[2023] Before planning your lesson, select a standard you will be teaching to your students.  You may locate these through ALEX Course of Study at

Last Updated on 09/12/2023 by Admin

Before planning your lesson, select a standard you will be teaching to your students.  You may locate these through ALEX Course of Study at

Before planning your lesson, select a standard you will be teaching to your students.  You may locate these through ALEX Course of Study at

Signature Assessment

Signature Assessment Part I: Section B

Plan for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Name Date
UWA Course  
Teacher Subject

 Co-Teaching Approach:         ___One Teach, One Observe                          ___ Station Teaching                                                                          ___Parallel Teaching                                      ___ Alternative Teaching

___Team Teaching                                         ___One Teach, One Assist

Describe what each teacher will do in the Plan.

Teacher 1: ____________________________          (ex. Teach)

Teacher 2: ____________________________          (ex. Observe)

Teacher Candidate:
Grade Level of Student(s):
UWA Course:
Subject/s of Lesson Plan
Learning Segment (Unit) Title: (Title of Lesson)

Before planning your lesson, select a standard you will be teaching to your students.  You may locate these through ALEX Course of Study at https://www.alex.state.al.us/browseStand.php.  Select a subject and grade and then locate a standard you might teach in a future classroom.

Ex. Grade 3 READING STANDARDS:  1.) Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. [RL.3.1]

Next begin planning your lesson based on the standard you selected.

Include the following parts in your Lesson Plan.  Be sure to assign the roles and responsibilities of each of the teachers (general and special education) who are co-teaching in the general education classroom.

  1. Central Focus (Also describe what each teacher will do [their responsibilities]) for this section of the Co-Teaching Lesson Plan.)
  2. Describe the central focus and purpose of the content you will teach.
  3. Describe how the standard(s) and learning objectives address the development of student competencies.
  4. Explain how your plan helps students make connections.
  5. Describe how the physical environment in which you are teaching supports the active and multimodal nature of children’s learning. (If, in your view, the physical environment in which you are teaching does not adequately support the active and multimodal nature of children’s learning, please describe the changes you would make.)
  1. Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching (Also describe what each teacher will do [their responsibilities]) for this section of the Co-Teaching Lesson Plan.)

Describe what you know about your students with respect to the central focus of your instruction. Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/support (e.g., students with IEPs or 504 plans, English language learners, struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic knowledge, and/or gifted students).

  1. Prior academic learning and prerequisite skills related to the central focus—Cite evidence of what students know, what they can do, and what they are still learning to do.
  2. Personal, cultural, and community assets related to the central focus—What do you know about your students’ everyday experiences, cultural and language backgrounds and practices, and interests?
  1. Supporting Students’ Learning (Also describe what each teacher will do [their responsibilities]) for this section of the Co-Teaching Lesson Plan.)

Support your justifications, refer to the instructional materials and lesson plan developed. In addition, use principles from research and/or theory to support your justifications.

  1. Justify how your understanding of your students’ prior academic learning and personal, cultural, and community assets guided your choice or adaptation of learning tasks and materials. Be explicit about the connections between the learning tasks and students’ prior academic learning, their assets, and research/theory.
  2. Describe and justify why your instructional strategies and planned supports are appropriate for the whole class, individuals, and/or groups of students with specific learning needs. Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/support (i.e. students with IEPs or 504 plans, English language learners, struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic knowledge, and/or gifted students).
  3. Describe common developmental approximations or common misconceptions related to content of your central focus and how you will address them.
  4. Supporting Children’s Vocabulary and Language Development (Also describe what each teacher will do [their responsibilities]) for this section of the Co-Teaching Lesson Plan.)

Respond by referring to children’s range of vocabulary development related to the learning segment—What do they know, what are they struggling with, and/or what is new to them?   (WHAT ACADEMIC LANGUAGE IS IMPORTANT FOR THEM TO KNOW?  Ex. – In math, understanding SUM means “the total amount of all the numbers added together”.

