their team members.
  2. Servant Leadership (Robert K. Greenleaf): Servant leaders prioritize the needs of their team members above their own. They aim to serve and support others, believing that by doing so, they can create a more compassionate and effective organization.
  3. Situational Leadership (Hersey-Blanchard Model): This philosophy emphasizes adapting leadership style to the specific situation and the readiness of the followers. Leaders assess the maturity and capability of their team members and adjust their approach accordingly.
  4. Authentic Leadership (Bill George): Authentic leaders are true to themselves and their values. They build trust through transparency and honesty, fostering genuine relationships with their team. This philosophy values self-awareness and personal integrity.
  5. Transactional Leadership (Max Weber): Transactional leaders use a structured, rewards-and-punishment approach to motivate and manage their teams. They focus on achieving specific goals through clear expectations and accountability.
  6. Charismatic Leadership (Max Weber): Charismatic leaders have a magnetic personality and the ability to inspire devotion and loyalty among their followers. They often lead through the force of their personality and vision.
  7. Democratic Leadership: Democratic leaders involve their team members in decision-making processes, seeking input and consensus. This philosophy values collaboration and collective decision-making.
  8. Laissez-Faire Leadership: Laissez-faire leaders take a hands-off approach and provide autonomy to their team members. They trust their team’s expertise and judgment, allowing them to make decisions independently.
  9. Trait Theory: The trait theory of leadership suggests that certain innate qualities or characteristics make individuals effective leaders. These traits include intelligence, charisma, confidence, and emotional stability.
  10. Great Man Theory: This historical theory posits that great leaders are born, not made. It suggests that exceptional leaders emerge in times of crisis or need, often possessing unique qualities that set them apart.
  11. Level 5 Leadership (Jim Collins): Level 5 leaders are characterized by a combination of personal humility and unwavering will to achieve organizational success. They prioritize the success of the team or organization over personal recognition.
  12. Results-Oriented Leadership: Leaders following this philosophy are primarily focused on achieving measurable results and outcomes. They set clear performance targets and relentlessly work toward their achievement.
  13. Adaptive Leadership (Ron Heifetz): Adaptive leaders guide their teams through complex challenges and encourage adaptive responses to change. They promote learning and resilience in the face of adversity.
  14. Ethical Leadership: Ethical leaders prioritize moral and ethical principles in decision-making. They model integrity, fairness, and ethical behavior for their team members.
  15. Primal Leadership (Daniel Goleman): Primal leaders recognize the emotional impact of their leadership on others. They focus on emotional intelligence and use it to create a positive and motivating work environment.

These famous leadership philosophies offer valuable insights into different approaches to leadership, each suited to specific contexts and situations. Effective leaders often draw from multiple philosophies, adapting their leadership style to meet the needs of their team and organization.

Leadership philosophy examples

Leadership philosophy statements vary from person to person, reflecting their values, experiences, and beliefs about effective leadership. Here are a few leadership philosophy examples to illustrate the diversity of perspectives:

Example 1: Transformational Leadership Philosophy

“I believe in the power of transformational leadership. My philosophy centers on inspiring and empowering my team members to reach their full potential. I aim to create a shared vision that resonates with each member, fostering a sense of purpose and enthusiasm. By leading with empathy, active listening, and unwavering support, I strive to build strong relationships. I value innovation, continuous learning, and adaptability, encouraging my team to embrace change and challenge the status quo. Ultimately, I measure my success by the growth and development of my team members and the positive impact we make together.”

Example 2: Servant Leadership Philosophy

“My leadership philosophy is grounded in servant leadership principles. I believe that my role as a leader is to serve and uplift others. This means actively listening to my team, understanding their needs, and removing obstacles that hinder their success. I lead with humility, putting the well-being of my team members first. I view leadership as a responsibility to nurture a culture of trust, collaboration, and personal growth. By focusing on the development and happiness of my team, I believe we can achieve remarkable results and create a positive work environment.”

Example 3: Authentic Leadership Philosophy

“Authenticity is at the core of my leadership philosophy. I believe that true leadership starts with self-awareness and genuine self-expression. I lead by being true to my values and principles, even when faced with difficult decisions. I strive to build trust by openly sharing my thoughts, admitting my mistakes, and learning from them. I recognize that building authentic relationships with my team members is essential, as it fosters a culture of openness, creativity, and innovation. My leadership journey is a continuous process of personal growth, guided by the principles of integrity and authenticity.”

Example 4: Situational Leadership Philosophy

“I adhere to a situational leadership philosophy, recognizing that effective leadership requires adapting to varying circumstances and team dynamics. My approach is flexible and tailored to the specific needs of my team members. I assess their readiness and capabilities and adjust my leadership style accordingly. Whether it’s providing clear direction, offering support, delegating authority, or coaching and mentoring, I aim to meet my team members where they are in their development. This philosophy allows me to maximize individual and team performance while maintaining a focus on growth and learning.”

Example 5: Results-Oriented Leadership Philosophy

“My leadership philosophy revolves around delivering tangible results. I believe that setting clear goals, measuring progress, and holding individuals and teams accountable are essential for achieving success. I prioritize efficiency, effectiveness, and a strong work ethic. While I value collaboration and empowerment, I also recognize the importance of driving outcomes. My leadership style is results-driven, and I continually seek ways to optimize processes, align strategies with goals, and celebrate achievements. I believe that by consistently delivering results, we can drive continuous improvement and success.”

These examples showcase various leadership philosophies, each emphasizing different values and approaches to leadership. Effective leaders often develop their unique philosophy by drawing inspiration from multiple sources and adapting it to their specific roles and contexts.

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