13 Types of Book Review: The Complete List Explained

In one of our posts in this category, we showed you how to write a book review from scratch. Before you get started, though, it’s important to know the different types of book review your instructor would want you to work on.

That’s what we look at in this guide.

Let’s get started.

What is a Book Review? 

A book review a critical analysis that provides details on recently published works, including a brief synopsis of the book’s main concepts such as its plot and characters. 

The review includes a succinct summary of the book’s strengths and weaknesses to offer a comprehensive assessment from the reviewer to the author.

Book reviews offer readers a range of perspectives on a book’s merits and flaws, helping them to decide whether to read it or not.

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Types of Book Review Explained

The following are the types of book reviews you should know about and write based on the review format that we’ve already talked about:

1. Endorsements Book Reviews

Endorsements can be powerful tools to use before publishing a book. Authors can share their manuscript, complete or not, with a well-known individual in their field and request a short review.

These endorsements primarily work for non-fiction and business books, providing authority from the outset.

2. Trade Reviews

Trade reviews are reviews that are mainly appealing to librarians and booksellers.

Trade reviews have two substantial downsides: they charge for book reviews, and they do not guarantee a positive review. However, they are the most trusted speakers in the publishing industry.

If an author wants to promote their book to retailers or feature it in the library, the best place to start is with trade reviews. These companies list reviewed books on their website, and many readers follow such reviews.

3. Reader Reviews

Reader reviews are feedback written by readers who bought and read a published book. These reviews can be negative or positive and could be from anyone.

An example of where to find reader reviews is Goodreads.

The platform has less stringent measures, allowing friends to follow each other’s book reviews and reading progress.

4. Editorial Reviews

Editorial reviews are third-party reviews, such as an article or blog, from a professional entity that does not publish books. Examples include freelancing bloggers, news reporters, or magazines.

Editorial reviews can be paid or done free.

5. Fiction Book Review

A review of a work of fiction typically involves a critical analysis of recently published or revised novels, short stories, legends, and fairy tales.

Such reviews provide details about the book’s central characters, key plot points, and settings, while also assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the narrative and its themes, as well as the author’s writing style.

6. Student Book Review

Student book reviews encourage students to develop their own opinions on an author’s ideas, usually by working through worksheets that pose a series of questions.

These reviews represent a form of literary criticism that evaluates an author’s ideas, writing techniques, and overall work quality. Opinion-based analyses that are relevant to the book’s content, they serve as a valuable exercise for students aspiring to become editors or literary critics.

7. Professional Book Review

Professional book reviews are crafted by experts and it critics who work for reputable institutions such as magazines, newspapers, blogs, online publications, and paid services agencies.

These reviewers possess a strong background in book writing, which enables them to produce high-quality reviews that often appear on the front pages of major news outlets. Many booksellers also rely on professional book reviews to make informed recommendations.

8. Short Book Review

You can find short book reviews on blogs and online review platforms, providing an overview of books and authors, a brief synopsis, and a concise analysis.

These reviews highlight the essential information that helps readers decide whether to read the book based on the reviewer’s commentary.

It’s important to ensure that the review is unbiased, including both the author’s strengths and weaknesses in effectively conveying their message.

9. Blank Book Review

A blank book review serves as a template for constructing a critical analysis of a book, covering its general information, subject, and theme.

It guides reviewers, particularly those who are new to the process, in creating an impartial review.

Moreover, it provides an opportunity for individuals to hone their analytical and critical thinking skills by applying the blank book review to different genres.

10. Poetry Book Review

When writing a poetry book review, the focus is on providing a critical analysis of a collection of poetry by a single poet or a group of poets. The review delves into the genre of the poems, as well as how the authors convey their emotions through each verse.

To organize their thoughts, reviewers may use a graphic organizer or chart, especially if there are multiple perspectives to consider.

11. Academic Book Review

Academic book reviews, also known as scholarly book reviews, are in scholarly journals written by academic scholars.

These reviews serve multiple purposes, including educating other academics about the book’s quality and objectives while explaining how the book fits into existing literature. Reviews are crucial resources that help other scholars determine whether to read or purchase the book.

12. Simple Book Review

A simple book review discusses a specific book, highlighting its main idea, characters, and genre. The book review highlights the individual’s ability to comprehend and grasp the book’s contents while evaluating the author’s arguments and issues raised.

Writing a book review of this kind is similar to writing an essay, as it requires presenting evidence and organizing the information in a clear and structured manner.

13. University Book Review

University book reviews are assignments or projects that university students receive from their professors, focusing on analyzing a particular text and writing an evaluation of its content.

The document should include an introduction that provides details such as the author’s name, book title, genre, and characters. A comprehensive analysis to identify the main ideas is also essential, followed by an overall assessment of the book’s quality.

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