  1. Identify the key vocabulary (i.e. developmentally appropriate sounds, words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs) essential for children to use during instruction.
  2. Identify the learning experience that provides children with opportunities to develop, practice, and/or use the key vocabulary identified.
  3. Describe how you plan to support the children (during and/or prior to the learning experience) to develop and use the key vocabulary identified.
  4. Language Function. Using information about your students’ language assets and needs, identify one language function essential for students to develop and practice the central focus of your instruction. Listed below are some sample language functions. You may choose one of these or another more appropriate for your instructional plan.
Analyze Argue Categorize Compare/contrast Describe Explain
Summarize Interpret Predict Question Retell  


  1. Identify a key learning task from your plans that provides students with opportunities to practice using the language function in ways that support learning.
  2. Language Supports. Refer to your lesson plans and instructional materials as needed, and identify and describe the planned instructional supports (during and/or prior to the learning task) to help students understand, develop, and use the identified language demands (function, vocabulary, key phrases, discourse, or syntax).
  3. Monitoring Student Learning (Also describe what each teacher will do [their responsibilities]) for this section of the Co-Teaching Lesson Plan.)

Refer to the assessment(s) submitted in your responses.

  1. Describe how your planned formal and informal assessments will provide direct evidence of your students conceptual understanding.
  2. Explain how the design or adaptation of your planned assessments allows students with specific needs to demonstrate their learning. Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/support (i.e. students with IEPs or 504 plans, English language learners, struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic knowledge, and/or gifted students).
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What are the things to consider in preparing lesson plan to your students?

Preparing a well-structured lesson plan is essential for effective teaching and ensuring that your students receive a meaningful and engaging learning experience. Here are the key things to consider when preparing a lesson plan for your students:

  1. Learning Objectives:
    • Clearly define the specific learning objectives you want your students to achieve during the lesson. What knowledge, skills, or understanding should they gain by the end of the lesson?
  2. Prior Knowledge:
    • Assess what your students already know about the topic. Understanding their prior knowledge helps you tailor your lesson to their current level of understanding.
  3. Curriculum Standards:
    • Ensure that your lesson aligns with the curriculum standards or learning goals established by your educational institution or district.
  4. Materials and Resources:
    • List the materials, resources, and technology tools you’ll need for the lesson, such as textbooks, handouts, multimedia, or interactive tools.
  5. Engagement Strategies:
    • Plan engaging activities, questions, or scenarios to capture your students’ interest and involvement throughout the lesson. Consider using a variety of teaching methods to cater to different learning styles.
  6. Assessment and Evaluation:
    • Determine how you will assess your students’ understanding and progress. Include formative assessments (e.g., quizzes, discussions) and summative assessments (e.g., tests, projects) as appropriate.
  7. Instructional Sequence:
    • Outline the sequence of activities and the timeline for each segment of the lesson. Ensure a logical flow that builds on previous learning and leads to the attainment of the learning objectives.
  8. Differentiation:
    • Consider the diverse needs of your students and plan for differentiation. Provide opportunities for students who may need additional support and challenges for those who require more advanced content.
  9. Clear Instructions:
    • Write clear and concise instructions for each activity or task. Ensure that students understand what is expected of them and how they should complete the tasks.
  10. Time Management:
    • Allocate appropriate time for each part of the lesson, including introductions, discussions, activities, and assessments. Be mindful of time constraints.
  11. Transitions:
    • Plan smooth transitions between different activities to maintain a focused and organized classroom environment.
  12. Feedback and Reflection:
    • Consider how you will provide feedback to students during and after the lesson. Allow time for reflection and discussion, encouraging students to ask questions and seek clarification.
  13. Adaptability:
    • Be prepared to adapt your lesson plan if necessary. Flexibility is important, as student responses and needs may vary.
  14. Inclusivity:
    • Ensure that your lesson plan promotes inclusivity and respects diverse backgrounds, abilities, and learning styles. Provide accommodations and modifications as needed.
  15. Real-Life Applications:
    • Whenever possible, connect the lesson content to real-life applications or scenarios to make it relevant and meaningful to students.
  16. Closure:
    • Summarize the key points of the lesson and review the learning objectives. Allow students to ask questions and provide closure to the lesson.
  17. Homework or Follow-up:
    • If applicable, assign homework or suggest follow-up activities that reinforce the lesson’s concepts.
  18. Reflection and Revision:
    • After teaching the lesson, reflect on its effectiveness. Were the learning objectives met? Were there any challenges or unexpected issues? Use this feedback to improve future lessons.

By considering these aspects when preparing your lesson plan, you can create a well-organized, engaging, and effective learning experience for your students. Remember that flexibility and responsiveness to student needs are also essential elements of successful teaching.

What teaching strategies will you use to ensure students meet the standard?

To ensure that students meet the standard, it’s important to employ a variety of effective teaching strategies that cater to diverse learning styles and abilities. Here are some teaching strategies that can help you achieve this goal:

  1. Differentiated Instruction:
    • Tailor your teaching to meet the individual needs of your students. Provide varying levels of support, resources, and activities to address different learning styles and abilities.
  2. Active Learning:
    • Engage students actively in the learning process through hands-on activities, group discussions, debates, problem-solving exercises, and interactive simulations. Active participation enhances understanding and retention.
  3. Formative Assessment:
    • Use ongoing formative assessments such as quizzes, polls, discussions, and short assignments to gauge student understanding throughout the lesson. Adjust your teaching based on the feedback from these assessments.
  4. Peer Teaching and Collaboration:
    • Encourage students to work together on group projects, peer teaching, or collaborative activities. Learning from their peers can reinforce understanding and provide different perspectives.
  5. Visual Aids and Multimedia:
    • Incorporate visual aids, multimedia presentations, diagrams, charts, and videos to make complex concepts more accessible and engaging.
  6. Socratic Questioning:
    • Ask open-ended, thought-provoking questions that promote critical thinking and stimulate classroom discussions. Encourage students to explain their thought processes and reasoning.
  7. Real-World Applications:
    • Connect the lesson content to real-world applications and examples. Demonstrating the practical relevance of the material can motivate students and enhance comprehension.
  8. Feedback and Reflection:
    • Provide constructive feedback on students’ work and encourage them to reflect on their learning progress. Self-assessment and goal-setting help students take ownership of their learning.
  9. Technology Integration:
    • Utilize educational technology tools, online resources, and digital platforms to enhance learning experiences. Virtual labs, interactive simulations, and online discussions can be valuable additions to your teaching arsenal.
  10. Storytelling:
    • Weave narratives and stories into your lessons to make abstract concepts more relatable and memorable. Stories can capture students’ attention and aid in comprehension.
  11. Flipped Classroom:
    • Consider flipping your classroom by assigning readings or video lectures as homework and using class time for discussions, problem-solving, and hands-on activities. This approach maximizes active learning.
  12. Learning Stations:
    • Set up learning stations within your classroom, each focused on a specific aspect of the lesson. Students rotate through these stations, engaging with various activities and materials.
  13. Think-Pair-Share:
    • Pose a question or problem, allow students time to think individually, have them discuss their thoughts with a partner, and then share their ideas with the class. This strategy promotes both individual and collaborative thinking.
  14. Mastery Learning:
    • Emphasize mastery over time constraints. Allow students to progress at their own pace, providing additional support and opportunities for relearning until they demonstrate mastery of the standard.
  15. Metacognition:
    • Teach students metacognitive skills, such as goal-setting, self-monitoring, and self-assessment. Encourage them to reflect on their learning processes and make adjustments as needed.
  16. Incorporate Multiple Assessments:
    • Use a variety of assessment methods, including traditional tests, projects, portfolios, presentations, and performance assessments. This ensures that you capture different aspects of student learning.
  17. Regular Review and Reinforcement:
    • Schedule periodic reviews and reinforcement activities to revisit previously covered material and reinforce concepts. This helps prevent forgetting and promotes long-term retention.

By implementing these teaching strategies thoughtfully and flexibly, you can create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that supports students in meeting and exceeding the standard. Adjust your approach as needed to cater to the unique needs of your students and the specific learning objectives of the lesson.

What are the five important elements in lesson planning that a teacher need to consider?

Effective lesson planning is a critical aspect of teaching, and there are five important elements that teachers need to consider when creating lesson plans:

  1. Learning Objectives:
    • Clearly define what you want your students to learn or achieve by the end of the lesson. Learning objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). They serve as the foundation for the entire lesson.
  2. Instructional Activities:
    • Plan a sequence of activities and strategies that will help students meet the learning objectives. These activities should engage students, promote active learning, and vary in format to accommodate different learning styles. Consider how to introduce the topic, facilitate discussions, provide opportunities for practice, and assess understanding.
  3. Assessment and Feedback:
    • Determine how you will assess student understanding and progress throughout the lesson. Include both formative assessments (ongoing assessments during the lesson) and summative assessments (final evaluations). Consider quizzes, discussions, projects, or other assessment methods. Be prepared to provide timely and constructive feedback to guide student learning.
  4. Materials and Resources:
    • Identify the materials, resources, and technology needed for the lesson. This includes textbooks, handouts, multimedia presentations, online resources, and any props or equipment. Ensure that all necessary materials are accessible and organized before the lesson.
  5. Differentiation and Adaptation:
    • Recognize the diverse needs and abilities of your students and plan for differentiation. Think about how you can accommodate various learning styles, interests, and levels of readiness. Consider providing additional support for struggling students and extension activities for those who need more challenge. Be ready to adapt your lesson based on student responses and needs.

What to ask students on the first day of class

The first day of class is a crucial opportunity to set a positive tone, establish expectations, and begin building rapport with your students. Here are some questions you can ask your students on the first day to facilitate introductions, gauge their interests, and create a welcoming atmosphere:

  1. What is your name, and what do you prefer to be called? (This helps you address students by their preferred names.)
  2. What is something interesting or unique about yourself that you’d like to share with the class? (Encouraging students to share personal tidbits can help build connections among classmates.)
  3. Why did you choose to take this course/class? (This question helps you understand students’ motivations and expectations for the class.)
  4. What are your academic or personal goals for this semester/year? (Understanding students’ goals can guide your teaching approach and support their progress.)
  5. What do you hope to learn or achieve in this class? (This question helps you align your teaching objectives with students’ learning expectations.)
  6. What is your preferred learning style? Do you learn best through visuals, hands-on activities, discussions, or other methods? (This information can guide your teaching strategies to accommodate different learning styles.)
  7. Are there any specific topics or areas within this subject that you’re particularly interested in exploring? (This question allows you to tailor the curriculum to students’ interests when possible.)
  8. What previous experiences or knowledge do you bring to this class that you think might be relevant? (Understanding students’ prior knowledge can inform your instructional approach.)
  9. Do you have any concerns or questions about this class or the syllabus that you’d like to address today? (Encouraging students to voice concerns early helps create an open and supportive classroom environment.)
  10. Is there anything else you’d like me to know about you as a student or as an individual? (This open-ended question gives students the opportunity to share anything they feel is important.)

Remember to create a non-judgmental and inclusive atmosphere during these introductory discussions. Listen actively to students’ responses, validate their contributions, and express enthusiasm for their participation in the class. Building a positive classroom culture from day one sets the stage for a productive and engaging learning experience.

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What is the purpose of formal lesson planning for both the students and the teacher?

Formal lesson planning serves important purposes for both students and teachers, contributing to a more effective and organized learning experience:

For Students:

  1. Clarity of Objectives: Lesson plans outline clear learning objectives and outcomes. This clarity helps students understand what they are expected to learn by the end of the lesson.
  2. Structured Learning: A well-structured lesson plan provides a logical sequence of activities and content, making it easier for students to follow and comprehend the material.
  3. Engagement: Effective lesson plans often incorporate various teaching strategies and activities to engage students actively in the learning process. This keeps students interested and attentive.
  4. Differentiation: Lesson plans can include strategies for differentiation, allowing teachers to address the diverse needs, learning styles, and abilities of their students. This ensures that all students have the opportunity to learn and succeed.
  5. Assessment: Lesson plans include assessments and evaluation methods, helping students understand how their understanding and progress will be measured. This transparency can reduce anxiety and motivate students to perform well.
  6. Resources and Materials: Lesson plans list the necessary materials, resources, and technology tools, ensuring that students have access to the resources they need for learning.
  7. Consistency: Formal lesson planning promotes consistency in teaching. When teachers follow a structured plan, students can expect a consistent learning experience, regardless of the teacher’s mood or other external factors.

For Teachers:

  1. Organization: Lesson planning helps teachers organize their thoughts, content, and activities. It provides a roadmap for the class and reduces the likelihood of omitting important topics or concepts.
  2. Alignment with Objectives: Lesson plans ensure that teaching aligns with specific learning objectives and standards, helping teachers maintain focus on desired outcomes.
  3. Effective Use of Time: Lesson plans allocate time for various activities, allowing teachers to manage class time effectively and avoid rushing through content or running out of time.
  4. Reflection and Improvement: After teaching a lesson, teachers can review the lesson plan to reflect on what worked well and what needs improvement. This reflective practice is crucial for professional growth.
  5. Assessment and Feedback: Lesson plans include assessments and opportunities for feedback, helping teachers gauge student understanding and make timely adjustments to their teaching.
  6. Documentation: Lesson plans serve as documentation of what was taught and how it was taught. This documentation can be useful for future reference, communication with colleagues, or accountability purposes.
  7. Communication: Teachers can use lesson plans to communicate their teaching intentions with students, parents, and administrators. This transparency can lead to better collaboration and support.
  8. Legal and Accountability Requirements: In some educational settings, formal lesson planning may be required for legal or accountability reasons, ensuring that teachers meet curriculum and assessment standards.

Overall, formal lesson planning benefits both students and teachers by promoting organized, purposeful, and effective teaching and learning experiences. It provides a structured framework that supports educational goals and outcomes.

Why is it important to know your students background?

Knowing your students’ backgrounds is crucial for several reasons in an educational setting:

  1. Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity: Understanding your students’ cultural backgrounds allows you to create a more inclusive and welcoming classroom environment. It enables you to respect and celebrate the diversity of your students, fostering a sense of belonging for everyone.
  2. Personalization of Learning: Knowing your students’ backgrounds, interests, and experiences helps you tailor your teaching to their unique needs and preferences. This personalization can make learning more relevant and engaging for each student.
  3. Catering to Learning Styles: Students from different backgrounds may have varied learning styles and preferences. Being aware of these differences allows you to adapt your teaching methods to accommodate various learning styles, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to learn effectively.
  4. Language and Communication: Understanding the linguistic backgrounds of your students is essential for effective communication. It helps you identify potential language barriers and provides insights into how to support English language learners.
  5. Building Relationships: Learning about your students’ backgrounds helps you build stronger relationships with them. It shows that you care about their individual experiences and can lead to increased trust and rapport.
  6. Addressing Cultural Misconceptions: By knowing your students’ backgrounds, you can address and correct any cultural misconceptions or biases that may arise in the classroom. This promotes cultural sensitivity and respect among students.
  7. Supporting Diverse Needs: Students may come from various socioeconomic, educational, or family backgrounds. Understanding these differences can help you provide appropriate support and resources to address their specific needs.
  8. Conflict Resolution: Knowledge of students’ backgrounds can help you better understand potential sources of conflict or misunderstandings among students. This understanding can aid in conflict resolution and classroom management.
  9. Customized Instruction: When you know your students’ backgrounds, you can customize instruction to incorporate real-life examples, experiences, and cultural references that resonate with them, making learning more relatable and meaningful.
  10. Promoting Inclusivity: Awareness of students’ backgrounds enables you to create a curriculum that reflects diverse perspectives and experiences. This not only promotes inclusivity but also enriches the educational experience for all students.
  11. Supporting Emotional Well-Being: Understanding students’ backgrounds can provide insights into potential emotional challenges they may face, such as family dynamics or personal experiences. This knowledge can help you provide appropriate emotional support when needed.
  12. Parental Involvement: Knowledge of students’ backgrounds can facilitate communication and collaboration with parents and guardians. It allows for more effective parent-teacher relationships, which can benefit students’ overall development.

In summary, knowing your students’ backgrounds is a fundamental aspect of effective teaching. It helps create a culturally responsive and inclusive classroom, allows for personalized instruction, and fosters positive relationships with students. Ultimately, it contributes to a more supportive and enriching educational experience for all learners.

Conduct a cultural self-assessment. In order to understand culture and cultural diversity, it is important that you understand your own culture and heritage

Why is it important to know students and how they learn?

Knowing your students and understanding how they learn is of paramount importance in education for several compelling reasons:

  1. Personalization of Instruction: Every student is unique in their learning style, pace, and preferences. Knowing your students allows you to tailor your teaching methods, materials, and assessments to meet their individual needs. Personalized instruction increases student engagement and improves learning outcomes.
  2. Effective Differentiation: Recognizing how students learn best enables you to differentiate your instruction effectively. You can provide additional support or challenges as needed, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to succeed and grow.
  3. Motivation and Engagement: Understanding your students’ interests, strengths, and weaknesses helps you create lessons that resonate with them. Engaging lessons that align with their interests can motivate students to actively participate and invest in their learning.
  4. Reducing Frustration: When you know how your students learn, you can identify potential sources of frustration or obstacles they may encounter. This knowledge allows you to proactively address challenges and provide appropriate support.
  5. Effective Communication: Knowledge of your students’ learning preferences and communication styles enhances your ability to convey information clearly. It helps you choose the most suitable language, examples, and teaching strategies to facilitate understanding.
  6. Building Trust and Rapport: Taking the time to know your students demonstrates that you care about their individual growth and success. This fosters trust and rapport, creating a more positive and supportive classroom environment.
  7. Catering to Learning Styles: Different students may excel in visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or other learning styles. Recognizing these preferences allows you to incorporate a variety of teaching methods, ensuring that all learning styles are accommodated.
  8. Effective Assessment: Knowing your students’ strengths and areas of growth helps you design assessments that accurately measure their progress. You can use a mix of assessment methods that align with individual learning styles and abilities.
  9. Supporting Special Needs: For students with special needs or learning disabilities, understanding their specific challenges and requirements is essential for providing appropriate accommodations and support.
  10. Maximizing Learning Opportunities: By knowing how your students learn, you can identify and seize teachable moments. You can adapt lessons based on students’ questions, interests, and readiness, making learning more dynamic and effective.
  11. Creating a Positive Learning Experience: An understanding of your students’ learning styles and preferences allows you to create a positive, student-centered learning experience. When students feel that their needs are considered, they are more likely to enjoy the learning process.
  12. Continuous Improvement: As you gather insights into how your students learn, you can continuously refine your teaching strategies and techniques. This commitment to improvement benefits both current and future students.

In conclusion, knowing your students and how they learn is fundamental to effective teaching. It enables you to provide personalized, engaging, and supportive instruction that maximizes student success and fosters a lifelong love of learning.

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